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从事泛函分析与线性算子理论(Banach格的拓扑与序结构及Banach格上算子的理论与应用研究)理论和应用研究二十余年。 在Trans. Amer. Math. Soc、Proc. Amer. Math. Soc、Indag Math、Positivity、Math. Nachr.、 Proc. Royal Irish Acad、 Acta Marhematica Sinica、数学学报、数学年刊、数学进展等刊物上发表论文近70篇,其中SCI检索20余篇。 自2001年均特邀参加Positivity and its Applications国际会议并作大会报告:2011年在荷兰的Nijmengen;2003年在希腊的Rhodes; 2005年在德国的Dresden;2007年在英国的Belfast;2009年在西班牙的Madrid。

(1) Chen, N and Z.L. Chen, Duality properties for the b-AM-compact operators on Banach lattices, Mathematical Notes (SCI). (to appear)

(2) Jin Xi Chen, Zi Li Chen, Guo Xing Ji, Order continuous extensions of positive compact operators on Banach lattices, Indag. Math.(N.S.), 21 (2011), 1 75-180. (SCI)

(3) Chen, N, Chen ,Z. L. and Y. Feng,L- and M-weak compactness of positive Dunford-Pettis operator, 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版). 34(2011), 632-634.

(4) 李颖,陈滋利,Banach 格上几乎Dunford-Pettis 算子的M-弱紧性和L-弱紧性,西南民族大学学报,37(2011),562-565.

(5) 程娜,陈滋利,陈志杰,b-AM-compact operators on Banach lattice,工程数学学报,27(2010),753-756.

(6) 程娜,陈滋利,陈志杰,The factorization of AM-compact operator,数学进展,39(2010),124-126.

(7) Chen, N and Z.L. Chen, L- and M-weak compactness of positive semi-compact operator, Rendiconti delCircolo Matematico di Palermo (Springer收录), 59(2010),101-105.

(8) Chen, N and Z.L. Chen, Some properties of b-weakly compact operators on Banach lattice, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Science, 6(2010), 99-102.

(9) 张红玲,陈滋利.抽象凸空间的KKM型定理及其应用,四川大学学报(自然科学版),47(2010),247-250.

(10) 张红玲,陈滋利.抽象凸空间的广义向量平衡问题,四川师范大学学报(自然科学版),33(2010),447-449.

(11) Chen, Z.L., Some remarks on operators and their conjugates, J of SWJTU, 18 (2010) , 346-348.

(12) Chen, Z.L., Domination properties of lattice homomorphisms, Positivity, 13 (2009), 51-60 (SCI检索号:387XX).

(13) 张红玲,陈滋利. 抽象凸空间的一致性定理及其应用,工程数学学报,26 (2009),716-720.

(14) 陈志杰, 陈滋利, 程娜,保不交算子值域的一些性质,纯粹数学与应用数学,25(2009),774-776.

(15) Chen, F., Chen Z. L.,Notes on Preregular Operators in Banach Lattices,J of SWJTU, 17 (2009), 363-365.

(16) 陈世群,陈滋利, When ideals of Banach lattices are bands, 四川师范大学学报,32(2009),1-2.

(17) 刘盾,赵军,韩冬,陈滋利,货运列车编组调度问题的模型与算法研究,数学的实践与认识,39(2009),162-172.

(18) 刘建敏,陈滋利,张晓柄,关于Banach 格上算子控制性质的注记,西南民族大学学报,34(2008),1149-1151.

(19) Chen, Z.L., The order properties of r-compact operators on Banach lattices, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Springer, 23, No. 3 (2007) , 457—466 (SCI) (SCI收录号:151DB)

(20) Chen, Z.L. and M.R. Veber, On finite elements in sublattices of Banach lattices, Math. Nachr., 280, No. 5-6 (2007), 485--494. (SCI) (SCI收录号:159WH)

(21) Chen, Z.L. and M.R. Veber, On finite elements in lattices of regular operators, Positivity, 11(2007), 563-574. (SCI) (SCI收录号:239VN)

(22) Chen, Z.L., On closedness of principal bands in lattices of operators, J. of Sichuan Normal Unv.(Natural Science) 30 (1) (2007), 1-4.

(23) 王绍新,陈滋利,AM-紧算子的控制性质,信阳师范学院学报,20,No. 1(2007),14-16.

(24) 王绍新,陈滋利,正则算子空间上的一类格子空间,成都信息工程学院学报,22,No.1(2007), 131-133.

(25) Chen, Z.L. and M.R. Veber, On finite elements in vector lattices and Banach lattices, Math. Nachr., 279, No. 5-6 (2006), 495-501. (SCI) (SCI收录号:033MK)

(26) 冯颖,陈滋利,复f-代数上的正交射与Riesz同态,工程数学学报,6(2006),1117-1120.

(27) Chen, Z.L., Remark on the Riesz separation property of the linear span of positive compact operators, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., (2005)

(28) Chen, Z.L., On the order continuity of the regular norm, (Proceeding of international conference of Positivity IV, Dresden (Germany) (2005). (在德国Dresden第四届Positivity国际会议上50分钟大会报告).

