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[1] Ling Fu, Jiayi Zhang, Siyu Xiong, Zhengyou He and Ruikun Mai. A Modified Dynamic Synchrophasor Estimation Algorithm Considering Frequency Deviation. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on: 2016, Accepted with Minor Revisions. (EI: 20170903384084)

[2] Ling Fu, Penn N. Markham, Richard W. Conners, and Yilu Liu. An Improved Discrete Fourier Transform-based Algorithm for Electric Network Frequency Extraction. Information Forensic and Security, IEEE Transactions on . Accepted with Minor Revisions: Vol. 8, Issue: 7, pp. 1173-1181, 2013. (SCI: 000320866600009; EI: 20132916501563)

[3] Zhengyou He, Ling Fu, Wenzheng Han, Ruikun Mai, Zhao-Yang Dong. Precise algorithm for frequency estimation under dynamic and step-change conditions‏. IET Science, Measurement & Technology: Vol. 9, Issue: 7, pp. 842-851, 2015. (SCI: 000362553700008; EI: 20154301421105)

[4] Mai Ruikun, Fu Ling, Dong Zhaoyang. Dynamic phasor and frequency estimators considering decaying DC components. Power System, IEEE Transaction on: 2012, Vol. 27, Issue: 2, pp. 671-681. (SCI: 000303205500011).

[5] He Zhengyou, Fu Ling, Lin Sheng, Bo Zhiqian. Fault Detection and Classification in EHV Transmission Line based on Wavelet Singular Entropy. Power Delivery, IEEE Transaction on: 2010, Vol. 25, Issue: 4, pp. 2156-2163. (SCI: 000283354500013)

[6] Jie Luo,Tianlei Zang,Fu Ling, A novel method to determine the harmonic responsibility for power distribution network including photovoltaic system. The 1st IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration,2018.

[7] Zang Tianlei, He Zhengyou, Fu Ling, Wang Yan, Qian Qingquan. Adaptive method for harmonic contribution assessment based on hierarchical K-means clustering and Bayesian partial least squares regression. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2016, 10(13): 3220-3227. (SCI: 000385652700013)

[8] Zang Tianlei, He Zhengyou, Fu Ling, Chen Jing, Qian Qingquan. Harmonic Source Localization Approach Based on Fast Kernel Entropy Optimization ICA and Minimum Conditional Entropy. Entropy, 2016, 18, no. 6: 214, pp. 1-15. (SCI: 000378843200018)

[9] Musa M H H , Zhengyou He, Fu Ling, Yujia Deng. A covariance indices based method for fault detection and classification in a power transmission system during power swing. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 2019, 105:581-591.(SCI收录, WOS: 000449447200051)

[10] Musa M H H , Zhengyou He, Fu Ling, Yujia Deng. Linear regression index-based method for fault detection and classification in power transmission line. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2018,13(7):979-987. (SCI收录, WOS: 000434223100006)

[11] Musa M H H , Zhengyou He, Fu Ling, Yujia Deng. A corre lation coefficient-based algorithm for fault detection and classification in a power transmission line. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2018,2018,13(10): 1394-1403.(SCI收录, WOS: 000443561500003)

[12] Musa M H H , Zhengyou He, Fu Ling, Yujia Deng. A Cumulative Standard Deviation Sum Based Method for High Resistance Fault Identification and classification in Power Transmission Lines[J].Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems. 2018.(已录用)

[13] 符玲, 刘鸿,林圣,何正友. 计及局放信号传播特性的多源局放定位算法研究[J]. 高电压技术.2017,43(12). (EI: 20181705046643)

[14] 符玲, 韩文朕, 麦瑞坤, 何正友. 利用频域信息滤除衰减直流的同步相量测量算法. 中国电机工程学报. 2016, 36(18): 4923-4929. (EI: 20163902858272)

[15] 符玲, 韩文朕, 麦瑞坤, 何正友. 基于时频信息的动态同步相量测量算法. 中国电机工程学报. 2015, 35(23): 6075-6082. (EI: 20155201737030)

[16] 符玲, 韩文朕, 麦瑞坤, 何正友. 基于频域动态模型的同步相量测量算法. 中国电机工程学报. 2015, 35(6): 1371-1378. (EI: 20151600764852)

[17] 符玲, 何正友, 钱清泉等. 小波熵证据的信息融合在电力系统故障诊断中的应用. 中国电机工程学报. 2008, 28(13): 64-69. (EI: 20082311304521)

[18] 符玲, 何正友, 钱清泉等. 近似熵算法及其在电力系统故障信号分析中的应用研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2008, 28(28): 68-73. (EI: 20084411671751)

[19] 符玲, 何正友. 超高压输电线路的故障暂态特征提取及故障类型判断. 中国电机工程学报. 2010, 30(22): 100-106. (EI: 20103413175043)

[20]白莎,符玲,熊思宇,麦瑞坤. 基于多频率相量模型的动态同步相量测量算法[J].中国电机工程学报,2018,38(13):3748-3755. (EI: 20183905860733)

[21]张佳怡,符玲,熊思宇,麦瑞坤.计及频率偏移的动态谐波相量测量算法[J].中国电机工程学报,2017,37(08):2270-2279.(EI: 20173003988049)

[22]熊思宇,符玲,张佳怡,麦瑞坤.基于测量值波动特性的PMU测量性能在线评价方法[J].电网技术,2017,41(07):2332-2339.(EI: 20173905860733)

[23]罗杰,符玲臧天磊,何正友. 基于联合对角化法与数据筛选的谐波责任划分[J].电力自动化设备,2018,38(11): 79-84.(EI: 20190806518484)

[24] 何正友, 符玲, 钱清泉等. 小波奇异熵及其在高压输电线路故障选相中的应用研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2007, 27(1): 31-36. (EI: 20071610557120)

[25] 陈静, 符玲, 臧天磊, 何正友. 考虑系统谐波阻抗改变的谐波责任定量划分方法. 电力自动化设备. 2016, 36(6): 215-222. (EI: 20162602544251)

[26] 陈静, 符玲, 臧天磊, 何正友. 考虑背景谐波波动的谐波责任划分方法. 电力自动化设备. 2016, 36(5): 61-66. (EI: 20162502529733)

[27]王艳,臧天磊,符玲,何正友. 基于谐波源特征提取的电力系统动态谐波状态估计自适应方法[J].电网技术,2018,42(8): 2612-2619.(EI: 20184606072759)


[29] Fu Ling, He Zhengyou, Bo Zhiqian. Approximate Entropy and its Application to Fault Detection and Identification in Power Swing. Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2009. PES '09. IEEE, pp. 1-8. (EI: 20095112561514)

[30] Fu Ling, He Zhengyou, Bo Zhiqian. Novel Approach to Fault Classification in EHV Transmission Line Based on Multi-information Measurements of Fault Transients. Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2009. APPEEC 2009. Asia-Pacific, pp. 1-4. (EI: 20093512276573)

[31] Fu Ling, He Zhengyou. Wavelet Transform and Approximate Entropy Based Identification of Power Swings and Faults. Developments in Power System Protection, 2008. DPSP 2008. IET 9th International Conference on. pp. 590-594. (EI: 20092612149464)

[32] Fu Ling, He Zhengyou. A Novel Algorithm for Power Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Entropy and D-S Evidence Theory. Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. UPEC 2008. 43rd International. pp. 1-4. (EI: 20093512274693)

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