Zhang Yingbin
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:Department of Geotechnical Engineering,School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University
- Professional Title:Professor
- Academic Titles:Deputy director
- Alma Mater:Kyushu University
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:Civil Engineering
- Discipline:The Geotechnical Engineering

- PostalAddress:
- Email:
- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
Zhang Yingbin, born in 1983, is a professor of Southwest Jiaotong University, a doctoral supervisor, a JSPS scholar from Japan, a candidate for ICGdR Outstanding Young Scientist Award, the 13th batch of academic and technical leaders in Sichuan Province, is a winner of Sichuan outstanding youth (cultivation) fund and "Chuying scholar", "Yang Hua Scholar", Tang Lixin Outstanding Scholar and overseas high-level talent of Sichuan Province of Southwest Jiaotong University, a of Southwest Jiaotong University. He is now the party branch secretary and deputy director of geotechnical Engineering Department, School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, and the leader of geotechnical earthquake engineering team. He is engaged in teaching and research work related to seismic slope (landslide). In the past 5 years, he has hosted more than 10 research projects, including 4 National Natural Science Foundation of China (youth, surface and international cooperation projects), Sichuan Outstanding Youth (cultivation) Fund, Japan Society for the Promotion of Scholarship Special Researcher Award Fund, Ministry of Education Returned Overseas Students Research Start Fund and Key Laboratory Open Fund, etc. He has published two monographs (Springer English monograph and The first author published two monographs (one by Springer and one by Science Press), more than 120 academic papers, including more than 60 SCI papers in geotechnical engineering (more than 20 by the first and corresponding authors), more than 1400 Google citations, with a high citation index of 21; participated in the editing of one national specification and one industry specification; presided over 10 international and national invention patents and one software copyright; served as an expert in the evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other projects. He is an expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other projects, a member of 10 domestic and foreign academic institutions, and a reviewer of more than 20 SCI journals; he has organized or participated in more than 20 academic conferences at home and abroad and made 10 invited presentations.
- 四川省科学技术进步奖一等奖(高烈度区高陡边坡抗震关键技术及工程应用),四川省人民政府,2/10,2022
- 西藏自治区科学技术奖二等奖(藏东南高海拔山区斜坡灾害防控关键技术与应用),西藏自治区人民政府,2/20,2022
- 中国交通运输协会科学技术奖-科技创新青年奖,中国交通运输协会,个人奖,2024
- 中国交通运输协会科技进步奖二等奖(高海拔山区斜坡灾害防控关键技术与工程应用),中国交通运输协会,3/10,2022
- 四川省教学成果奖二等奖(大师引领、全球聚力,依托大国工程构建多元融合的科研育人新体系),四川省教育厅,4/10,2021
- 杰出青年科学家奖(Outstanding Young Scientist Award),国际地质灾害与减灾协会,个人奖,2020
- 西南交通大学教学成果特等奖(构建土木工程"课程思政"育人体系创新"课程育人"制度与模式),西南交通大学,14/16,2020
- 西南交通大学教学成果一等奖(面向大国世纪工程的多元立体化岩土工程人才培养体系的构建与实践),西南交通大学,1/9,2020
- 西南交通大学研究生教学成果一等奖(立足国际学术前沿,面向大国工程需求,升级科研育人模式,培养震灾防治人才),1/12,2020
- 西南交通大学教学成果一等奖(激发血性、锤炼狼性,构建培养学生综合素质的岩土工程课程教学平台),西南交通大学,5/11,2020
- 四川省第二届结构设计竞赛一等奖(指导老师)
- 《第二届全国交通岩土工程学术会议》青年优秀论文奖
- 中国岩石力学与岩石工程学会,国际事务秘书处,副秘书长,2023.11-Now
- 《Journal of Central South University》(SCI, JCR Q1),青年编委,2024.1-Now
- 《西南交通大学学报》,青年编委,2023.3-Now
- 《交通科学与工程》(核心),青年编委,2024.1-Now
- 《华东交通大学学报》,编委,2021.4-Now
- 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体工程地质力学分会,常务理事,2023.5-Now
- 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体工程地质力学分会,理事,2023.5-Now
- 中国土木工程学会交通岩土专委会,委员
- ICGdR 国际减灾学会出版委员会,委员
- 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩土体非连续变形分析专业委员会,委员
- 四川省地震学会理事、地震预报与地震预警专业委员会,副主任委员
- 中国岩石力学与工程学会人工智能技术实用化专业委员会,常务委员

Kyushu University | Geotechnical engineering | Doctor of engineering | PhD graduate
Central South University | Geological Engineering | Master of engineering | Master graduate
Central South University | Geological Engineering | Bachelor of engineering | Bachelor degree

1.Southwest Jiaotong University | School of civil engineering
2.Kyushu University | Geotechnical engineering
3.Central South University | Road and railway engineering
4.Central South University | Geological Engineering

1.Name of Research Group:Geotechnical earthquake Engineering Team, Southwest Jiaotong University
Description of Research Group:The geotechnical earthquake Engineering team relies on the platforms of The National Engineering Laboratory for Geohazard Prevention and Control technology of Land Transportation and the Key Laboratory of Earthquake Resistance Technology of Sichuan Province, as well as the national key cultivation disciplines of geotechnical engineering. Currently, the team has 72 fixed members, including 4 senior high school students, 2 associate high school students, 5 intermediate high school students, and 61 doctoral and master students. Team members have high academic level, rich international background, age and reasonable knowledge structure. Since the establishment of the team, research has been carried out on earthquake slope disaster mechanism and prevention and control, including four aspects: ground motion characteristics and mountain dynamic response, rock and soil dynamic characteristics and strength deterioration law, earthquake slope failure mechanism and anti-shock reinforcement technology, and landslide hazard identification and disaster assessment in strong earthquake mountain area. He has presided over more than 20 scientific research projects including national Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published 2 monographs and more than 150 academic papers. Participated in 2 sections of industry specifications; He has presided over 15 international and national invention patents and more than 10 software Copyrights.