柳葆生 教授


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    成志强教授,研究所所长。 2001-2005年,西南交通大学与Franche-Comte大学联合培养材料成形方向双学位博士;2007年,受香港K.C. Wong基金资助在法国FEMTO-ST国家实验室从事为期一年的博士后研究,研究方向为微细金属注射成形





    1.     与法国Franche-Comte大学有长期的合作关系,和Jean-Claude GELIN教授,Thierry BARRIERE教授联合培养博士研究生。

    2.     与法国ENSMM高等微技术学院有长期的合作关系,长期接受并指导该校研究生从事学位论文研究。

    3.     与法国Evry大学有长期稳定的合作关系。

    4.     与法国ESI公司成立联合材料成形研究中心,从事压铸、焊接和冲压模拟的研究。

    5.    与国内研究院所、企业有广泛的合作关系。




    1.     国家自然科学基金面上项目:微细金属注射成形注射工艺及粉末偏析的理论和实验研究。(2008-2010年)

    2.     国家自然科学基金面上项目:金属材料超高周疲劳损伤微观机理研究。(2009-2011年)

    3.     铁道部重大项目子课题:京沪高速铁路声屏障气动力作用技术措施试验研究。(2008-2010年)

    4.     石油钻采工程项目:气举阀的特性试验。(2009年)

    5.    教育部博士点基金项目:金属蜂窝挤压成形、烧结的数值模拟与实验研究。(2012-2014)



  • 论文成果



    [1]     T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Experimental and numerical investigations on the properties and quality of parts produced by MIM, Powder Metallurgy, 44, 3, 2001, 228-234.

    [2]     T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Analysis of phase segregation effects arising in fluid-particle flows during metal injection molding, Int. J. of Forming Process, Vol.4, N.3-4, 2001, 199-216

    [3]     T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Experimental and numerical analyses of powder segregation in metal injection moulding, Metal Powder Report, N.5, 2002, 30-33.

    [4]     T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Improving mould design and injection parameters in metal injection moulding by accurate 3D finite element simulation, J. of Materials Processing and Technology, Vol. 125-126, 2002, 518-524.

    [5]     J.C. Gelin, T. Barriere, B. Liu, Mould design methods by experiment and numerical simulation in metal injection molding, J. of Engineering Manufacture, Part B, Vol.216, N.12, 2002, 1533-1547.

    [6]     T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Determination of the optimal parameters in metal injection molding from experiments and numerical modeling, J. of Materials Processing and Technology, Vol.143-144, 2003, 636-644

    [7]     Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, An Efficient Vectorized Approach for the Simulation of 3D Processes in Metal Injection Molding, J. of Steel and Grid materials, 2, 2004, Suppl. Metal Forming 2004, 687-692

    [8]     J. Song, J.C. Gelin, T. Barriere, B. Liu, Experiments and numerical modelling of solid state sintering for 316L stainless steel components, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177(2006), 352–355

    [9]     Zhiqiang Cheng, Thierry Barriere, Baosheng Liu, Jean-Claude Gelin, Gerard Michel, Experimental investigation of micro injection molding and relevant numerical simulations in 3D case, International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 1, 55–60 (2007)

    [10]  G. Ayad, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, J. Song, B. Liu, Sequential and global optimization in powder injection molding, process, Editions Lavoisier, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 17/n-7, 2008, pp.843-855.

    [11]   Z. Cheng, B. Liu, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, The Bi-phase simulation of co-injection in powder injection molding, Int. J. Mater. Form., 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 695-698.

    [12]  Zhiqiang Cheng, Thierry Barriere, Baosheng Liu, Jean-Claude Gelin, A new explicit simulation for injection molding and its validation, Polymer Engineering & Science, Volume 49, Issue 6, Date: June 2009, Pages: 1243-1252

    [13]   J. Song, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT - Powder Injection Molding of Metal and Ceramic Hip Implants, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, Vol.45, No.3, 2009, pp.25-35

    [14]  J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, M. Gerard, Experimental and numerical analysis on the sintering behaviours of injection moulded components in 316L stainless steel powder, Powder Metallurgy, Vol.53, No.4, 2010, pp. 295-304

    [15]  Larsen, G., Cheng, Z.Q., Barriere, T., Liu, B.S., Gelin, J.C. and Laydi, M.R. Modelling and numerical simulation of biphasic fluid flow, Steel Research International, Vol.81, Issue.9, 2010: 1458-1461.

