Wheel/rail dynamic interaction due to excitation of rail corrugation in high-speed railway. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. 2015, 58(2):226-235.(SCI检索)
Journal:SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences.
Page Number:226-235
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2015-04-10
Included Journals:SCI
Pre One:The probability density evolution analysis of extreme responses for vehicle-track system under random rail irregularities. ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development. Houston,Texas, the U.S.A. JUN 26-29,2016. 26) WANG KaiYun, LIU PengFei, ZHAI WanMing, HUANG Chao, CHEN ZaiGang, Gao JianMin(高建敏). Wheel/rail dynamic interaction due to excitation of rail corrugation in high-speed railway. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. 2015, 58(2):226-235.
Next One:Effect of Track Irregularity Amplitude on Dynamic Performance of Vehicle System under High-speed Operation[C]. Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Vibration(ISEV2011), Chengdu, China, October 20-22, 2011.(EI检索)