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学科:电力电子与电力传动. 电气工程. 计算机科学与技术
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[1] 高速磁浮交通技术研究重大专项子课题“车辆悬浮导向及涡流制动控制系统研制”(国家“863”计划,主研);
[2] 高速磁浮交通技术研究重大专项子课题“高速磁浮车测速定位系统研制”(国家“863”计划,主研);
[3] 基于电力电子变压器的高速列车牵引传动系统网侧控制技术研究,2016/01-2019/12(国家自然科学基金面上项目51577160,主研);
[4] 贯通式同相供电系统及其三相-单相变换器研究,2014/01-2017/12(国家自然科学基金面上项目51377004,主研);
[5] 同相牵引供电系统理想模式的变换器及控制研究,2011/01-2013/12(国家自然科学基金青年项目51007075,主研);
[6] 基于牵引电机监控数据的电力机车粘着控制新方法研究(国家自然科学基金, 参研);
[7] 基于支持向量机的高速磁浮列车气隙传感器建模方法研究(中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目的研究,主持);
[8] 常导短定子异步驱动悬浮架试验车悬浮控制系统研制(横向项目,主研);
[9] 常导短定子异步驱动中低速磁浮列车悬浮控制系统(横向项目,主研);
[10] 常导短定子异步驱动中低速磁浮列车系统设计与试验研究(横向项目,主研);
[11] 中低速磁浮列车交通系统方案设计研究(横向项目,主研);
[12] 中低速磁浮列车方案设计研究(横向项目,主研);
[13] M3系统悬浮导向和驱动系统研究(横向项目,主研);
[14] 悬浮控制器可靠性理论分析,2015/07-2018/6(湖南省科技项目,主研);
[15] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52372364, 高速磁浮列车长定子空芯双馈直线电机无接触传能机理及牵引/供电协调控制研究, 2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 49万元, 在研, 参与
[1] Y. Jing*, K. Fu, J. Yu, X. Dan, S. Ni and S. Sharkh. Simultaneous wireless power and data transfer system with full-duplex mode based on half-cycle OFDM [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 1412-1421, Feb. 2025, (SCI一区,WOS:001288256500001,2024年8月)
[1] Y.Jing*, S. Wang, Q. Liu, K. Fu, L. Yang and W. Feng, Gap self-sensing method for maglev system using partial electromagnet coil [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 4273-4282, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3273245.(IF=7.7,SCI一区, WOS:001103021200097)
[2] Y. Jing*, X. Dan, J. Yu, K. Fu and S. Sharkh. Simultaneous wireless power and multi-channel data transmission based on OFDM [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 8894-8903, July 2024, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2024.3377260.(SCI一区,WOS:00122631730004)
[3] 靖永志*,刘沁宇,贾兴科,倪胜,杨亮涛.基于电磁铁复合线圈的磁浮车悬浮间隙检测方法[J].仪器仪表学报,2024,45(03):35-44.(EI:20242916698535 )
[4] 靖永志*,付康,谯柯,杨亮涛,刘沁宇.基于积分解调的无线能量与信号同步传输方法. 电工技术学报,2024,39(14):4270-4281.DOI:10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230790.(EI:20243116798143 )
[5] 靖永志,谯柯,付康,杨亮涛,刘沁宇,刘国清*.基于部分能量耦合线圈的无线能量与信号同步传输方法研究. 电机与控制学报,2024,28(07):43-54. (EI: 20243516966488) DOI:10.15938/j.emc.2024.07.005
[6] 靖永志,倪 胜,贾兴科,刘治辛,刘国清*.基于列向语义分割的悬浮间隙视觉检测方法研究[J].仪器仪表学报, 2024,45(09):67-76.(EI:)
[1]Y. Jing*, W. Feng, K. Qiao, L. Yang, S. Wang and L. Lu, "Simultaneous wireless power and data transfer system with full-duplex mode based on LCC/CLC resonant network," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 5549-5560, April 2023, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3225320.(IF=5.967, SCI一区, WOS:000966289800001)
[3]靖永志*,鲁林海,冯伟,王森,孙希聪.基于OFDM的无线信号与电能反向同步传输方法. 电子与信息学报.2023,45(08):2856-2866(EI:20233714728207)
[5]K. Qiao, Z. Liu, S. M. Sharkh, and Y. Jing. Research on anti-misalignment method for SWPDT system based on partial power coupling coil[C]. 2023 5th International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation, IAECST, Pages 1063-1066,2023, GuangZhou, China, 2023, December 8-11(EI: 20241916055715)DOI: 10.1109/IAECST60924.2023.10502567
[1]Y. Jing*, X. Ma, Z. Zhang, Y. Li and J. Kong, "Research on visual measurement for levitation gap in maglev system," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 8377-8386, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3108722.(IF=8.162, SCI一区WOS:000764880700082)