    [16]  Cheng Zhiqiang, Barriere Thierry, Liu Baosheng, Gelin Jean-Claude, A vectorial algorithm with finite element method for prediction of powder segregation in metal injection molding, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, v 70, n 10, p 1290-1304, December 10, 2012





    [17]  柳葆生,王金诺,张质文,箱形龙门起重机金属结构系统的优化设计,起重运输机械,N.4, 1985

    [18]  柳葆生,王金诺,用差分法计算液压汽车起重机伸缩臂的挠度及弯矩,西南交通大学学报,N.3, 1986

    [19]  王金诺,柳葆生,张质文,张永生,125吨液压汽车起重机箱形伸缩臂足尺静力破坏试验研究,西南交通大学学报,增刊,1986, 149-161

    [20]  柳葆生,濮德章,王金诺,桥式起重机金属结构系统优化设计,铁道装卸搬运,N.1, 1987

    [21]  谭永涛,王金诺,柳葆生,非交互式绘图系统在起重机金属结构设计中的应用,起重运输机械,N.5, 1987

    [22]  王金诺,柳葆生,张质文,125吨液压汽车起重机箱形伸缩臂足尺静力破坏试验,起重运输机械,N.8, 1988

    [23]  柳葆生,无加筋管材珩架节点的计算,起重运输机械,Total 227, N.1, 1994, 3-7

    [24]  柳葆生,王金诺,汽车起重机伸缩臂滑块作用处局部应力的计算,起重运输机械, Total 231, N.5, 1994, 14-19

    [25]  柳葆生,  P. Bussy,  P. Vauchez,金属板件冲压过程的数值模拟,西南交通大学学报, Vol.29, N.5, 1994, 500-505B.S. Liu, P. Bussy, P.Vauchez, The numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, Vol.29, N.5, 1994, 500-505

    [26]  柳葆生用大时间增量方法求解板件冲压过程的数值模拟中国机械工程, Vol.5, 学刊, 1994, 79-82 B.S. Liu, The numerical simulation of sheet forming processes with the large increment method, Chinese Mechanical Engineering, Vol.5, Special Edition, 1994, 79-82

    [27]  柳葆生冲压模拟优化算法与板-模关系处理西南交通大学学报,  Vol.30, N.1, 1995, 40-45B.S. Liu, An optimized algorithm for sheet forming process simulation and its treatment of sheet-model relations, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, Vol.30, N.1, 1995, 40-45

    [28]  柳葆生,工字形眩杆与管腹杆连接节点的计算,起重运输机械 , Total 240, N.2, 1995, 7-11

    [29]  柳葆生, P. Bussy, 冲压过程模拟的接触与摩擦关系数值方法固体力学学报, Vol.16, N.1, 1995, 74-78B.S. Liu, P. Bussy, The numerical method of contact and friction relations in the simulation of forming process, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol.16, N.1, 1995, 74-78

    [30]  刘渝,柳葆生,板件成形时绕角力的分析,航空工艺技术,N.4, 1995, 40-41

    [31]  刘渝,柳葆生,筒形件拉深力的计算,锻压机械,Vol.31, N.1, 1996, 39-40

    [32]  柳葆生,陈大鹏,刘渝,成形过程数值模拟的非增量时空算法应用数学与力学,Vol.17, N.11, 1996, 961-968

    [33]  Liu Baosheng, Chen Dapeng, Liu Yu, A non-incremental time-space algorithm for numerical simulation of forming process, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), Vol.17, N.11, 1996, 1021-1029

    [34]  柳葆生,刘渝,成形模拟非增量算法中的接触与摩擦计算力学学报, Vol.14, 增刊, 1997, 375 -378

    [35]  刘渝、柳葆生、陈大鹏,基于最优控制变分原理的有限变形问题非增量算法,西南交通大学学报,Vol.32, N.5, 1997, 489-496

    [36]  刘渝、柳葆生、陈大鹏,圆柱形模具中金属板条弯曲成形过程模拟,西南交通大学学报, Vol.32, N.6, 1997, 611-615

    [37]  柳葆生,刘渝,非增量算法张量时空表达及在成形模拟中的应用,自然科学进展,Vol.8, N.2, 1998, 167-174Liu Baosheng, Liu Yu, Tensorial time-space presentation on non-incremental algorithm and its application for simulation of forming process, Progress in Natural Science, Vol.8, N.2, 1998, 159-169

    [38]  Liu Baosheng, Liu Yu, Tensorial time-space presentation on non-incremental algorithm and its application for simulation of forming process, Progress in Natural Science (English Edition), Vol.8N. 21998, 159-169

