蒋玉石 教授



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果




[4]Yedi Wang, Jiaji Zhu, Renhuai Liu, Yushi Jiang. Enhancing recommendation acceptance: Resolving the personalization–privacy paradox in recommender systems: A privacy calculus perspective[J].International Journal of Information Management, 2024,76(1):102755. (ABS 2星)【doi】10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2024.102755.

[5]Wang Yedi, Jiang Yushi, Liu Renhuai, Miao Miao. A configurational analysis of the causes of the discontinuance behavior of augmented reality (AR) apps in e-commerce[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications[J]. 2024,63(1):101355.(ABS 2星)【doi】10.1016/j.elerap.2023.101355. 


[7]张悦言,王玉玲,蒋玉石(通讯作者),倪璇,霍佳乐. 越老越好吗——品牌命名中流行人名出生年代的刻板印象对消费者品牌偏好的影响机制研究[J].营销科学学报,2024,4(3):93-112.(A级别)


[9]Qin Yuan, Jun Kong, Chun Liu ,Yushi Jiang. Understanding the effects of specific techno-stressors on strain and job performance: a metaanalysis of the empirical evidence[J].Information Technology & People, 2023,(12).(ABS 3星,已录用) 链接地址:https:// DOI 10.1108/ITP-08-2022-0639

[10]Yushi Jiang, Sobia Jamil , Syed Imran Zaman, Syeda Anum Fatima.Elevating organizational effectiveness: synthesizing human resource management with sustainable performance alignment[J]. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,  2024,11(2):392-447.(ABS2星) 

[11]Xueting Gong, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Jiang Yush, et al. The Impacts of Financial Market, Trade and Economic Policy Uncertainties on the Import Performance of Advanced Economies[J]. Journal of Economic Integration. 2024,39(2):394-419.(ABS 1星) 

[12]Zaman Syed Imran, Jamil Sobiaa, Zaman Syed Ahsan Ali, Jiang  Yushi. Engaging the Modern Workforce: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Individual Factors[J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2024,(6).(已录用,在线发表,ABS 1星)【doi】10.1007/s13132-024-01778-3

[13]Li Chao, Huo Mengjun, Jiang Yushi, Liu, Renhuai.Confucian Culture and Enterprise Strategic Change from a Perspective of the Golden Mean Ethics[J].Strategic Change,2024,33(4).(已录用,在线发表,ABS 2星)【doi】10.1002/jsc.2581

[14]Isaac Owusu Asante, Yushi Jiang, M.. Exploring the motivating factors for using live-streaming and their influence on consumers' hedonic well-being: The mediating effect of psychological engagement[J]. Psychology and Marketing. 2023,(8).(ABS 3星,已录用) 链接地址:https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21881

[15]蒋玉石,李倩,刘好等.任是“无情”也动人?AI机器人服务失败后道歉主体对消费者宽恕的影响[J/OL].南开管理评论:1-24[2023-09-11]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail /12.1288. F.20230814.1651.002.html.(A级别,已网络首发)

[16]Isaac Owusu Asante, Yushi Jiang , Hossin Atlab Md, Luo Xiao. Optimization of consumer engagement with artificial intelligence elements on electronic commerce platforms[J]. Journal electronic commerce research, 2023,24(1):7-28.(ABS 1星)

[17]Syed Hasnain Alam, Yushi Jiang, Syed Imran Zaman, Tariq Jalees, Rizwan Raheem Ahmed. Behavioral biases in consumer paradox towards counterfeit luxury products: a comparative study between China and Pakistan[J]. Current Psychology. 2023,(8).(ABS 1星,已录用) 链接地址:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04868-8

[18]Lu Monroe Meng, Tianhui Fu, Shen Duan, Yijie Wang, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者).The overlapping efect: impact of product display on price- quality judgmentst[J], Marketing Letters, 2023,(6). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11002-023-09684-5(ABS 3星, 已在线发表) 

[19]Yushi Jiang, Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik, Syed Imran Zaman, Syed Hasnain Alam, Muhammad Arif. Corporate governance, cash holding, and firm performance in an emerging market[J], International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2023, (2).  【doi】10.1002/ ijfe. 2804(ABS 3星, 已在线发表)

