鲍雨 副研究员

本人主要从事大分子的纳米力学、分子摩擦学、表界面修饰及改性等研究。通过微小机械力在纳米尺度上操纵、感知目标分子从而实现研究目标,主持科研项目6项,参与多项。已发表多篇SCI论文,其中以第一作者身份在国际顶级期刊Chem. Soc. Rev.(影响因子60.086)发表综述文章,这也是我校首次在该期刊上发表文章,详见 https://news.swjtu.edu.cn/shownews-20962.shtml 。
论文成果 更多+
Environment-dependent single-chain mechanics of synthetic polymers and biomacromolecules by atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and the implications for advanced polymer materials,Yu Bao,Shuxun Cui,Zhonglong Luo.Chem Soc Rev,2020
Hydrophilicities of amylose and natural cellulose are regulated by the linkage between sugar rings,Yu Bao,Shuxun Cui,Zhong-yuan Lu,Li Zhao,Lu Qian,Duo Xu.Nanoscale
Revealing the Hydrophobicity of Natural Cellulose by Single-Molecule Experiments,Yu Bao,Shuxun Cui,Zhong-yuan Lu,Hu-jun Qian.Macromolecules
The unexpected flexibility of natural cellulose at a single-chain level and its implications to the design of nano materials,Yu Bao,Shuxun Cui,Zhong-yuan Lu,Hu-jun Qian.Nanoscale
Single-Molecule Studies Reveal That Water Is a Special Solvent for Amylose and Natural Cellulose.MACROMOLECULES,52(13):5006-5013