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2.Guo Lanping, Huang Luqi, Lv Dongmei et.ai. Application of GIS in Choosing the Best Habitat of Chinese Crude drug Atractylodes lancea.2004ACSM-AAPS Technical Session. 2004, 4

3.Huang Luqi, Guo Lanping. Ecological research on resources of Chinese hernal mddicine. Traditional medicine and people’s health. Publishing house of ancient Chinese medical books,2004,11:628

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5.L. P. Guo, L.Q. Huang, X. P. Zhang, V.A. Huck-Pezzei, G.K. Bonn, C.W. Huck. Application of Near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a Tool for Quality Control in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Current Bioactive Compounds, 2011, 7(2):75-84

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8.Jie Zhou, Lan-Ping Guo, Ji Zhang, Shu-Feng Zhou, Guang Yang, Man-Xi Zhao1, Lu-Qi Huang, Effects of LaCl3 on photosynthesis and the accumulation of tanshinones and salvianolic acids in Salvia miltiorrhiza seedlings, Journal of Rare Earths. 2011, 29(5): 494-498.

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10.Qing-Jun Yuan, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Juan Hu, Lan-Ping Guo, Ai-Juan Shao and Lu-Qi Huang*. Impacts of recent cultivation on genetic diversity pattern of a medicinal plant, Scutellaria baicalensis (Lamiaceae). BMC Genetics 2010, 11:29(IF=2.35)

11.Shao aijuan, Guo Lanping, Huang Luqi. Development rules of soil nutrient in rhizosphere of cultivated Atractylodes lancea, Traditional medicine and people's health. Publishing house of ancient Chinese medical books,2004,11:628

12.Xuan Li, Manxi Zhao, Lanping Guo, Luqi Huang. Effect of cadmium on photosynthetic pigments, lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and artemisinin in hydroponically grown Artemisia annua, Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2012

13.Zhou Jie, Fang lei, Li xuan, Guo Lanping, Huang Luqi,Jasmonic acid (JA) acts as a signal molecule in LaCl3-induced baicalin synthesis in Scutellaria baicalensis seedlings Biological Trace Element Research

14.Zhou,Jie M.G. KulkarniLuqi Huang, Lanping Guo, J. Van Staden. Effects of temperature, light, nutrients and smoke-water on seed germination and seedling growth of Astragalus membranaceus, Panax notoginseng and Magnolia officinalis – highly traded Chinese medicinal plants, South African Journal of Botany

15.LIU Dahui, YANG Yan, ZHU Duanwei, GUO Lanping, LIU Wei, JIN Hang. Characteristics of Accumulation and Distribution of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium in Chrysanthemum morifolium,The proceedings of the China association for science and technology. 2011(17),1293-1299

16.Feng-hua Wang, Lan-ping Guo, Xiao-liang Li, Xiao-Jin Yang, Ai-Jun Lin. Biodegradation of n-Hexadecane by Strains B1 and B2 Isolated from Petroleum-Contaminated Soil. Science in China

17. 郭兰萍, 黄璐琦,蒋有绪.不同化学型苍术及根际区土壤提取物生物活性的比较.中国药学杂志,2006,41(10):734-737

18. 郭兰萍, 黄璐琦,蒋有绪.苍术遗传结构的RAPD分析.中国药学杂志,2006.41(3):178-181

19. 郭兰萍, 黄璐琦,蒋有绪等.苍术挥发油组分的气候主导因子筛选及气候适宜性区划,2005北京国际生药学学术研讨会论文集:中国,北京,2005:195-198

20. 郭兰萍,次仁巴珠.藏药产业化:107-137.成升魁,多吉次仁,闵庆文,次成甲措。西藏自治区科技发展战略研究.北京:中国科学技术出版社,2007.10

21. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,Christian W Huck.道地性现代诠释及道地药材鉴别:近红外光谱技术及其在中药道地性研究中的应用,中国中药杂志,2009,34(13):1751-1757

22. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,华国栋,等.丹参地理变异及其道地性探讨.现代中药研究与实践,2006,20(5)3-6

23. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,华永丽,等.从表型可塑性、生态型到药用植物化学型的研究.资源科学,2008,30(2):744-753

24. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪,等.两种不同模式中药适宜性区划的比较研究. 中国中药杂志2008,32(17):718-721

25. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪,等.药用植物栽培种植中的土壤环境恶化及防治策略,中国中药杂志,2006,31(9):714-717

26. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪.“3S”技术在中药资源可持续利用中的应用.中国中药杂志2005,30(17):1397-1400

27. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪.苍术根茎及根际土提取物生物活性研究及化合物的分离鉴定.生态学报,2006,26(2):164-171

28. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪.苍术挥发油成分的地理变异规律及其化学型的划分.资源科学,2008,30(5):770-777

29. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪.栽培苍术根际土壤微生物变化.中国中药杂志,2007,32(12):1131-1133

30. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,蒋有绪等.苍术挥发油组分的气候主导因子筛选及气候适宜性区划.中国中药杂志,2007,32(10):888-893

31. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,吕冬梅.基于3S技术的中药道地药材空间分析数据库的构建及应用. 中国中药杂志.2007,32(17):1821-1824

32. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,邵爱娟,等.苍术根际区土壤养分变化规律,中国中药杂志.2005,30(19):1504-1507

33. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,王敏等.南北苍术的RAPD分析及其划分的初步探讨.中国中药杂志,2001,3:152-154

34. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,阎洪,等.基于地理信息系统的苍术道地药材气候生态特征研究.中国中药杂志,2005,30(4):565-569

35. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦,阎玉凝.土壤中无机元素对茅苍术道地性的影响.中国中药杂志,2002,4:5-10

36. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦.中药资源的生态研究.中国中药杂志,2004,29(7):615-618

37. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦.中药资源生态学的理论框架.资源科学,2008,30(2):296-304

38. 郭兰萍,黄璐琦.中药资源生态学研究理论与实践.湖南中医药大学学报,2007,S1(27):150-155

39. 郭兰萍,刘俊英,吉力,等.茅苍术道地药材挥发油组成特征分析.中国中药杂志,2002,27(11):814-819

40. 郭兰萍,闵庆文,欧珠次旺,陈金瑞.高原特色生物资源保护与利用:213-238。

41. 郭兰萍,汪洪钢, 黄璐琦,等.AM菌根对苍术生长发育及挥发油成分的影响,中国中药杂志,2006,31(18):1491-1496

42. 郭兰萍,汪洪钢, 黄璐琦,等.VA菌根对苍术质量的影响.康廷国,赵中振主编(第二卷),中药鉴定理论与实践,辽宁大学出版社,2005:104-104

43. 郭兰萍.第四次全国中药资源普查的实施准备。中国现代中药,2009,11(2):3-5

44. 郭兰萍,等.药用植物次生代谢产物的积累hormesis及其应用。中国中药杂志,2011,36(5):146-150

2.黄璐琦、郭兰萍、邵爱娟、吕冬梅、张小波“道地药材空间运行系统”(No.200810240738.x )。发明专利

3.黄璐琦、郭兰萍、孙宇章、邵爱娟“基于伴生物种和群落分级的药用植物资源的遥感监测方法” (No.200810240739.4 )。发明专利


5.陈保冬 黄璐琦 郝志鹏 郭兰萍 吴照祥 曾燕"一种应用丛枝菌根真菌技术栽培三七的方法

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