    [39]      刘渝,柳葆生,陈大鹏, 非增量算法中弹塑性材料本构算法,西南交通大学学报, Vol.33, N.1, 1998, 57-60(Y. Liu, B.S. Liu, D.P. Chen, An algorithm for elasto-plastic material in new non-incremental method, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, Vol.33, N.1, 1998, 57-60

    [40]  柳葆生,刘渝,成形过程数值模拟的张量时空求解策略,计算力学学报,Vol.15, N.1, 1998, 21-31B.S. Liu, Y. Liu, A strategy of tensorial time-space algorithm for numerical simulation of forming process, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol.15, N.1, 1998, 21-31.

    [41]  Y. Liu, B. S. Liu, A computational method on process optimal control for finite deformation problems, Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics (English edition), Vol. 11, N.4, 1998, 307-317

    [42]  刘渝,柳葆生,有限变形问题过程最优控制算法固体力学学报, Vol.20, N.1, 1999, 46-53

    [43]  B.S. Liu, J.C. Gelin, O. Ghouati, On a new algorithm for numerical simulation of inner hydroforming, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, Vol. 7, N.2, 1999, 209-217

    [44]  柳葆生,刘渝,成形模拟非增量算法的张量时间函数预求法,塑性工程学报,Vol.6, N.2, 1999, 17-25B.S. Liu, Y. Liu, A predetermination method of tensorial time function in non-incremental algorithm for forming process simulation, Journal of Plasticity Engineering, Vol.6, N.2, 1999, 17-25.

    [45]  B. Liu, T. Barrière, J.C. Gelin, An New Explicit Algorithm for Bi-Phasic Mixture flow in MIM, J. of Southwest Jiatong University (English Edition), Vol.10 (2), 2002, 152-160.

    [46]  柳葆生,Barriere Th, Gelin J C. 金属注射成形的数值模拟和高效算法中国机械工程,200213 (22), 1907-1910 (Numerical simulation of metal injection molding and efficient algorithm, China Mechanical Engineering, Vol.13, 2002, 1907-1910)

    [47]  B.S. Liu, T. Barrière, J.C. Gelin, Bi-phasic simulation of metal injection moulding: Constitutive determinations, J. of Southwest Jiaotong University (English Edition), Vol.11 (2), 2003, 122-130.

    [48]  成志强,柳葆生,辜志宏,用液压胀形技术加工旋流器锥管的讨论,石油机械,Vol.31, N.11, 2003, 27-29 (Machining conical tube on hydrocyclone with hydraulic high - pressure inner forming technique, China Petroleum Machinery, 31 (11), 2003, 27-29

    [49]  成志强,T. Barriere, 柳葆生, J.C. Gelin, 模腔注射填充的全矢量显式算法,西南交通大学学报,Vol.39, N.2, 2004, 181-184, 208 (Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Fully vectorial and explicit algorithm for mould filling, J. of Southwest Jiaotong University (Chinese Edition), Vol.39, N.2, 2004, 181-184, 208)

    [50]  Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, A New Explicit Simulation for Mould Filling with High Viscous Feedstock, Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics (English edition), Vol.17, N.4, 2004, 347-352

    [51]  成志强,T. Barriere, 柳葆生, J.C. Gelin, 基于全矢量显式算法注射填充软件的研究与开发,应用力学学报,Vol.22, N.2, 2005, 175-179 (Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Research and development of a simulation solver with fully vectorial explicit algorithm for injection molding, Journal of Applied Mechanics (Chinese Edition) , Vol.22, N.2, 2005, 175-179)

    [52]  成志强,T. Barriere, 柳葆生, J.C. Gelin, 基于全矢量显式算法的双相流填充的数值模拟,中国铁道科学 (A fully vectorial and explicit algorithm for numerical simulation of the Bi-phasic filling flow, China Railway Science, Chinese Edition), Vol.26, N.2-3, 2005, 54-58

    [53]  范小欣,柳葆生王呼佳金属注射成形偏析模拟中两相流粘度的确定,西南交通大学学报,Vol.40, Sup., Nov. 2005, 127-134 (X. X. Fan, B. S. Liu, H. J. Wang, Determination of the viscosity for bi-phase flow of simulation in MIM, J. of Southwest Jiaotong University (Chinese Edition), Vol.40, Sup., Nov. 2005, 127-134)

    [54]  王呼佳,M. Feldic, 柳葆生,机车直流电机换向器的装配力学分析,西南交通大学学报,Vol.41, Sup., Jun. 2006, 113-115

    [55]  成志强, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J C,基于实体流模型的注塑成形高效模拟及实验验证,中国塑料,Vol.20, N.5, 2006, 53-58 (Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Highly efficient simulation for mould filling of injection moulding based on solid flow model and relevant experimental investigation, China Plastics, Vol.20, N.5, 2006, 53-58)

    [56]  B.S. Liu, X.X. Fan, Z.Q. Chen, Phase Behaviors in Bi-phase Simulation of Powder Segregation in Metal Injection Molding, J. of Southwest Jiaotong University (English Edition), Vol.14 (4), 2006, 363-371.