[2]靖永志*,冯伟,王森,马先超,郝建华,董金文.基于自适应非奇异终端滑模的悬浮控制策略研究. 西南交通大学学报.2022,57(03):566-573(EI:20222512253916)
[3]靖永志*,冯伟,谯柯,王森,静国衡,龚倩文.基于S/LCC补偿的无线能量与信号反向同步传输系统. 电机与控制学报.2022,26(07):37-46(EI:20224212898101)
[1]靖永志,廖珍贞,龚倩雯,钱程,彭涛,张晨昊. VSC-HVDC送端换流器IGBT开路故障诊断方法[J]. 电机与控制学报,2021,25(03):104-114(EI:20211310138996)
[2]Y.Li,Z.Zhang,G.Jing,X.Ma,J.Kong and Y.Jing.Visual measurement of levitation gap in maglev ball system based on pixel area,2021 IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, China, 2021,pp.1417-1420.Aug 1-4,2021(EI:20213910940812)
[3]G. Jing,Y. Li, Z. Zhang, C. Qian, Q, Gong, and Y.Jing. Capacitive coupling wireless energy transmission constant voltage system based on composite network resonance[C]. 2021 IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, China, 2021, pp.1074-1078.August 1-4, 2021(EI:20213910940773)
[4]W. Feng, J. Hao, S. Wang, X. Ma, X. Sun and Y. Jing, Adaptive terminal sliding mode control for magnetic levitation system with observer[C], 2021 IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, China, 2021, pp. 788-792. Aug 1-4, 2021(EI:20213910941009)
[5]S. Wang, X. Sun, W. Feng, X. Ma, Y. Jing and S. Li. Optimization of magnetic coupling resonance coils[C]. 2021 IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Chengdu, China, 2021, pp. 793-796. Aug 1-4, 2021(EI:20213910940800)
[6]Z. Zhang,Y. Li,G. Jing, L.Liao J. Kong and Y. Jing*.Vision measurement for levitation gap of magnetic levitation ball based on transfer learning[C].2021 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP),NanJing,China,2021,October 22-24(EI: 20220911710882)
[1]T. Peng,Y. Jing, J. Kong, and J. Hao. A Maglev gap measurement method based on machine vision[C]. 2020 Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC), Dalian, China, 2020, pp. 135-139.April 14-16, 2020(EI:20203509108504)
[2]C. Qian,Y. Jing, G. Jing, J. Hao, Q. Gong, and J. Kong, Research on ultrasonic wireless power transmission technology of suspension gap sensor,2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE ), Shenzhen, China, 2020, pp.828-831.April 24-26,2020(EI:20203108993490)
[1]C. Zhang, Y. Jing, J. Kong, T. Peng, Z. Liao and J. Hao. Method for measuring levitation gap of magnetic levitation ball based on image processing[C]. 2019 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS), Wuhan, China, 2019, pp. 215-219.June 1-3, 2019(EI:20193707439326)
[2]Z. Liao, Y. Jing, C. Qian, Q. Gong, C. Zhang and T. Peng, Research on optimization for drive power supply of magnetostrictive transducer, 2019 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Xian, China, 2019, pp.1392-1395.June 19-21,2019(EI:20194107525942)
[3]Jie Kong, Yongzhi Jing, Chenhao Zhang, Jianhua Hao, Cheng Qian, Qianwen Gong, Study on vision measurement for levitation gap of magnetic levitation ball based on convolutional neural network. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing(ICIVC), Xiamen, China,2019,pp.301-305,July 5-7,2019 (EI:20201908641507)
[4]Q. Gong, Y. Jing, Z. Liao, C. Qian, J. Hao and J. Kong. Simulation research on structure optimization of maglev train gap sensor[C]. 2019 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering(EITCE) , Xiamen, China, 2019.October 18-20, 2019(EI:20202308784529)
