Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of management
- Business Address:西南交通大学交通项X2306
- Professional Title:Professor
- Academic Titles:原副院长
- Other Post:成渝地区双城经济圈综合交通工程技术研究中心执行主任,西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院物流管理专业负责人,原副院长,教学名师,成都市十佳青年教师,四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选,四川省科青联常务理事,资阳市人民政府决策咨询委员会委员,中国交通教育研究会高教研究分会理事,成都市科技局、工业与信息化局科技专家。
- Alma Mater:西南交通大学
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:交通运输与物流学院
- Discipline:Transportation Planning and Management
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
- OfficePhone:
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- Paper Publications
Supply chain coordination model based on the level of pork quality
- Translation or Not:no