    [57]  柳葆生,用于锻压模拟的动力项调整准逆算法,重庆工学院学报,Vol.21, N.2, 2007, 1-5

    [58]  宋久鹏, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J C, 升温速率对氧化铝粉末烧结行为的影响,材料导报,Vol.21, N.3, 2007, 144-146

    [59]  成志强,T. Barriere, 柳葆生, J.C. Gelin, 模腔注射模拟显式算法中对流项作用的评估,西南交通大学学报,Vol.44, N.2, 2007, 442-446

    [60]  宋久鹏, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J C, MIM零件烧结过程中收缩和变形的数值模拟,机械科学与技术,Vol.26, N.8, 2007, 1045-1049

    [61]  侯延辉,成志强,冯威潮,柳葆生,Procast 在铸造缩孔预测及其优化中的应用,中国水运,Vol.7, No.03, 2007, 67-69

    [62]  陈丹丹,柳葆生,刘渝,复杂覆盖件拉延工艺的数值模拟和实测验证,西南交通大学学报,Vol.42, Sup., Nov. 2007, 135-138

    [63]  陈丹丹,柳葆生,刘渝,王安兵,复杂覆盖件拉延变形过程研究,塑性工程学报,Vol.15, No.3, 2008, 13-17

    [64] 钟叙,柳葆生,侯延辉,汽车电喷门体压铸数值模拟及试验验证,四川大学学报(工程科学版),Vol.40, supp,2008, 136-139

    [65] 韩志刚,柳葆生,颜书毅,薄壁结构点焊组装的回弹分析方法,四川大学学报(工程科学版),Vol.40, supp,2008, 127-129

    [66] 宋久鹏, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J.C., 金属注射成形烧结工艺的试验与数值模拟,机械工程学报, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 8, 152-158.

    [67] 宋久鹏, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J.C., 氧化铝陶瓷粉末固相烧结模型参数的试验标定,西南交通大学学报, 2008, Vol. 43, No. 2, 273-279.

    [68] 宋久鹏, Barriere T, 柳葆生, Gelin J.C., 粉末注射成形中偏析效应及其影响的数值模拟,应用力学学报, 2008, Vol. 25, No. 1, 23-27

    [69] 柳葆生,宋久鹏,陈志强,粉末注射成形研究和国际合作,重庆工学院学报,2009,Vol. 21, No. 11, 31-37

    [70] 韩志刚,柳葆生,颜书毅,成志强,薄壁结构点焊组装回弹分析,重庆工学院学报,2009,Vol.23, No.5, 136-140

    [71] 成志强, BARRIERE T, 柳葆生,GELIN J C,微注射成形实验与数值模拟,西南交通大学学报, 2010,Vol.45,04:635-638

    [72] 成志强,QUINARD C,BARRIERE T,柳葆生,GELIN J C,316L注射料在不同孔径毛细管下的粘性行为,机械工程学报,Vol.46, No.12, 2010, 43-47

    [73] 宋久鹏,Barriere Thierry,柳葆生,Gelin Jean-Claude,316L不锈钢粉末注射成形件的烧结致密化行为,材料科学与工艺,2010,Vol.18, No.3,330-334

    [74] 石建军,成志强,柳葆生,微注射成形中表面张力效应的数值模拟,应用力学学报,Vol.27, No.4,2010,723-727

    [75] 石建军,成志强,柳葆生. 注射成形填充模拟的修正算法,西南交通大学学报, Vol.47, No 6, 2012, 962-967.

