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- Shaopeng Li*, Yanlin Liu, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Wenyan Zeng, Shuitao Gu, Yong Gao. The effect of turbulence intensity on the unsteady gust loading on a 5:1 rectangular cylinder. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2022, 225: 104994. (SCI收录)
- Tianyi Zhang, Yanguo Sun*, Yongfu Lei, Ming Li, Mingshui Li, Haili Liao. Vortex-induced vibration of a flexible rectangular cylinder: Experimental investigation and comparative study of theoretical models. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2022, 220: 104828. (SCI收录)
- 雷永富, 李明*(通讯作者), 孙延国. 大跨度双层桁架梁悬索桥颤振性能试验研究. 西南交通大学学报. 2022, 57(6): 1224-1232. (EI收录)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Yanguo Sun*, Yongfu Lei, Haili Liao, Mingshui Li. Experimental study on the nonlinear torsional flutter of a long-span suspension bridge with a double-deck truss girder. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2021,21(07): 2150102. (SCI收录)
- Shuoyu Liu, Yan Jiang, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Jingzhou Xin, Liuliu Peng. Long period ground motion simulation and its application on seismic design of high-rise buildings. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 143: 106619. (SCI收录)
- Yanguo Sun, Yongfu Lei, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Haili Liao, Mingshui Li. Flutter mitigation of a superlong-span suspension bridge with a double-deck truss girder through wind tunnel tests. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2021, 27(13-14): 1584-1594. (SCI收录)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Qiusheng Li*, Haoyun Shi. Effect of sinusoidal vertical gust on the pressure distributions on and flow structures around a rectangular cylinder. Experiments in Fluids. 2021, 62: 148. (SCI收录)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Mingshui Li*, Yanguo Sun. Effects of turbulence integral scale on the buffeting response of a long-span suspension bridge. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2021, 490: 115721. (SCI收录)
- Ming Li(第一作者), Qiusheng Li*, Haoyun Shi. Aerodynamic pressures on a 5:1 rectangular cylinder in sinusoidal streamwise oscillatory flows with non-zero mean velocities. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2021, 208: 104440. (SCI收录)
- Mingshui Li, Ming Li*(通讯作者), Yang Yang. Strategy for the determination of unsteady aerodynamic forces on elongated bodies in grid-generated turbulent flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2020, 110, 109939. (SCI收录, ESI高被引论文)