[20]Yue Xi, Anh Ngoc Quang Huynh, Yushi Jiang, Yanran Hong. Energy transition concern: Time-varying effect of climate policy uncertainty on renewables consumption[J], Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2023,192:122551.(ABS 3星,已在线发表)

[21]Yue Xi , Jiale Huo , Xinran Zhao, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Qiang Yang  . The effects of fear of missing out on social media posting preferences[J], European Journal of Marketing ,2022, 56(12): 3453-3484.(ABS 3星)

[22]Jiaji Zhu, Yanling Jiang, Yushi Jiang, Yedi Wang, Qiang Yang. The effectiveness of social elements in virtual reality tourism: A mental imagery perspective[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2023,56 (5) :135-146. (ABS 1星)

[23]Jiaji Zhu, Xin Li, Yushi Jiang, Wenju Ma. Predicting Elderly Users' Intention of Digital Payments During COVID-19: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior Model[J]. International Journal of Social Economics, 2023,(7) . (已录用,ABS 1星)

[24]Jiaji Zhu , Jiang, Yushi(通讯作者), Wang  Yedi, Yang Qiang,  Li Wei. Richness and dynamics: How to improve VR tourism adoption with virtual social clues[J]. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2023,(12) . (已录用,ABS 1星)

[25]Jiaji Zhu, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Xiaoxuan Wang, Suying Huang. Social- or task-oriented: How does social crowding shape consumers' preferences for chatbot conversational styles? [J],Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,2023,17(5):641-662.(已录用,ABS 1星)


[27]杨强,蒋玉石(通讯作者),申黎华,王烨娣.隐喻修辞对网络横幅广告注意效果的影响研究[J].管理工程学报,2023,37(2):48-59. (A+级别)

[28]席悦,孙玮潞,蒋玉石.图文契合对广告态度及点击意愿的影响研究——基于视觉熵和方向线索的视角[C]. 第七届营销科学与创新国际高峰论坛(MSI 2023).(荣获优秀论文二等奖)


[30] 廖民超,蒋玉石(通讯作者),金佳敏,高增安.创新生态系统下的企业数字创新能力:内涵重构与量表开发[J].软科学,2023,37(05):62-70.(B+级别)


[32]Qiang Yang, Hongxiu Li, Yanqing Lin, Yushi Jiang, Jiale Huo. Fostering consumer engagement with marketer-generated content: the role of content-generating devices and content features[J], Internet Research,2022,32(7):307-329.(ABS 3星)

[33]Lu (Monroe) Meng, Sining Kou, Shen Duan, Yushi Jiang(共同通讯作者), Kevin Lü. How a blurry background in product presentation influences product size perception[J], Psychology and Marketing. 2022,39(8):1633-1645.(ABS 3星)

[34]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Yushi Jiang, Miao.The impacts of economic policy uncertainties on carbon dioxide emissions of emerging and low-income developing countries: the moderating role of institutional quality[J], International Journal of Emerging Markets,2022,(6).(已录用,ABS 1星)

[35]Asadullah Khaskheli, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Syed Ali Raza & Sara Qamar Yousufi. Social isolation & toxic behavior of students in e-learning: evidence during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic[J], Interactive Learning Environments, 2022,(10). (https://www. tandfonline. com/doi/full/10.1080/10494820.2022.2133145)

[36]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Yushi Jiang, Miao.The effects of COVID-19 on trade, production, environmental quality and its implications for green economy[J], Journal of Economic Studies,2022,49(8):1340-1359.(ABS 1星)

[37]Yuan Qin, Li Jiang, Jiang Yushi, Liu Chun. When do amount-off discounts result in more positive consumer responses? Meta-analytic evidence[J]. Psychology and Marketing. 2022,39(3):46-58.(ABS 3星)

[38]马晨雅, 蒋玉石(通讯作者),等. 广告环境下凡尔赛文学一定会导致负面品牌态度吗——基于自我呈现动机视角[J]. 营销科学学报, 2022,2(4):137-156. (A级别)

[39]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Jiang Yushi, Miao Miao, Yang Liu. The impacts of trade policy uncertainty on trade flow of emerging economies and low-income developing countries[J]. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2023,36(1):1055-1075. (A级别)

[40]罗霄,王娅,蒋玉石,杨强,等.基于学业情绪和心流体验的移动学习口碑传播意愿研究[J].信息系统学报,2022,27(04):1-26. (A级别)

[41]罗霄,李鑫,蒋玉石(通讯作者).移动学习研究的知识基础、热点领域及发展脉络——基于2010—2020年Web of Science学术论文的计量分析[J].西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),2022,(01):87-105.