    [76] 王言聿,成志强,柳葆生,王跃增,基于Fluent软件的二次开发计算气举阀流量,石油机械,03期,2012,72-75,





    [77]  柳葆生,理论力学英语教学实践与总结,西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.6, Supp., 2005, 33-36

    [78]  柳葆生,建设开放环境,推进力学基础课程双语教学,西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.7, Supp., 2006, 32-35

    [79]  柳葆生,成志强,宋久鹏,创建开放环境,联合培养中外研究生,西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.7, Supp., 2006, 75-78

    [80]  柳葆生,力学课程双语教学的师资培训,西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.8, 综合卷, 2007, 89-93

    [81]  柳葆生,沈火明,力学课程双语教学的条件、要求和人文环境,教育理论与实践,Vol.27, 专刊,2007, 183-185

    [82]  柳葆生,成志强,力学教育的本土化与国际化,西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.12, ZK, 2011, 27-31





    [83]  T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Recent Advances in the modelling of the molding stage in Metal Injection Molding, 2nd European Symposium on Powder Injection Molding, Munich, Germany, October 2000, Ed. by E.P.M.A., 129-136.

    [84]  J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, T. Barriere, Modeling and simulation of the injection of loaded thermoplastics mixtures, Application in metal injection molding, 3rd ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Ed. H.G. Fritz, Institut fur Kunststofftechnologie, Uniservitat Stuttgart, April 2000, 43-47.

    [85]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Experimental exploitation and new simulation method for metal injection moulding, 5th ESAFORM International Conference on Material Forming, Ed. by M. Pietrzyk, Z. Mituraand J. Kaczmar, Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, April 14-17 2002, Mini-Symposium 6 - Innovative Powder Forming Processes, 331-334.




    [86]  P. Bussy, B.S. Liu, P. Vauchez, Numerical simulation of metal forming processes: The large time increment method. In: Doltsinis I S, eds. Second World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Stuttgart: International Association of Computational Mechanics, 1990, 834-837

    [87]  Bussy P, Liu B, Vauchez P. New algorithm for numerical simulation of metal forming process. In. ChenotJ L, eds. The 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. Sophia-Antipolis France: NUMIFORM'92, 1992, 433-438

    [88]  T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Explicit finite element simulation of fluid-particle flows in metal injection molding, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 11-14 September 2000, CDROM, 1-11.

    [89]  J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, C. Labergere, Stable and accurate algorithms for simulation of deep drawing and tube hydroforming processes, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 11-14 September 2000, CDROM.

    [90]  P. Paquier, B. Liu and J.C. Gelin, on the development of a new algorithms for the numerical simulation of forging processes, 3rd Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Ed. H.G. Fritz, Institut fur Kunststofftechnologie, Uniservitat Stuttgart, April 2000, 39-42.

    [91]  J.C. Gelin, T. Barriere, B. Liu, Modeling of the injection of loaded thermoplastic mixtures with application in metal injection molding, MET SOC, Mathematical Modeling in Metals, Processing and Manufacturing, Ed. by Martin P. and al., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 20-23 2000, CDROM, 1-14.

    [92]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Explicit finite element simulation of mould filling in metal injection molding, Metal Forming 2000, Poland, Ed. by M. Pietrzyk et al., Balkema Publ., 2000, 179-184.

    [93]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, A new explicit algorithm for the finite element simulation of fluid-particle flows in metal injection molding, 7th Int. Conf. in Numerical Methods in Forming Processes, NUMIFORM 2001, Tayohashi, Japan, Ed. by Mori, June 2001, 325-330.

    [94]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Analysis of phase segregation effects arising in fluid-particle flows during metal injection molding, 4th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Ed. by University of Liége, Belgium, Vol.I, 2001, 35-38.

    [95]  T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Determination of the optimal parameters in metal injection molding from experiments and numerical modeling, AMPT, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Madrid, Spain, September 2001, CDROM.

    [96]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Experimental and numerical analyses of powder segregation in metal injection moulding, EuroPM 2001, European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy, Nice, Ed. by EPMA, November 2001, Vol.3, 117-122.

    [97]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Effects of process and material parameters on segregation and defects in metal injection molding, PIM 2002, USA, Ed. by R.M. German, Penn State University Press, 2002, 1-18.

    [98]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Recent advances in modelling and simulation of metal injection molding, 7th ICTP International Conference on technology of Plasticity, Ed. by M. Kiuchi, H. Nishimura, J. Yanagimoto, October 2-31, 2002, Yokohama, Japan, Vol.2, 1351-1356.

    [99]  T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, FE Simulation and experiments for the design of parts produced by metal injection moulding, 9th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Advances in Concurrent Engineering, Cranfield, United Kingdom, July 2002, Ed. by R. Roy, R.J. Goncalves and A.S. Garcao, 2002, 289-296.

