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- 李明, 张海程,李明水. 不同风攻角下风屏障对桥面风环境及行车安全性的影响研究. 第21届全国风工程会议. 2023, 长沙. (境内学术会议论文)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Qiusheng Li*, Haoyun Shi, Mingshui Li. Large-scale sinusoidal gust effect on aerodynamic pressures and forces on a square cylinde. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2023, 120: 103917. (SCI收录)
- Yongfu Lei, Ming Li* (通讯作者), Hao Zhang, Mingshui Li. An advanced approach to determining the spanwise coherence of the buffeting forces on bridge decks with complex configurations. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(11): 04023083. (SCI收录)
- Shubi Du, Mingshui Li*, Yang Yang, Haicheng Zhang, Ming Li. A strategy for modifying the effect of turbulence integral scale on fluctuating pressures of rectangular prisms. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(6). (SCI收录)
- Xincong Wang, Qiusheng Li*, Bin Lu, Ming Li. Generation of negative peak pressures under a separation bubble. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2023, 236: 105365. (SCI收录)
- Xuliang Han, Qiusheng Li*, Kang Zhou, Ming Li. Investigation of the aerodynamic forces on a 600-m-high supertall building by field measurements and wind tunnel test. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2023, 149(8): 04023101. (SCI收录)
- Haicheng Zhang, Qiang Zhou*, Ming Li, Mingshui Li, Jingkai Xie. Peak factor estimation of non-Gaussian wind pressures based on a novel piecewise Johnson transformation model. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 78: 107601. (SCI收录)
- Tianyi Zhang, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Yongfu Lei, Yanguo Sun, Mingshui Li, Yingzi Zhong. Flutter stability of long-span bridges with plate-rruss separated and composite girders: comparative study. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2022,27(5): 04022018. (SCI收录)
- Bin Jian, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Mingshui Li, Yi Su. Influence of wind yaw angle and pylon interference on the buffeting responses of cable-stayed bridges during construction. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2022,18(9): 1350-1364. (SCI收录)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Qiusheng Li*, Haoyun Shi, Mingshui Li. Effects of free-stream turbulence on the near wake flow and aerodynamic loadings of a square cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2022, 114: 103748. (SCI收录)