[42]罗霄,蒋玉石,王烨娣,苗苗.移动学习情境下口碑生成的影响因素研究——基于八个论坛的真实评论数据[J].信息系统学报,2022,(01):32-46. (A级别)

[43]Yushi Jiang, Muhammad Irfan Khan, Syed Imran Zaman, Athar Iqbal. Financial development and trade in services: Perspective from emerging markets of Asia, South and Central America and Africa[J]. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2021, 26(3): 3306-3320. (【doi】10.1002/ijfe.1963). (ABS 3星)

[44]Lu Meng, Yijun Zhao, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Yongyue Bie, Jingpeng Li. Understanding interaction rituals: The impact of interaction ritual chains of the live broadcast on people’s wellbeing[J]. Frontiers in psychology,2022,(12).(已录用,ABS 1星)

[45]Guangming Xie, Kevin Lü, Suraksha Gupta, Yushi Jiang, Li Shi.How Dispersive Opinions Affect Consumer Decisions: Endowment Effect Guides Attributional Inferences[J]. Journal of Retailing, 2021,97 (4):621-638.( ABS 4星)

[46]Xi Yue, Wang Yudie, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Wang Yedi. Study on the effect of text direction and temporal focus on advertising persuasiveness[J]. International Journal of Consumer Studies,2022,46(4):1149-1164.(ABS 2星)

[47]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Jiang Yushi,  M. The Impacts of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Trade Flow[J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2022,58(8): 2258-2272 .(ABS 2星) 



[50] 席悦,蒋玉石,王烨娣,等.文字书写方向和产品朝向的广告效果研究——基于眼动实验的实证分析[J],营销科学学报,2022,2(2):62-82.(A级别)

[51]苗苗,王娅,李江,蒋玉石(通讯作者). 近景vs全景:广告景别呈现方式与产品类型对购买意愿的交互影响研究[J].营销科学学报,2022,2(2):119-139.(A级别)

[52]杨 强,霍佳乐,蒋玉石(通讯作者),李伟.拟人化对横幅广告记忆效果的影响研究[J].管理工程学报,2022,36(3):94-105.(A+级别)

[53]Xi Yue, Ma Chengya, Yang Qiang, Jiang Yushi(通讯作者). A cross-cultural analysis of tourists’ perceptions of Airbnb attributes[J]. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 2022,23(4):754-787. (ABS 1星)


[55]Yang Qiang, Zhou Yuanjian, Yushi Jiang, Huo Jiale. How to Overcome Online Banner Blindness? A Study on the Effects of Creativity[J]. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,2021,15(2): 223-242.(ABS 1星)



[58]杨强,宁迪,席悦,蒋玉石(通讯作者).在线动机对社交媒体广告点击行为的影响机制研究[J].信息系统学报,2020,(01):62-78. (2021年6月发表,A级别)



[61]苗苗,马晨雅,蒋玉石(通讯作者). 广告图形表现形式对受众遗产旅游广告态度的影响[J].旅游学刊,2021,36(10):74-84.(B+级别)

[62]Miao Miao, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Jiang Yushi , Tigist Abebe Desalegn. The impacts of Chinese FDI on domestic investment and economic growth for Africa[J]. Cogent Business & Management, 2021,(8).(ABS1星,已在线发表)

[63]宋红娟,蒋玉石(通讯作者),李伟.奈特不确定下的动态价格情绪:ERP研究[J].管理科学,2021,34(01):113-129. (A级别)

[64] Naqvi Muhammad Hasnain Abbas,Jiang, Yushi, Naqvi, Mishal. Generating Customer Engagement in Electronic-Brand Communities: A Stimulus–Organism–Response Perspective[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,2020,33,(7):1535-1555. (SSCI)

[65] 霍佳乐,颜清,蒋玉石(通讯作者),王钰灵.契合类型对善因营销信息分享意愿的影响研究——基于相似性双渠道加工模型[J]. 信息系统学报,2020,(02):94-107.(2021年见刊,A级别)


[67] Guangming Xie, Wenbo Du, Hongping Yuan, Yushi Jiang. Promoting Reviewer-Related Attribution: Moderately Complex Presentation of Mixed Opinions Activates the Analytic Process[J],Sustainability,2021,13(441).