    [100]    T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, P. Dvorak, B. Liu, Experimental analyses and modeling of processing defects in powder injection molding, PIM 2003, USAEd. by R.M. German, Penn State University Press, 2003, 1-18.

    [101]    T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, P. Dvorak, B. Liu, Influence of material and process parameters on jetting during CIM: experiments and simulation, PM2TEC, USA, Las Vegas, Part 8, 2003, 75-81.

    [102]    Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, A fully explicit vectorial algorithm for 3D simulation of the Metal Injection Moulding, 6th ESAFORM, Mini-symposia 16: New advanced and numerical strategies informing process simulation, Salerno, Italy, 2003, 643-646

    [103]    T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, P. Dvorak, B. Liu, Experimental characterization of jetting phenomena in powder injection molding, Supplied by the British Library – “The world’s knowledge” www.bl.uk, Part.8, 75-81

    [104]    Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Bi-phasic simulation of metal injection moulding with a fully explicit algorithm, 7th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Trondheim - Norway, April 28-30 2004, Ed. by S. Storen, NTNU Press, 57-60, 2004.

    [105]    Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Simulation of Mould Filling and Phase Segregation in Powder Injection Molding with a Fully Explicit Vectorial Algorithm, 8th Int. Conf. Numiform 2004, The Ohio State University - Columbus - USA, June 14-17 2004, Ed. by S.K. Gosh, J.M. Castro and S.K. Lee, In Material Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2004, 1277-1282.

    [106]    Z. Cheng , T. Barriere, B. Liu, J. C. Gelin, Fully Vectorial Algorithm for PIM Simulation with Mixture Theory, Computational Mechanics, Proceeding CD-ROM of WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag

    [107]    G. Ayad, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, J. Song, B. Liu, D. Renault, Optimization of the PIM process: Segregation in injection and the parameters for sintering simulation, Proceedings of the first invited COST 526 conference on automatic process optimization in material technology, Morschach, Switzerland, 30-31 May 2005, 164-173

    [108]    J. Song, G. Ayad, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, D. Renault, Modelling, simulation and identification of the solid state sintering after metal injection moulding, 8th ESAFORM Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Proceedings of the 8th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, 27-28 April 2005, Ed. by Pr. D. Banabic, Vol.1, 2005, 171-174.

    [109]    Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Vectorial Algorithm for Bi-phasic Simulation of the Powder Segregation in Metal Injection Moulding, 8th ESAFORM Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Proceedings of the 8th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, 27-28 April 2005, Ed. by Pr. D. Banabic, Vol. 2, 2005, 909-912.

    [110]    B. Liu, T. Barriere, Z. Cheng, J.C Gelin, The bi-phase simulation of segregation in MIM and phase behaviours, ICTP 2005, International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, 9-13 October, Verona, Italy, Paper N.248, 2005.

    [111]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Modelling and identification of physical and process parameters in solid state sintering of metallic powders after injection moulding, Ed. By Neal Juster and AndrzejRosochowski, ESAFORM 2006, The 9th International Conference on Material Forming, Glasgow, United Kingdom, April 26-28, 2006, 55-58

    [112]    J. C. Gelin, T. Barriere, J. Song, B. Liu, Experimental Investigations and Numerical Modeling of the Sintering Process for 316L Stainless Steel MIM Components, PIM 2006, Ed. by R.M. German, International Conference on Powder Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides, Tampa, Florida, USA, March 20-22, 2006, 19-36

    [113]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, FE Simulation on Uneven Shrinkage and Distortion in Sintering of MIM Green Parts in 316L Stainless Steel Powders, Euro PM 2006 Congress & Exhibition Proceedings, Volume 2, Powder Injection Moulding, International Convention Center, Ghent, Belguim, 23-25 October 2006, 11-16

    [114]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Numerical predictions on the final properties of metal injection moulded components after sintering process, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.907, 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain, 18-20 April 2007, 39-46

    [115]    G. Ayad, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, J. Song, B. Liu, Optimal design of material and process parameters in powder injection molding, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.907, 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain, 18-20 April 2007, 1518-1523

    [116]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Numerical Simulation of Sintering Process in Ceramic Powder Injection Moulded Components, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM '07, Edited by J. M. A. César de Sá and Abel D. Santos, Porto, Portugal 17-21 June 2007, 1111-1116

    [117]    G. Ayad, J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, A Fully Coupled Simulation and Optimization Scheme for the Design of 3D Powder Injection Molding Processes, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM '07, Edited by J. M. A. César de Sá and Abel D. Santos, Porto, Portugal 17-21 June 2007, 507-512