(29) 冯颖,陈滋利,复f-代数的性质研究,江西科学,2(2005)102-105.

(30) Feng, X.S. and Chen, Z.L., Remark on regularity of continuous operators on AL-spaces, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., 12(1)(2004), 79-82.

(31) Jiang, N.S. and Chen, Z.L., Several norms of operators between Banach lattices, 工程数学学报,4 (2004).

(32) Jiang, N.S. and Chen, Z.L., Regularity of continuous operators on Banach function spaces, Quarterly Math., 19(1) (2004), 51-56.

(33) Chen, Z.L., A counterexample concerning compact operators between Banach lattices, Positivity, 7 (2003), 113-118. (SCI)

(34) Chen, Z.L., The density of regular operator in continuous operators, (Proceeding of international conference of Function Spaces VII, Poznan(Poland) (2003).

(35) 冯颖,陈滋利,一类经典Banach格上保不交算子的刻画,西南交通大学学报,4 (2003),438-440.

(36) 陈金喜,陈滋利,一类正交射的刻画,苏州科技学院,4 (2002).

(37) Li, J. and Chen, Z.L., The several norms of operators on Banach lattices, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., (2002).

(38) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Recent results on weakly compact operators on Banach lattices, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., 9 (2) (2001), 185-194.

(39) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Vector lattices of weakly compact operators on Banach lattices, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 352 (2000), 397-412. (SCI)

(40) Chen, Z.L., On a question of Huijsmans-Wickstead concerning band projection of operator lattices, Chinese J. of Contemporary Math., 21 (2000), 65-68.

(41) 陈滋利,Banach格上正则算子格,数学学报,43 (2),No.2 (2000), 205-212.

(42) 陈滋利,Huijsmans-Wickstead关于算子格投影的一个问题,数学年刊,21A: 1 (2000), 65-68.

(43) Chen, Z.L., A characterization of non-regular operator, Advanced Math., 29 (6) (2000), 527-530.

(44) 陈滋利,Banach格上算子的正则范数,工程数学学报,17 (2) (2000), 58-64.

(45) Chen, Z.L., A characterization of weak sequential continuity of lattice operations on Banach lattices, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., 8 (1) (2000), 1-3.

(46) 金渝光、陈滋利, 关于弱紧算子与紧算子分解的注记,西南交通大学学报,2000.

(47) Niang, N.S. and Chen, Z.L., Some spectral properties of positive matrices, 全国数学、力学、物理、 高新技术研究协会论文集,2000.

(48) Chen, Z.L., On the weak sequential precompactness in Banach lattices, Chinese J. of Contemporary Math., 20 (1999), 477-574.

(49) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, M-weakly and L-weakly compact operators on Banach lattices, Indag Math., Vol. 10, No. 3 (1999), 321-336. (SCI)

(50) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Equalities involving the modulus of an operator on Banach lattices, Proc. Royal Irish Acad., 99 (A) (1999), 85-92.

(51) 陈滋利,关于Banach格中的弱序列准紧性,数学年刊,20A: 5 (1999), 567-574.

(52) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Relative weak compactness of solid hulls in Banach lattices, Indag Math., Vol. 2, No. 3 (1998), 257-274. (SCI)

(53) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Some applications of Rademacher sequences in Banach lattices, Positivity, Vol. 2 (1998), 171-191. (SCI)

(54) Chen, Z.L., A strongly non-regular operator on Banach lattices, J. of Southwest Jiaotong Univ., 6(2) (1998), 189-194.

(55) 陈滋利,经典Banach格上算子的正则范数,西南交通大学学报,1998.

(56) Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Incompleteness of the linear span of the positive compact operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 125, No. 11 (1997), 3381-3389. (SCI)

(57) Abramovich, Y.A., Chen, Z.L. and A.W. Wickstead, Regular-norm balls can be closed in the strong operator topology, Positivity, 1 (1997), 75-95. (SCI)

(58) Chen, Z.L., Banach lattices and regular operators, Doctoral Thesis, 1997.

(59) 陈滋利,关于具有Schur性质的Banach格,西南交通大学学报,1993.

(60) 陈滋利,关于弱紧算子的模,四川卫星会议论文集,1993.

(61) 陈滋利,积分概念的处理与教学,西南交通大学高等工程教育,1993.

(62) 陈滋利,Banach格上算子的控制性质,数学年刊,A13 (1992). (MR93J:47055).

(63) Chen, Z.L., The factorization of a class of compact operators, 东北数学,6 (3) 1990. (MR 91j: 47039).

(64) 陈滋利,关于l_1在Banach格中可补性的一个注记,全国工科数学年会论文集,1989.

(65) Chen, Z.L., On the weak compactness in Banach lattices, 数学学报(英文版),4 (1988). (MR 90c:46029). (SCI)

(66) 陈滋利,正紧算子刻划Banach格l_1,西南交通大学学报,1987.

(67) 陈滋利,Lamperti算子的一些性质,科学通报,6 (1986).

(68) 陈滋利,可逆M-矩阵的一些性质,陕西师范大学学报,6 (1986).






