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[1] DY Lu, QD Li, Stephen Liao “A Graph-based Action Network Framework to Identify Prestigious Members through Member's Prestige Evolution” , Decision Support Systems, accepted for publication, December 2011
[2] Jaidong Zhang, Jin Xu, Liao, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Sampling methods for summarizing unordered vehicle-to-vehicle data streams. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, available online 29 December 2011.
[3] Kaiquan Xu, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Jiexun Li and Yuxia Song. Mining comparative opinions from customer reviews for competitive intelligence. Decision Support Systems, 2011, 50(4): 743-754
[4] Lau, R.Y.K., Liao, S.S., Kwok, R.C.W., Xu, K., Xia, Y., Li, Y. "Text Mining and Probabilistic Language Modeling for Online Review Spam Detection", ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, accepted for publication, Sept 2011
[5] S. Wang, K.Xu, L. Liu, B. Fang, S. Liao and H. Wang “An ontology based framework for mining dependence relationships between news and financial instruments” Expert Systems with Applications, vol 38 issue 10, September 2011
[6] Heng Tang, Stephen Liao and Sherry Sun “A Prediction Framework Based on Multidimensional Context Data to Support Mobile Personalized Marketing” Decision Support Systems, conditional accepted, June 2011
[7] Kaiquan Xu, Wei Wang, Jimmy Ren, Jin Xu, Long Liu, and Stephen Liao. Classifying Consumer Comparison Opinions to Uncover Product Strengths and Weaknesses. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT), 2011,Vol.7, No.1, pp1-14
[8] Junping Qian, Xia Li, Stephen Liao and Anthony Yeh “Applying an anomaly detection Algorithm for short term land use and land cover change detection using time series SAR image” GIScience & Remote Sensing, 47, No.3 p379-397 2010
[9] Wende Yi and Stephen Liao “Statistical Properties of parametric estimators of Markov chain vector based on Copula model”, Journal of Statistical Planning and inference, 140 (2010) 1465-1480
[10] Heng Tang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Discovering original motifs with different lengths from time series. Knowledge-based Systems, 2008, 21: 666-671
[11] David Jingjun Xu, Stephen Liao, Qiudan Li. Combining empirical experimentation and modeling techniques: a design research approach for personalized mobile advertising applications. Decision Support System, 2008, 44(3):710-724
[12] Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Huaiqing Wang, Qiudan Li and Weiyi Liu. A functional dependencies-based bayesian networks learning method and its application in a mobile commerce system. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), 2006, 36(3): 660-671
[13] Lejian Liao, Kaiquan Xu, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Constructing intelligent and open mobile commerce using a semantic web approach. Journal of Information Science, 2005, 3(5): 407-420
[14] Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Qiudan Li, David Jingjun Xu. A Bayesian network-based framework for personalization in mobile commerce applications. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2005,15, 494-511
[15] Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Tony Heng Tang, Weiyi Liu. Finding relevant sequences in time series containing crisp, interval and fuzzy interval data. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), 2004, 34(5): 2071-2079
[16] Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Joy Wei He, Tony Heng Tang. A knowledge management framework for context information management. Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30: 540-549
[17] Zicai Li, Huaiqing Wang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Numerical algorithms for image geometric transformations and applications. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), 2004, 34(1): 132-149
[18] Changjun Jiang, Huaiqing Wang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Behavior relativity of Petri nets. Journal of Computer Science and Technology , 2002, 17(6): 770-780
[19] Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Huaiqing Wang, Lejian Liao. An extended formalism to constraint logic programming for decision analysis. Knowledge Based Systems, 2002, 15: 189-202
[20] Huaiqing Wang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Lejian Liao. Modeling constraint-based negotiating agents. Decision Support Systems, 2002, 33: 201-217
[21] Huaiqing Wang, John Mylopoulos, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Intelligent agents for financial monitoring systems. Communications of ACM, 2002,45(3): 83-88
[22] John Mylopoulos, Lawrence Chung, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Huaiqing Wang and Eric Yu. Exploring alternatives during requirements analysis. IEEE Software, 2001, 18(1): 92-96
[23] Huaiqing Wang, Changjun Jiang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao. Concurrent reasoning of fuzzy logical petri nets based on multi-task schedule. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2001, 9(3): 444-450