(1)(with Weiqiang Wang)Formulae of ı-divided powers in Uq(sl2), III, Journal of Algebra 619,2023, 221-248.
(2)(with Ming Lu, Weiqiang Wang)Serre-Lusztig relations for ıquantum groups III, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 227,2023, 107253,13pp.
(3)(with Gail Letzter, Ming Lu, Weiqiang Wang)Serre-Lusztig relations for ıquantum groups II, Letters in Mathematical Physics 112(5), 2022,15pp.
(4)(with Ming Lu, Weiqiang Wang) Serre-Lusztig relations for ıquantum groups, Communications in Mathematical Physics 382(2), 2021, 1015-1059.
(5)(with Ming Lu) Varieties of modules over the quantum plane, Journal of Algebra 580,2021, 158-198.
(6)(with Ming Lu, Weiqiang Wang)A Serre presentation for the ıquantum groups, Transformation Groups 26(3), 2021, 827-857.
(7)(with Weiqiang Wang)Anti-commuting varieties, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373(3), 2020, 1597-1617.
(8)(with Ming Lu) Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras of gentle algebras, Communications in Algebra 47(9),2019, 3597-3613.
(9)(with Ming Lu) Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras of skewed-gentle algebra, Communications in Algebra 45(2),2017, 849-865.
(10)(with Ming Lu) Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians for Gentle algebras,Algebras and Representation Theory 19(6),2016,1321-1345.
(11)(with Ming Lu) Derived equivalences and Recollements of diferential graded algebras and schemes, Algebra Colloquium 23(3),2016, 385-408.
(12) (with Ming Lu) Cluster-tilting Objects in higher cluster categories, Advances in Mathematics(China) 45(5),2016,641-651.
(13) (with Ming Lu) Singularity categories of skewed-gentle algebras, Colloquium Mathematicum 141(2),2015, 183-198.
(14) (with Ming Lu, Shengfei Geng) The singularity categories of the Cluster-tilted algebras of Dynkin type type, Algebras and Representation Theory, 18(2), 2015, 531-554.
(15) (with Ming Lu) Coxeter transformations of the derived categories of coherent sheaves, Journal of Algebra 399, 2014, 79-101.