    [118]    C. Quinard, T. Barrière, J.C. Gelin, J.P. Song, Z.Q. Cheng, B.S. Liu, Development of Metal/Polymer Mixtures Dedicated to Macro and Micro powder Injection Moulding : Experiments and Simulations, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM '07, Edited by J. M. A. César de Sá and Abel D. Santos, Porto, Portugal 17-21 June 2007, 1099-1104

    [119]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Experimental and numerical analysis on the densification behaviours of metal injection moulded components, Euro PIM2007 Proceedings Vol.2, Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition, Pierre Baudis Congress Centre, Toulouse, France, 15-17 October 2007, 151-156

    [120]    J. Song, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Numerical analysis of the powder-binder segregation effects in the metal injection moulded components, Metal Forming Conference 2008, Steel Research International 79 (2008), Special Edition, Vol. 2, pp. 528-535.

    [121]    C. Quinard, Z. Cheng, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Viscous behaviour and critical channel size of 316L stainless feedstock tested by micro capillary dies, Steel Research International 79 (2008), Special Edition, Vol. 2, pp. 536-543.

    [122]    Z.G. Han, B.S. Liu, Z.Q. Cheng, Prediction of distortion in spot welding assembly, Transferability and applicability of current mechanics approaches, Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity, East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2009, 539-544

    [123]    Larsen, G., Cheng, Z.Q., Barriere, T., Liu, B.S., Gelin, J.C.: A Streamline-Upwind Model for Filling Front Advection in Powder Injection Moulding, NUMIFORM 2010: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes Dedicated to Professor O. C. Zienkiewicz (1921-2009). AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1252, pp. 545-552 (2010). (ISTP)

    [124]    Larsen, G., Cheng, Z.Q., Barriere, T., Liu, B.S., Gelin, J.C., Particle-polymer Interactions Analysis For Metal Powder Injection Molding Feedstock: A Molecular-dynamics Simulation With Dissipative Particle Dynamics Using ESPResSo, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1353, 2011, 109-114

    [125]    Larsen, G., Cheng, Z.Q., Barriere, T., Liu, B.S., Gelin, J.C., Simulation Of Micro Injection MouldingWith Emphasis On The Formulation Of Feedstock Viscosity: Use Of Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics For The Determination Of Viscosity Of Multi-body Fluid, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1353, 2011, 714-719

    [126]    Zhiqiang Cheng, Cedric Quinard, Xiangji Kong, Thierry Barriere, Baosheng Liu, Jean Claude Gelin, Viscous Behaviours of Feedstocks for Micro MIM, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 314-316 (2011), 713-718




    [127]    P. Bussy, B. liu, Utilisation de la methode a grand increment de temps pour la simulation numerique de l'emboutissage, In. J. Lemaitre, 10e Congres Francais de Mecanique, Paris, 1991, 125-129

    [128]    T. Barrière, J.C. Gelin et B. Liu, Expérimentation, simulation et optimisation de la phase d’injection en moulage par injection de poudres métalliques, Colloque sur les innovations dans les matériaux frittés, SF2M, Poitiers, 3-5 juillet 2001, Ed. par GFC et SF2M, 2001, III.(2), 1-6.

    [129]    T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Expérimentations, Modélisation et Simulations Numériques du Moulage par Injection métalliques, 15ieme Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nancy, septembre 2001, n° 411, CDROM, 1-6.

    [130]    J. Song, G. Ayad, T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, D. Renault, Modelling, simulation and identification of the solid state sintering after ceramic injection moulding, 7ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 17-20 Mai 2005, Giens (Var), France, Vol.2, 395-400

    [131]    T. Barriere, G. Ayad, J.C. Gelin, J. Song, B. Liu, Optimisation des étapes du procédé de moulage par injection de poudres métalliques ou céramiques, MATERIAUX 2006 13-17 Novembre 2006 – Dijon, France




    [132]    T. Barriere, J.C. Gelin, B. Liu, Experimental and numerical analyses of powder segregation in metal injection moulding, EuroPM2001, European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy, Nice, Ed. by EPMA and SF2M, November 2001, Vol. 3, 117-122.

    [133]    P. Dvorak, T. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin, Experiments in Metal Injection Molding, Europm2002, European Conference on Advances in Hard Materials Production, Ed. by EPMA, Hard Materials Proceedings, October 7-9th, 2002, 191-195.





