李力 副教授


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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • [1]李力,彭其渊,李昕,基于CTCS2级列车最小间隔的影响因素分析,铁道运输与经济,2009,4:90-93
    [2]LI Li,YANG Kun,GUO Chun,WEN Qian,Shinichi KITAMURA,Historical Changes of Research on the Road Landscape Methods in Japan—Taking Research from 1960 to 2010 As Subjects,the 3nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering,2011.7.23-2011.7.25
    [3]Yang, K.,Li, L.(*),Guo, C.,Shimokawa, T.,Kitamura, S.,Status  Classification and Relevant Feature Analysis on City Street Landscape in Chengdu,the 3nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering,2011.7.23-2011.7.25
    [4]Y. Kun ,L. Li,T. Shimokawa(*), S. Kitamura, A Study on Cognitive Structure of Streetscape in Chengdu,Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,2012,11(2):131-139
    [5]L. Li,K. Yan,T. Shimokawa(*) ,I. Oyama,S. Kitamura,A comparison on cognitive structure of streetscapes beteen Japan and China,14th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,2012.8.30-2012.9.1
    [6]Y. Kun,L. Li,T. Shimokawa(*),S. Kitamura,Exploration of Factors Influencing on Evaluation of Streetscape: A Study on Cognitive Structure of Streetscape in Chengdu: Part 2,Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,2012,11(1):27-37
    [7]Li LI ,Taku MISONOU* ,Toshino SHIMOKAWA,Isao OHYAMA,Gun YANG,Shinichi KITAMURA,What is the comfort aspect in a sidewalklandscape,LANDSCAPE & IMAGINATION,Viale Pieraccini,15-1-50139 Florence,2013.05.02-2013.05.04
    [8]Li L., T. Shimokawa (*), K. Yan,S. Kitamura, Modified rule ensemble  method for binary data: Application to questionnaire data about streetscape in Japan and China,the 27th annual meeting of Japan Society of Computational Statistics,2013.5.16-2013.5.17
    [9]L. Li, Y. Kun,T. Shimokawa(*) ,I. Oyama,S. Kitamura. Investigation of factors affecting the evaluation of streetscapes in Japan and China,International Journal of Affective Engineering,2013,12(1):1-10。
    [10]L. Li, T. Shimokawa (*), Y. Kun,M. Kuroki,I. Oyama,S. Kitamura Investigation of Physical Factors Affecting the Function and Sensitivity of Familiar Streetscapes in Japan and China,Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,2013,12(3):369-378
    [11]Shimokawa Toshio,Li Li,Yan Kun,Kitamura Shinnichi,Goto Masashi, Modified Rule Ensemble Method for Binary Data and Its Applications,Behaviormetrika,2014,41(2):225-244。
    [12]LI Li,YANG Kun,WAN Ke,KITAMURA Shinichi,Comparative Study on the Analysis of Chengdu Historic Traditional Streets,the 32th Kanto Branch Meeting of Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture,Kofu,2014.11.08-2014.11.09
    [13]YANG Kun(#),WEI Dan,LI Li,KITAMURA Shinichi(*),中国成都市南駅ターミナルにおけるランドスケープデザイン,The 32th Kanto Branch Meeting of Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture,2014.11.8-2014.11.9
    [14]Wan Ke(#),Liu Yan,Li Li ,OYAMA Isao,SHIMOKAWA Toshio (*),中国の成都市および近郊地域における伝統的観光地の顧客に対するニーズに関する影響要因解析,日本计算机统计学会第29届大会,2015.5.14-2015.5.15
    [15]Liu Yan,Wan Ke,Li Li,SHIMOKAWA Toshio(*),OYAMA Isao, A Study on Current Situation of Tourism Development in Chengdu and the Suburb AreaInvestigation of Affecting Factors of Tourist for Traditional Tourism Area in China -,Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,2016,15:163-172
    [16]Li Li , Haifeng Yan , Gongyuan Lu , Wu You,Coordinating station and network capacity in urban rail transit system, Informs annual meeting 2016, Nashville, Tennessee, USA,13-16 November 2016
    [17]Y Liu,S Ning,I Oyama,L Li,Study Informing Policy on Chinese Ancient Town Tourism Based on a Tourist Satisfaction Survey: A Case Study in the City of Chengdu,Sustainability,2017,9 (7) :1087
    [21]Xiong Yang, Yafei Hou, Li Li,Chao Wen,Study on Station Buffer Time Allocation According to Delay Expectation,RailNorrköping2019 - 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis,2019年6月

    [22]李力,闫迪,田锐,王全泉,基于晚点恢复的高速铁路行车调度质量评价,中国安全科学学报, 2019,29(S2):118-125


    [24]LI Li, GU Zijin, LIU Yan, LUO Jie, Analysis and Revelation of Development of Japan Railway Tourism,ICTE 2019. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020: 375-384.

    [25]Mao MinWu ZhifanLi Li*,Li ZuoruiHome delivery distance and free shipping policy for fresh food considering the loss,ICTE 2019. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020:771-779


    [27]Xiong Yang,Yafei Hou,Li Li*Buffer time allocation according to train delay expectation at stations,International Journal of Rail Transportation,2020, 8(3):249-263.


    [29]LI Li,ZHANG Mengying,SHEN Xin,WANG Xiaohong and WANG Liang,Research on the Integrated Development Strategy of Railway Tourism in Sichuan Province Considering the Accessibility of  High-speed Rail and Tourist Attraction,E3S Web of Conferences 251, 02013 (2021)

    [30]申鑫,李力,杨硕,王亮,日本铁路旅游模式 与产品分析及启示,中国铁路,2023(2):100-106

  • 主持项目

    [8]四川省科技计划项目,2020JDR0129,西部地区铁路与旅游融合发展策略研究,2020/1-2020/12, 5万,主持









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