[68]Asadullah Khaskheli, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Syed Ali Raza, Komal Akram Khan , Muhammad Asif Qureshi. Financial development, international trade, and environmental degradation: a nonlinear threshold model based on panel smooth transition regression[J].Environmental science and pollution research international,2021,(1).(已在线发表【doi】10.1007/s11356-020-11912-8)

[69]Jiang Yushi, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Miao Miao, Xiaoyun Zhang. The driving factors of Chinese aid allocation to African countries[J]. Cogent Business & Management, 2020,(8):1-25.(ABS 1星)

[70] Qiang Yang, Jiale Huo, Jiang Li, Yushi Jiang. Research on the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic on work stress of returning workers in china: a study based on empirical analyses of industrial enterprises[J]. Work- A Journal of Prevention Assessment and Rehabilitation, 2020,(12):67-79.【doi】10.3233/WOR-203253.(ABS 1星)

[71] Yushi Jiang, Asadullah Khaskheli, Syed Ali Raza, Muhammad Asif Qureshi, Maiyra Ahmed. Threshold non-linear relationship between globalization, renewable energy consumption, and environmental degradation: evidence from smooth transition models[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,(12). 【doi】https://doi.org/ 10.1007/ s11356-020-11537-x (影响因子IF : 3.056)

[72] 杨强,霍佳乐,王烨娣,蒋玉石(通讯作者).“直白”还是“含蓄”?——基于任务与内容一致性的隐喻横幅广告记忆效果研究[J]. 南开管理评论,2020,23(05):41-50+87. (A级别)

[73] Asadullah Khaskheli, Yushi Jiang, Syed A. Raza, Muhammad A. Qureshi, Komal A. Khan, Javeria Salam. Do CSR activities increase organizational citizenship behavior among employees? Mediating role of affective commitment and job satisfaction[J]. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management ,2020, 27(06): 2941-2955.【doi】10.1002/csr.2013(ABS 1星).

[74] Yushi Jiang, Mishal Hasnain Naqvi, Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi. Psychological Predictors of Facebook Use: A Literature Review[J]. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences ,2020, 9(2):113-130. (ABS 1星)

[75] M. , Qiaoqi Lang, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo , Jiang Yushi, Xiaoyun Zhang. The Impacts of Chinese FDI and China–Africa Trade on Economic Growth of African Countries: The Role of Institutional Quality. Economies(MDPI), 2020, 8 (3):1-20.(ABS 1星)

[76] M., Jiang Yushi, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo.The Impacts of China–Africa Economic Relation   on Factor Productivity of African Countries[J]. Economies(MDPI), 2020,8 (2):1-29.(ABS 1星)

[77]李 江,颜 清,杨 强,蒋玉石.广告语中数字呈现形式对消费者感知价值的影响研究:基于眼动的证据[J].营销科学学报,2019,15(4):52-70.(A级别,2020出版)



[80]李伟,等,蒋玉石(通讯作者).拟人化广告形象契合与视觉对象结构——基于自我建构的眼动研究[J].营销科学学报,2019,15(2):116-130. (A级别,2020出版)

[81]李伟,蒋玉石,等.基于不同视觉对象结构的拟人化广告形象生动性对消费者产品态度影响研究[J].信息系统学报,2020,22(7):68-88. (A级别)

[82]杨强,霍佳乐,蒋玉石(通讯作者).创意广告能否克服横幅盲视现象——基于眼动追踪技术的实证分析[J].营销科学学报,2019,15(4):1-19. (A级别,2020出版)

[83]宋红娟,杨强,蒋玉石(通讯作者).互联网营销领域的行为价格研究综述[J].信息系统学报,2020,22(7):122-149. (A级别)

[84]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Jiang Yushi.The impacts of institutional quality and business environment on Chinese foreign direct investment flow to African countries[J]. Economic Research- Ekonomska Istra?ivanja.2020,33(1):26-45. (A级别)

[85]蒋玉石,王烨娣.互联网定向广告推送方式对消费者态度的影响研究 ———基于感知威胁的中介作用[J].管理现代化,2020,(1):64-67.

