Supervisor of Master's Candidates
凌斯祥,男,中共党员,西南交通大学地球科学与工程学院副教授,工学博士(后),曾留学于日本京都大学防灾研究所。现任中国铁道学会地质勘察标准委员会委员、四川省地质学会遥感地质专业委员会委员,国际工程地质与环境协会会员,国际岩石力学与工程学会会员,中国土壤学会会员、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,教育部学位中心评审专家。 凌斯祥副教授主要从事地质灾害机理与风险评估、工程地质与生态地质等方面的科...details>
Education Level:PhD graduate
Degree:Doctor of engineering
Business Address:X4223B
Alma Mater:西南交通大学
Discipline: Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
Geological Engineering
Geological Engineering
Resources and Environment
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
Education Experience
2007/9-2011/6 吉林大学 |  勘查技术与工程(工程地质方向) |  Bachelor of engineering |  Undergraduate (bachelor) 
2011/9-2016/12 西南交通大学 |  地质工程 |  Doctor of engineering |  PhD graduate 
Work Experience
2017/4-2019/4 防灾研究所 | 日本京都大学  | 博士后 
2019/5-2021/12 地球科学与环境工程学院 | 西南交通大学  | 助理研究员 
2022/1-2024/1 地球科学与环境工程学院 | 西南交通大学  | 副教授 
2024/1-Now 地球科学与工程学院 | 西南交通大学  | 副教授 
- 1.Evolution of dilation with time based on the molecular microkinetics of red-bed argillaceous sandstone in Hubei Province, China.Engineering Geology.2024,330:107430
- 2.Mechanism and influence on red-bed soft rock disintegration durability of particle roughness based on experiment and fractal theory.Construction and Building Materials.2024,419:135504
- 3.Microscopic weathering mechanisms of subflorescence and crust patterns in the Nankan Grotto, northern Sichuan, China.Heritage Science.2023,11:181
- 4.Hydrochemistry process and microweathering behaviour of sandstone heritages in the Nankan Grotto, China: Insights from field micro‑observations and water–rock interaction experiments.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.2023,82:356
- 5.Geochemical accumulation and source tracing of heavy metals in arable soils from a black shale catchment, southwestern China.Science of the Total Environment.2023,857:159467
- 6.Characteristics and triggers of earthquake-induced landslides of pyroclastic fall deposits: an example from Hachinohe during the 1968 M7.9 Tokachi-Oki earthquake, Japan.Engineering Geology.2020,264:105301.