[5]J. Hao, Y. Jing, J. Kong, C. Zhang, Q. Gong, T. Peng, C. Qian and Z. Liao. Research on levitation control method of electromagnetic levitation ball system based on fuzzy-PID[C]. 2019 6th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering(ICISCE ) , Shanghai, China, 2019, pp837-840.December 20-22, 2019(EI:20202608861716)
[1]靖永志,何飞,廖海军,王滢,刘国清,董金文. 基于PSO优化RBF-NN的磁浮车间隙传感器温度补偿[J]. 西南交通大学学报,2018,53(2):367-373+384(EI:20182605380117)
[3]Xiao, Song, Zhang, Kunlun, Liu, Guoqing, Jing, Yongzhi and Sykulski, Jan K.. "Optimal design of a for middle-low-speed maglev trains" Open Physics, vol. 16, no. 1, 2018, pp. 168-173. https://doi.org/10.1515/phys-2018-0024
[1]廖海军,靖永志,何飞. 基于WiFi通讯的磁浮车间隙传感器测试系统设计[J]. 计算机测量与控制,2017,25(4)18-20(北大核心)
[2]Y.Z.Jing, H.J.Liao, C.H.Zhang, T.Peng, Z.Z.Liao, F.Liu.Design of auto detection system for high-voltage insulator inspection robot[C]. 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences.August 26-29, 16-19, Hong Kong, 2017 (EI:20180104609228)
[3]董金文,张昆仑,靖永志. 磁浮基本原理及实现形式综述[J]. 大学物理 2017,36(1)27-40
[1]靖永志,何飞,张昆仑.基于RBF神经网络和LS-SVM组合模型的磁浮车间隙传感器温度补偿[J]. 电工技术学报,2016,31(15):73-80.(EI:20163402737259)
[2]何飞,靖永志,张昆仑.基于LabVIEW的磁浮车气隙传感器测试系统设计[J]. 传感器与微系统,2016,35(1):85-87(CSCD)
[3]何飞,靖永志,廖海军.基于CAN总线的悬浮控制系统诊断系统设计[J]. 测控技术,2016,35(8):128-128+137(CSCD)
[1]Yongzhi Jing, Jian Xiao, Kunlun Zhang. Compensation of gap sensor for High-speed maglev train with RBF neural network[J].Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2013,35(7):933-939(SCI: WOS:000326173800009)
[2]靖永志,肖建. 高速磁浮车间隙传感器齿槽效应补偿方法研究[J]. 传感器与微系统, 2013,32(4):16-18+22(CSCD)
[3]靖永志,肖建. 基于T-S模糊神经网络的齿槽效应补偿方法研究[J]. 传感技术学报, 2013,26(8):1121-1125 (CSCD)
[4]靖永志,肖建. 高速磁浮列车间隙传感器非线性校正方法研究[J]. 计算机测量与控制,2013,21(12):3340-3342(CSCD)
[5]刘国清, 张昆仑, 靖永志. 基于受流轨特性的磁浮列车定位方法研究[J]. 城市轨道交通研究, 2013,16(9):50-53 (核心)
[6]Zeliang Shu, Xiaoqiong He, Zhiyong Wang, Daqiang Qiu, Yongzhi Jing. Voltage balancing approaches for diode-clamped multilevel converters using auxiliary capacitor-based circuit[J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2013, 28(5):2111-2124 (SCI:WOS:000314699700003)
[7]Zeliang Shu, Xiaoqiong He, Haifeng zhu, Na Ding, Yongzhi Jing. One inductor based auxiliary circuit for DC-link capacitor voltage equalization of diode-clamped multilevel converter[J], IET Transactions on Power Electronics, 2013,6(7):276-244 (SCI:WOS:000336031900011)
[1]Liu Fang, Dong Jinwen, and Jing Yongzhi. Structure analysis of levitation chassis of medium-to-low speed maglev vehicles based on left-right decoupling[J], Journal of Modern Transportation,2012, 20(2):82-87
[1]Jing Yongzhi,Xiao Jian. Modeling of gap sensor for High-speed maglev train based on RBF network[C]. IEEE-CYBER 2011, March 20-23, 279-282, Kunming, China, 2011 (EI:20113914379174)
[2]Jing Yongzhi,Xiao Jian. Modeling of gap sensor for High-speed maglev train based on fuzzy neural network[C]. ICNC'11-FSKD'11.July 26-28, 650-654, Shanghai, China, 2011 (EI:20114014400986)
[3]Zeliang Shu, Xifeng Xie, and Yongzhi Jing. Advanced co-phase traction power supply simulation based on multilevel converter[C], Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science,Bali, Indonesia,2011: 459-465 (EI:20122715186946)
[1]雷学国, 张昆仑, 靖永志, 朱开锋. 基于Maxwell3D高速磁浮列车间隙传感器检测线圈的分析设计[J].仪表技术与传感器,2010, 11:102-104(CSCD)
[1]郭树涛, 靖永志. 基于FPGA的串口通讯设计[J]. 北京电子科技学院学报, 2006,14(04):74-78
[2]侯佰康, 张昆仑, 靖永志. 基于FPGA的高速磁浮列车悬浮间隙测量系统[J].传感技术学报, 2006,19(6): 2658-2661(CSCD);
[1]靖永志,张昆仑. 高速磁浮列车悬浮气隙测量系统的设计[J].传感器技术, 2005,24(12):71-73(CSCD)