[86] Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi1, Yushi Jiang, Miao Miao, Mishal Hasnain Naqvi.The effect of social influence, trust, and entertainment value on social media use: Evidence from Pakistan[J].Cogent Business & Management, 2020,7(1):1-23.(ABS 1星)

[87]Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi, Yushi Jiang, Miao Miao & Mishal Hasnain Naqvi.Linking biopsychosocial indicators with financial risk tolerance and satisfaction through macroeconomic literacy: A structural equation modeling approach.[J].Cogent Economics & Finance, 2020,8(1):1-19. ABS 1星)

[88]Mishal Naqvi, Shan Li, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi. The rise of social networking sites: An empirical investigation applying demographic differences and the technology acceptance model[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,2020,32(1):232-252.



[91]Wei Han, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者).Economic validity analysis of housing reverse mortgages in China[J]. China Finance Review International,2019,9(4):498-520. (SSCI, A级别)【doi】https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-07-2018-0111

[92]贾佳,杨强,蒋玉石.产品页面中推送产品缩略图位置对消费者注意和记忆的影响研究[J]. 工业工程,2019,22(4):40-48.(B+级别)

[93] Jiang Yushi.Research on the best visual search effect of logo elements in internet advertising layout[J]. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, 2019,2(1) :23-33.


[95] Hongjuan Song, Yushi Jiang. Dynamic pricing decisions by potential tourists under uncertainty: The effects of tourism advertising[J]. Tourism Economics, 2019,25(2) 213-234.(A+级别)

[96]张敏,吴书,彭宇泓,范莉莉,蒋玉石(通讯作者).集群区域品牌锁定效应量表开发与检验——以中国白酒金三角(川酒)为例[J]. 南开管理评论,2019,22(3):112-121.(A级别)

[97]Yushi Jiang, Yifei Cai, Yi-Ting Peng, Tsangyao Chang.Testing Hysteresis in Unemployment in G7 Countries using Quantile Unit Root Test with both Sharp Shifts and Smooth Breaks[J].Social Indicators Research,2019,142(2):1211-1229.

[98]Abid Hussain, Muhammad Safdar Sial, Sardar Muhammad Usman , Jinsoo Hwang, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Awaisra Shafiq. What Factors Affect Patient Satisfaction in Public Sector Hospitals: Evidence from an Emerging Economy[J].International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2019,(4).

[99]Yushi Jiang, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo. The impacts of institutional quality and business environment on Chinese foreign direct investment flow to African countries[J]. Economics-the Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal, 2019, 13(1): 1-19.(SSCI,| http:// dx.doi.org/ 10.5018/economics-ejournal. ja. 2019-10)

[100]Yushi Jiang, Miao Miao, Tariq Jalees, Syed Imran Zaman.Analysis of the moral mechanism to purchase counterfeit luxury goods: evidence from China[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,2019,31(3): 647-669.

[101]M. A. Gulzar, Jacob Cherian , Jinsoo Hwang ,Yushi Jiang(通讯作者),Muhammad Safdar Sial.The Impact of Board Gender Diversity and Foreign Institutional Investors on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Engagement of Chinese Listed Companies[J]. Sustainability, 2019,11(2):1-19.(https://www.mdpi.com/ 2071-1050/ 11/2/307 )

[102]苗 苗,朱 曦,蒋玉石(通讯作者),宁 迪.抚养比对保险密度及保险深度的影响研究———基于 2000 ~ 2016 年我国省级面板数据[J],西南交通大学学报( 社会科学版),2019,20(1):96-106.