    [134]    柳葆生,刘渝,冲压模拟新算法的空间函数正交化,西南(唐山)交通大学百周年校庆论文集(应用理科分册),西南交通大学出版社,成都, 1996, 140-144

    [135]    刘渝,柳葆生,陈大鹏,杯-杆型复合挤压过程数值模拟,西南(唐山)交通大学百周年校庆论文集(研究生学术论文选集),西南交通大学出版社,成都, 1996: 357-361

    [136]    刘渝,柳葆生,陈大鹏,筒形件最大拉伸力计算,西南(唐山)交通大学百周年校庆论文集(研究生学术论文选集),西南交通大学出版社,成都, 1996, 362-364

    [137]    柳葆生, J. C. Gelin, O. Ghouati, 一种用于内压外模成形数值模拟的新算法中国科协第三届青年学术年会四川卫星会议专辑,四川科学技术出版社,成都, 1998

    [138]    柳葆生,理论力学英语教学实践与总结,高等学校双语教学研讨会,中国杭州,20041217-18

    [139]    柳葆生建设开放环境推进力学基础课程双语教学,高等学校双语教学研讨会,中国苏州,2006418-19

    [140]    宋久鹏,Th. Barriere, B. Liu, J.C. Gelin,金属粉末烧结工艺的实验和数值模拟,全国博士生学术论坛论文摘要集,大连理工大学,July200681CD page 1-8

    [141]    柳葆生,沈火明,力学课程双语教学的条件、要求和人文环境,第二届全国高等学校双语教学研讨会,广州华南理工大学,2007510-13, 731-733

    [142]    钟叙,石建军,成志强,柳葆生,摩擦对316L不锈钢粉末烧结尺寸变化的影响,断裂与疲劳及结构安全性评定,主编:康国政,杨翊仁,西南交通大学出版社,2009pp. 91-94





    [143]    宋久鹏, T. Barrière, 柳葆生, J.C. Gelin316L 不锈钢粉末注射成形产品烧结工艺的实验和数值模拟,中国科技论文在线 (http://www.paper.edu.cn)2005-12-30: 1-10

    [144]    Baosheng Liu, Xiaoxin Fan, Zhiqiang Cheng, Phase Behaviors in Bi-phase Simulation of Powder Segregation in Metal Injection Molding, 中国科技论文在线(http://www.paper.edu.cn)2005-12-26: 1-11



  • 科学研究



    1985-1986  汽车起重机伸缩臂计算方法与大型金属结构破坏试验研究

    1985-1987  起重机金属结构系统优化设计及桥式与门式起重机金属结构系列设计研究

    1988-1992  板件冲压过程数值模拟,大变形非线性过程有限元分析(博士论文方向)

    1993-1996  机械制造中的计算机辅助分析和大变形冲压过程数值模拟


    1995        柴油机燃油喷射耦件的热应力瞬态有限元分析

    1995-1997  精密冲压成形过程的数值模拟(国家自然科学基金重点项目59435092)

    1999-2000  成形模拟数值模拟并行算法研究(国家高性能计算基金983044)

    1999-2000  用于处理金属成形过程中不稳定问题的新数值算法


    Programme de Recherches Avancees Sino-Francais (PRA: M98-04) : Nouveaux algorithmes pour le traitement des instabilités en mise en forme de métaux

    1999-2001  金属注射成型制造和压力成型的新算法研究


    (Professeur invité à temps partial)

    2000-2001  金属零件注射加工数值模拟与技术研究


    Supported by Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education

    2001-2005  金属注射成形中根据零件的最终特性确定工艺工程和模具设计(From final properties of components to mould and process design in metal injection moulding), 欧共体COST526项目(APOMAT F2),法国弗朗西-孔泰大学J.C. Gelin教授主持, 西南交通大学为四个联合申请单位之一,柳葆生教授负责。

    2001-2004  金属粉末和液态混合体流动的建模和数值模拟,法国教育部交替培养博士生项目

    (Programme de bourses doctorales en alternance)

    2003-2005  金属注射成形的双相流高效显式数值模拟方法与实验验证


    Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education",英文缩写"SRFDP"

    2004        切削数值模拟研究,中物院结构力学研究所

    2004-2007  金属和陶瓷粉末烧结的建模和数值模拟,法国教育部交替培养博士生项目

    (Programme de bourses doctorales en alternance)

    2006        直流牵引电机换向器的受力与变形研究,中国南车集团成都机车车辆厂

    2008-2010  微细金属注射成形注射工艺及粉末偏析的理论和实验研究,自然科学基金项目(No.10772154),主研

    20122014  金属蜂窝挤压成形、烧结的数值模拟与实验研究



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