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近几年来冯全源教授在“IEEE Transaction on Magnetics”,“IEEE Transaction Antennas and Propagation”,"IEEE Communications Letters",“IEEE Communications Letters”,“PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH”等国内外一级学报和国际学术会议上发表学术论文240余篇.其中有180余篇被美国SCI、EI收录.
(1)Quanyuan Feng, Ren Lang, “Microwave properties of Zn Ti-subtituted M-type structure Barium hexaferrites”,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2002,VOL.38,NO.2, PP::1391-1394.
(2)Feng Quanyuan , “Highly Oriented SrM Tape Hexaferrite”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, VOL. 42, NO. 8, AUGUST 2006, PP::1940—1943.
(3)C. P. Wong and Quanyuan Feng, “Grouping Based Bit-Slot ALOHA Protocol for Tag Anti-Collision in RFID Systems” IEEE Communications Letters, VOL. 11, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007 pp: 946-948.
(4)Chuan Lin; Anyong Qing; Quanyuan Feng;“Synthesis of Unequally Spaced Antenna Arrays by Using Differential Evolution”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2010, Vol.58,No.8,Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TAP.2010.2048864, Page(s): 2553 - 2561.
(5)Xiaolin Jia, Quanyuan Feng, Chengzhen Ma,“An Efficient Anti-Collision Protocol for RFID Tag Identification” IEEE Communications Letters, VOL. 14, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2010 pp: 1014-1016.
(6)Chuan Lin; Anyong Qing; Quanyuan Feng;“A new differential mutation base generator for differential evolution” Journal of Global Optimization 2010 Vol.58,No.8,Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TAP.2010.2048864, Page(s): 1 - 22.
(7)Wang WB,Feng QY, Liu D,“Application of chaottic parttcle swarm optimization algorithm to pattern synthesis of antenna arrays”,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER,2011 VOL.115,NO.2, PP::173-189.
(8)Pan Gaofeng; Ekici Eylem; Feng Quanyuan,“BER Analysis of Threshold Digital Relaying Schemes over Log-Normal Fading Chan”,IEEE Communications Letters, VOL. 15, NO.7, JULY 2011 pp: 731 – 733.
(9)Gui-Hua Liu, Xian-Yong Liu and Quan-Yuan Feng. High-accuracy three-dimensional shape acquisition of a large-scale object from multiple uncalibrated camera views, Applied Optics. 2011, 50(20), pp3691-3702.
(10)Gui-hua Liu, Xian-Yong Liu, and Quan-Yuan Feng. 3D shape measurement of objects with high dynamic range of surface reflectivity. Applied Optics. 2011, 50(23), pp4557-4565.
(11)Liu D,Feng QY,Wang WB,Yu, X“Synthesis of Unequally Spaced Antenna Arrays by Using Inheritance Learning Particle Swarm Optimization”,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER,2011 VOL.118,NO.2, PP:205-221.
(12)Xiang, Q.-Y.; Feng, Q.-Y.; Huang, X.-G.,“Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (HMSIW) Filters and its Application to Tunable Filters”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 25, Numbers 14-15, 2011 , pp. 2043-2053.
(13)Xiang, Q.Y.; Feng, Q.Y.; Huang, X.G.,"Bandstop Filter based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators Defected Microstrip Structure.",Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Volume 25, Number 13, 2011 , pp. 1895-1908(14).
(14)Huang, X.G.,Feng, Q.Y.; Xiang, Q.Y.; “HIGH SELECTIVITY BROADBAND BANDPASS FILTER USING STUB-LOADED QUADRUPLE-MODE RESONATOR”Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,volume 26, no. 1, page 34-43.
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