[107]杨 强,王钰灵,蒋玉石(通讯作者),陈蛇.视觉显著性对横幅广告注意及记忆效果的影响研究[J],运筹与管理,2019,28(6):190-199.(A级别)

[108]张敏,蒋玉石(通讯作者),宋红娟. 行政区划名称变更对消费者品牌情绪的影响-基于在线用户生成内容的质性研究[J]. 信息系统学报,2019,40(5):27-40.(A级别)

[109] Yushi Jiang, Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi, Mishal Hasnain Naqvi.Using Social Influence Processes and Psychological Factors to Measure Pervasive Adoption of Social Networking Sites: Evidence from Pakistan[J].Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,2018, 54(15): 3485-3499.

[110]Yushi Jiang, Luo Xiao, Tariq Jalees, Mishal Hasnain Naqvi, Syed Imran Zaman. Moral and Ethical Antecedents of Attitude Toward Counterfeit Luxury Products: Evidence from Pakistan[J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018,54(15):3519-3538.

[111] 蒋玉石,李伟.城镇化、城乡收入差距与农村脱贫——基于中原经济区空间面板数据的研究[J].现代管理科学,2018,(07):9-11.

[112] Hongjuan Song, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者). Consumers' Bayesian Learning Under Knightian Uncertainty: An Eye-Tracking Analysis[J]. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2018, 17(6):569-584.(A级别)

[113]谢光明,邱冬冬,蒋玉石(通讯作者). 基于内生性考虑的网络口碑离散度变异系数特征研究[J]. 管理评论,2018,30(4):94-105.(A级别)

[114]Zaman, Jalees Tariq, Jiang Yushi(通讯作者), Kazmi. Testing and incorporating additional determinants of ethics in counterfeiting luxury research according to the theory of planned behavior[J]. Psihologija, 2018,51(2):163-196.

[115]Muhammad Hasnain Abbas Naqvi, Yushi Jiang(通讯作者), Mishal Hasnain Naqvi, Miao Miao, Changyong Liang, Shafaqat Mehmood.The Effect of Cultural Heritage Tourism on Tourist Word of Mouth: The Case of Lok Versa Festival, Pakistan[J]. Sustainability, 2018,10(7):1-21.

[116]李伟,何璠,蒋玉石,苗苗.微信营销中消费者偏好因素的实证研究[J]. 管理现代化,2018,(6):76-82.


[118] 滕堑,虞华君,蒋玉石,苗苗. 高校教师激励结构模型及激励效果群体差异研究[J]. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),2018, 19(5):41-51.

[119]宋红娟, 蒋玉石(通讯作者). “一带一路”旅游市场的价值判断[J]. 开发研究,2017,(4):149-155. (已被人大复印资料《旅游管理》2018年第1期转载)

[120]Hongjuan Song, Yushi Jiang.Online Personalized Advertising Avoidance by Chinese Consumers: The Effect of Consumer Good Types[J]. Noble International Journal of Business and Management, 2017, 1(6): 107-117.

[121]蒋玉石,张红宇. 循环递进:“一带一路”倡议创造的内外市场及大中小企业协同发展的新契机[M],西南交通大学出版社,2017,(4).(全书共计32万字)

[122]蒋玉石,等. 2017年中国酒业白皮书[M],黄河出版社,2017,(9).(全书共计12万字,在博鳌论文公开发布)





[127] 张红宇,蒋玉石,杨力,刘敦虎.区域创新网络中的交互学习与信任演化研究[J].管理世界,2016,(3):170-171.(A+级别)

[128] Yushi Jiang, Chang Tsangyao. Bring. Quantile Unit Root Test back in Testing Hysteresis in Unemployment for the United States[J]. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2016,(1):5-13.

[129]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo,Yushi Jiang(通讯作者) .The Impact of Africa-China Trade Openness on Technology Transfer and Economic Growth for Africa: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach[J]. Annals of Economics and Finance, 2016,17(2): 405–433.

[130]贾佳,蒋玉石(通讯作者),盛平. 碳标签视觉复杂性对消费者吸引力的影响作用[J].营销科学学报,2016,(9):87-100.(A级别)

[131]宋红娟, 赵丽娟,蒋玉石(通讯作者). 丝绸之路网络视频旅游营销价值研究[J]. 商业研究,2016,(10):138-144.


