个人信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学. 流体力学. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程. 桥梁与隧道工程
[1] Li, J., Wu, B*., Ma, C., Cui, B., Li, S. Flow patterns and vortex related characteristics of tandem rectangular structures with recessed corners. Physics of Fluids, (2025), 37, 025156. (SCI)
[1] Zhang, Y., Liao, H*., Wu, B**., Zhou, Q. A Multi-modal coupled flutter analytical method based on the principle of virtual work: focusing on the dynamic mechanism of bridge flutter. Computers & Structures, (2024), 294, 107257. (SCI)
[2] 刘君,倪志福,温玉芬,唐煜,邱恩喜,伍波. 悬臂施工阶段大跨度拱桥抖振响应及抑振措施. 空气动力学学报,(2024), 42(X): 1-10. (CSCD)
[1] Wu, B., Zhou, Q*., Wang, Y., Shen, H., Liao, H., Liu, J. " Post critical instability characteristics of a side-box steel concrete composite girder: experimental investigation and mechanism analysis." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (2023), 240: 105513. (SCI)
[2] Wu, B., Shen, H*., Liao, H.,Wang Q. " Investigation of nonlinear and transitional characteristics of flutter varying with wind angles of attack for some typical sections with different side ratios " Journal of Fluids and Structures, (2023), 121: 103934. (SCI)
[3] Wu, B., Shen, H*., Liao, H., Wang Q., Liu, J. "Identification of amplitude-dependent damping ratio and flutter derivatives of a streamlined box girder under various wind angles of attack" Journal of Bridge Engineering, (2023), 28(7): 04023041. (SCI)
[4] Wu, B., Shen, H*., Wang, Q*., Liao, H., Li, Z " Identification of the high-order rational function of bridge decks by SDOF forced vibration testing" Journal of Bridge Engineering, (2023), 28(6): 04023024. (SCI)
[5] 刘栩,沈火明,伍波*,廖海黎. 流线型箱梁颤振形态非线性特征的风洞试验研究. 振动与冲击,(2023), 42(7): 8-17. (EI)
[6] 邢文博,沈火明,伍波*,廖海黎. 风攻角对某扁平箱梁气动导数及颤振特性的影响. 应用数学和力学, (2023), 44(2): 178-190. (CSCD)
[7] 陈晨,伍波*,李志国,廖海黎. 基于风洞试验的板桁分离及板桁结合梁颤振性能对比研究. 振动与冲击,(2023), 42(20): 49-58. (EI)
[1] Wu, B., Shen, H*., Liao, H*., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Li, Z. " Insight into the intrinsic time-varying aerodynamic properties of a truss girder undergoing a flutter with subcritical Hopf bifurcation" Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, (2022), 112: 106472. (SCI)
[2] Wu, B., Liao, H*., Shen, H*., Wang, Q., Mei, H., Li, Z. " Multimode coupled nonlinear flutter analysis for long-span bridges by considering dependence of flutter derivatives on vibration amplitude" Computers & Structures, (2022), 260: 106700. (SCI)
[3] Li, Z., Wu, B*., Liao, H., Li, M., Wang, Q., Shen, H. "Influence of the initial amplitude on the flutter performance of a 2D section and 3D full bridge with a streamlined box girder." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (2022), 222: 104916. (SCI)
[4] Wang, Q., Wu, B., Liao, H., Mei, H. "Experimental investigation of amplitude dependent self excited aerodynamic foeces on a 5:1 rectangular cylinder." Wind and Structures, (2022), 34(1): 73-80. (SCI)
[1] Liao, H., Mei, H., Hu, G., Wu, B., Wang, Q*. "Machine learning strategy for predicting flutter performance of streamlined box girders." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (2021), 209: 104493. (SCI)
[1] Wu, B., Chen, X., Wang Q*., Liao, H., Dong, J. "Characterization of vibration amplitude of nonlinear bridge flutter from section model test to full bridge estimation." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (2020), 197: 104048. (SCI)
[2] Wu, B., Wang, Q*., Liao, H., Li, Y., Li, M. "Flutter derivatives of a flat plate section and analysis of flutter instability at various attack angles." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, (2020), 196: 104046. (SCI)
[3] Wu, B., Wang Q., Liao, H*., Mei, H. "Hysteresis response of nonlinear flutter for a truss girder: experimental investigation and theoretical prediction." Computers & Structures (2020), 238, 106267. (SCI)
[4] Wu, B., Wang, Q*., Liao, H, Mei, H. "Effects of vertical motion on nonlinear flutter of a bridge girder." Journal of Bridge Engineering (2020), 25(11): 04020093. (SCI)
[5] 伍波,王骑,廖海黎,李郁林. 自激气动力有理函数系数的直接识别算法.西南交通大学学报 (2020), 55(02), 247-255. (EI)
[6] Jiang, Y., Liu, S*., Zhao, N**., Xin, J., Wu, B. "Short-term wind speed prediction using time varying filter-based empirical mode decomposition and group method of data handling-based hybrid model." Energy conversion and management (2020), 220, 113076. (SCI)
[1] 伍波,王骑,廖海黎. 双层桥面桁架梁软颤振特性风洞试验研究. 振动与冲击,(2019), 39(1): 191-198. (EI)
[2] 伍波,王骑,廖海黎. 扁平箱梁颤振后状态的振幅依存性研究. 中国公路学报,(2019), 32(10): 96-106.(EI)
[3] 伍波,王骑,廖海黎,李志国. 不同风攻角下薄平板断面颤振机理研究. 振动工程学报,(2019), 33(4): 667-678. (EI)
[1] 伍波, 王骑, 李志国, 廖海黎. 颤振临界风速计算值与试验值的一致性.西南交通大学学报, (2018), 53(3), 517-524. (EI)
[1] 伍波,廖海黎,马存明. 考虑脉动风效应的大跨度连续刚构桥等效风荷载分布规律研究. (2015). 第十七届全国结构风工程会议及第三届全国风工程研究生论坛,武汉;
[2] Wu, B., Wang, Q., Liao, H., Li, Z. "Analytical and experimental study of a flat box girder under bimodal coupled flutter onsets." (2017). The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCE9), Auckland, New Zealand;
[3] Wu, B., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Liao, H. "Estimation of vibration amplitude of nonlinear bridge flutter." (2019). The 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15), Beijing, China;
[4] 伍波,王骑,廖海黎. 双层桥面桁架梁软颤振特性风洞试验研究. (2019). 第十九届全国结构风工程会议暨第五届全国风工程研究生论坛,厦门;
[5] Wu, B., Liao, H*. "Explanation and prediction on hysteresis response of nonlinear flutter of a bridge girder" (2020). The 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA9), University of Birmingham, UK;
[6] 伍波,廖海黎,沈火明,王骑. 桁架梁非线性颤振亚临界分岔机理研究. (2021). 第二十届全国结构风工程学术会议, 广州;
[7] Wu, B., Liao, H., Shen, H. " Aerodynamic mechanisms of nonlinear flutter with subcritical Hopf bifurcation of a bridge girder." (2023). The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE16), Florence, Italy.