1、Shengfan Zhou, Xiaoming Fan, Kernel sections for non-autonomous strongly damped wave equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 275(2002) 850-869.
2、Xiaoming Fan, Random attractor for a damped sin-Gordon equation with white noise, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 216(2004), 63-76.
3、Xiaoming Fan, Shengfan Zhou, The inflated attractors of non-autonomous strongly damped wave equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 20(2004), 547-556.
4、Xiaoming Fan, Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections for non-autonomous strongly damped wave equations of non-degenerate Kirchhoff-type, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158(2004), 253-266.
5、Xiaoming Fan, Attractors for a damped stochastic wave equation of Sine-Gordon type with sublinear multiplicative noise, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 24(2006), 767-793. 6、Xiaoming Fan, Yaguang Wang, Fractal dimension on attractors for a stochastic wave equation with nonlinear damping and white noise, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 2(2007), 381-396. 7、Xiaoming Fan, YaguangWang, Pullback attractors for a second order nonautonomous lattice dynamical system with nonlinear dampping, Physics Letter A, 365(2007), 17-27.
8、Xiaoming Fan, Global periodic attractor for a first-Order lattice dynamical system with time-periodic term, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 27(1)(2007), 137-144.
9、Xiaoming Fan, Random attractors for a damped stochastic wave equation with multiplicative noise, International Journal of mathematics, 4(19)(2008), 421-437.
10、Xiaoming Fan, Exponential Attractor for a First-Order Dissipative Lattice Dynamical System, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2008, Article ID 354652, 8 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/354652.
11、Xiaoming Fan, H. Yang, Exponential attractor and its fractal dimension for a second order lattice dynamical system. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 367(2010), Pages 350-359.
12、Xiaoming Fan, The a.s. well-posedness of stochastic delay differential equations with white noise, Far East Journal of Mathematics, 57(2011), 153-170.
13、Han Yang, Xiaoming Fan and Shihui Zhu, Global Analysis for Rough Solutions to the Davey-Stewartson System, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2012, Article ID 578701, 22 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/578701.
14、Xiaoming Fan, Huatao Chen, Attractors for the stochastic reaction-diffusion equation driven by linear multiplicative noise with a variable coefficient, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 398 (2013): 715-728.
15、X. Ding, Xiaoming Fan and X. Liu, Absolute Exponential Admissibility of Switched Descriptor Delayed Systems with Sector-Bounded Nonlinearity, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2013) 11(4):692-703 16、Dingshi Li, Xiaoming Fan, Exponential stability of impulsive stochastic partial differential equations with delay, Statistics & Probability Letters, (2017) 126: 185-192.
17、Xiaoming Fan, On convergent rate of the attractor for a singularly perturbed wave equation, Applied Mathematic and compution, (2018)316:370-380 18、Huatao Chen, Jingfei Jiang, Dengqing Cao and Xiaoming Fan, Numerical investigation on global dynamics for nonlinear stochastic heat conduction via global random attractors theory, Applied Mathematics and nonlinear sciences, accepted.
19、Global dynamics of the solution for a bistable reaction diffusion equation with nonlocal effect,ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ARCHIVE, 2021, 29(5).
20、Spatiotemporal dynamics for a Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction–diffusion system with nonlocal effects,Applicable Analysis, 2021.
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