冯冀蒙 副教授

- Duan, L., Feng, J., Song, J. et al. Model test study on the mechanical response of the deep buried tunnel lining. Sci Rep 14, 12863 (2024).
- Fu, J., Feng, J., Li, B.,et al.Study on Evaluation and Control Measures of Large Deformation of Soft Rock Tunnels Considering Unloading Physical Expansion[J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering , 2025, 106045
- Feng,J. Song, J. Zhou, Y., et al.Study on the control effect of tunnel large deformation considering surrounding rock unloading expansion effect and support structure characteristics[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2025, 159(5), 106475
- 冯冀蒙,谭玉梅,姚仕钰等.浅埋黏质黄土隧道变形控制机制及措施研究[J].隧道建设(中英文),2023,43(10):1712-1722.
- Feng, J., Tan, Y., Zhang, J. et al. Evolution mechanism of axial force of super-long pipe roof. J Civil Struct Health Monit (2024).
- Feng J, Tan Y, Ma K, et al.Stability classification and construction method analysis of subway stations in upper-soft and lower-hard strata[J].Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 153: 107550.,2023
- Feng J, Tan Y, Ma K, et al. Mechanisms of slope instability induced by two-hole oversized tunnels with small clearances underneath[J].Structures, 2023, 55: 294-309.
- 马凯蒙,张俊儒,徐剑,陈雪锋,任兆丹,冯冀蒙.含水率对粉质黏土隧道稳定性的影响机制[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2023,42(03):768-779.
- Feng, J., Tan, Y., Yao, S., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., Li, H.Study on stress variation of advance fiberglass anchor bolts during tunnel excavation process[J].Scientific Reports, 2023,13(1),4173
- Feng, J., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., Yu, L., Zhou, P.An Experimental Study on the Correlation between Composite Lining Stiffness and Bearing Capacity in Soft Ground[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, 27(1):345–355