[133] 蒋玉石,宋红娟,罗霄. 我国白酒企业经济研究(1991—2015年)的可视化分析[J]. 四川理工学院学报(社会科学版),2016,31(4):68-77.

[134] 蒋玉石,张红宇,贾佳,杨力.大数据背景下行为定向广告(OBA)与消费者隐私关注问题的研究[J].管理世界,2015,(8).(A+级别)

[135]Dinkneh Gebre Borojo, Yushi Jiang. The impact of human capital on economic growth in Ethiopia [J]. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development,2015,6(16):109-118.

[136]Yan Wu, Hongbo Yu, Bo Shen, Rongjun Yu, Zhiheng Zhou, Guoping Zhang, Yushi Jiang, Xiaolin Zhou.Neural basis of increased costly norm enforcement under adversity[J]. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2014,(9): 1862-1871. (心理学类重点期刊之一,SCI: IF= 5.884)

[137]蒋玉石. 网络广告交互水平和尺寸大小对消费者注意的影响研究[J].管理世界,2014,(9).(A级别)


[139]蒋玉石,郭强,李强,张红宇,范婷. 网络广告对消费者认知神经机制及行为的影响研究,荣获2014年四川省第十六次社会科学优秀成果评奖三等奖


[141]  Liangyin Chen, Yecheng Li,Zhanghua Li, Wenke Li, Panlan Su, Hua Cheng, Qian Luo, Feng Yin,  and Yushi Jiang. Twice Deployment Node Balance Algorithm for Road Network Surveillance[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014.

[142]Liangyin Chen, Bingshu Yan, Junjun He, Jingyu Zhang, Wen Chen, Yushi Jiang, Yan Liu, Qian Luo,  BaoqiuWang. An Eliminating Method to Improve Localization Accuracy[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014. (信息类SCI: IF= 0.923)

[143] Liangyin, Chen Xunde Xiong, Yanru Chen, Kai Liu, Jingyu Zhang, Yushi Jiang, Feng Yin and Qian Luo. Why (n+ 1)th-hop neighbours are more important than nth-hop ones for localization in multi-hop WSNs[J]. Electronics Letters, 2014,50(22):1646–1648.  (信息类SCI: IF= 1.068)

[144] Yushi Jiang, Ting Fan. The Effect of Background Design on Customers’ Attention to the Sichuan Liquor Ads— From Eye Movement Experiment Proof[A]. 2014 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, 2014,(3).(获最佳论文提名奖,与JMS主编、北大符国群教授、长江学者周南教授、深圳大学周志民教授等同行专家进行了深入交流)


[146]  Yushi Jiang. Lihan Chen. Mutual influences of intermodal visual/tactile apparent motion and auditory motion with uncrossed and crossed arms [J].Multisensory Research, 2013, 26:19-51.


[148]  蒋玉石,康宇航. 适配型创新模式研究:基于奇瑞集团的案例分析[J],科技进步与对策.2013,30(5):6-10.

[149] 蒋玉石. 网络广告版式中Logo要素最佳视觉搜索效应研究[J],营销科学学报.2012,8(4):96-104.(A级别)

[150]  蒋玉石,康宇航.中国本土企业研究院自主创新研究[J],管理学报.2012,9(12):1810-1818.(A级别)

[151] Yan-Lai Li, Jia-Fu Tang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Xing-Gang Luo, Yun Pu, Yu-Shi Jiang. On integrating multiple type preferences into competitive analyses of customer requirements in product planning[J].International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 139: 168- 179. (管理类SCI: IF= 2.081)

[152] Yan-Lai Li, Jia-Fu Tang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Yu-Shi Jiang, Yi Han, Yun Pu. Estimating the final priority ratings of engineering characteristics in mature-period product improvement by MDBA and AHP[J].International Journal of Production Economics, 2011,131: 575- 586. (管理类SCI: IF= 2.081)

[153]  Xihua Zou, Wei Pan, Bin Luo, LianShan Yan, Yushi Jiang, Photonic approach to microwave frequency measurement with digital circular-code results[J]. Optics Express, 2011,19(21):20580-20585. (信息类SCI: IF= 3.525)

