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学科:管理科学与工程. 企业管理
(6)Z J Ma, N Zhang, Y Dai, S Hu. Managing channel profits of different cooperative models in closed-loop supply chains. Omega, 2016, 59
(7)Y S Ye, Z J Ma, Y Dai. The price of anarchy in competitive reverse supply chains with quality-dependent price-only contracts. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016,89
(8)S Hu, Y Dai, Z J Ma, Y S Ye. Designing contracts for a reverse supply chain with strategic customer behavior. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 180
(12)Z J Ma, Q Zhou, Y Dai, J B Sheu. Optimal Pricing Decisions under the Coexistence of “Trade Old for New” and “Trade Old for Remanufactured” Programs. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,2017,106
(13)Z J Ma, Y Wu, Y Dai. A combined order selection and time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time widows for perishable product delivery. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017,114
(14)Z J Ma, S Hu, Y Dai, Y S Ye. Pay-as-you-throw vs. recycling fund system in closed-loop supply chains with alliance recycling. International Transactions in Operational Research,2018, 25(6)
(15)Z J Ma, K M Wang, Y Dai. An emergency blood allocation approach considering blood group compatibility in disaster relief operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2019,10
(16)F Yang, Y Dai, Z J Ma. A cooperative rich vehicle routing problem in the last-mile logistics industry in rural areas. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020,141
(17)Z J Ma, F Yang, Y Dai, Z J Shen. The migratory beekeeping routing problem: Model and an exact algorithm. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021, 33(1) (UTD24期刊)
(18)F Tang, Z J Ma, Y Dai, T M Choi. Upstream or downstream: Who should provide trade‐in services in dyadic supply chains? Decision Sciences, 2021, 52(5)
(19)Z J Ma, Y S Ye, Y Dai, H Yan. The price of anarchy in closed-loop supply chains. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2022, 29(1)
(20)F Yang, Y Dai, Z J Ma. A blood component production-inventory problem with preparation method combination and ABO compatibility. IISE Transactions, 2022,54(8)
(21) F Tang, Y Dai, Z J Ma. Optimal joint trade-in rebate strategies in a retailer-led supply chain. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, 44(1)
(22)Y W Gong, Y Dai, Z J Ma, J G Li. Do incentives work to motivate voluntary blood donation? Psychology & Marketing, 2023, 40
(23)S He, Y Dai, Z J Ma. To offer or not to offer? The optimal value-insured strategy for crowdsourced delivery platforms. Transportation Research Part E, 2023, 173
(24)F Tang, Y Dai, Z J Ma, T M Choi. Trade-in Operations under Retail Competition: Effects of Brand Loyalty. European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 310
(26)J Jiang, Y Dai, F Yang, Z J Ma. A multi-visit flexible-docking vehicle routing problem with drones for simultaneous pickup and delivery services. European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 312
(27)唐飞,代颖,马祖军. 考虑顾客忠诚度的竞争性企业以旧换新策略.中国管理科学,2024,32(5)
(30)R J Zhang, Y Dai, F Yang, Z J Ma. A cooperative vehicle routing problem with delivery options for simultaneous pickup and delivery services in rural areas. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2024, 93
(31)舒亚东,代颖,马祖军. 考虑回收商公平关注的闭环供应链微分博弈模型. 运筹与管理,2024,33(2)
(32)Y C Yan, Y Dai, Z J Ma. Does the change in incentive policies promote renewable energy power generation in China? International Journal of Green Energy,2024, 21(9)
(33)唐飞,代颖,王永龙,马祖军. 基于社会福利最大化的政府促销补贴政策选择.系统工程理论与实践,2024,44(10)
(34)龚钰雯,代颖,马祖军.传染病线索和捐赠主角对献血意愿的影响.心理学报,2024, 56(9)
(35)F Tang, Z J Ma, Y Dai, T M Choi. Stakeholder perspectives on government subsidy programs: Trade-in subsidy, consumption subsidy, or mixed subsidy? Naval Research Logistics, 2024, 71
(36)Y Dai, S He, Z J Ma. Pricing decisions for an on-demand crowdsourced delivery platform with differentiated service levels. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024, 71
(37)唐飞,代颖,马祖军. 制造商以旧换新翻新再售策略:单市场策略 vs. 双市场策略. 系统工程理论与实践