















1.Name: Xu, Xiaoyan



M.  A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Applied Linguistics, 2004--2006

B. A., Sichuan University, English, 2980--1984

3.Academic Rank:  Professor


4.    Category: Tutor for M.A

5.Affiliation(s): School of Foreign Languages.

6.Areas of Expertise & Research Interests: English Writing; English Teaching; Second    Language Acquisition


1. 7.Contact:

Email: xxycd@qq.com


8.Language(s): English


Monographs & Compilations:

  1) An Illustrated Interpretation of English Long Sentences. 2009. Xi’an: World


Publishing Corporation.


2) Syntactic Complexity Demonstrated by Chinese College EFL Learners. 2017.  


Chengdu: Sichuan University Press.

10.Academic Papers (published at home and abroad) and investigation reports (state and provincial level):


1) Zhong Yuexin & Xu Xiaoyan (Correspondence Author). 2018. Explicit transition and


avoidance: The use of transition markers in Chinese college students’ English


argumentative writings. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 19 (5).


2) Xu Xiaoyan. 2014. Clause constituent and NP constituent: New perspectives to


 measure L2 learners’English syntactic complexity. Foreign Language

Education in China 7 (2).


3) Xu Xiaoyan. 2013. A study on then Syntactic complexity of English Essays written


by Chinese students of English. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 45 (2).


4) Xu Xiaoyan. 2012 On the cultivation of cognitive senses in teaching and leaming


English reduced structures. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (1).


5Xu Xiaoyan. 2010. Explicit instruction and the use of English non-finite clauses  


by the Chinese college students: An exploratory study based on one-group


pretest-post-test design. Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (3).


5) Li Ning & Xu Xiaoyan. Vocabulary retention strategies and their relation with the


vocabulary performance: A study of English vocabulary memorizing by


Freshmen in West China. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (6).


6) Xu Xiaoyan. 2009. A probe into "avoidance" manifestation of English non-finite


clauses by the Chinese students. In Chen Jianping( ed.), ETL in China 2006. Beijng: Foreign Language Teaching and Research press.


7) Xu Xiaoyan. 2009. Changes and development in Chinese L2 English learners’    


abilities of grammar comprehension, controlled and uncontrolled production. Foreign Language Teaching Theory and practice (3).


8) Xu Xiaoyan. 2008. Retaining and loss of culture messages: On the connotations


of the words concerning wine drinking in Chinese and English versions.


Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (12).


9) Xu Xiaoyan. 2008. Syntactic deviation of English non-finite clauses by Chinese  


L2 learners. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (5).


10) Xu Xiaoyan. 2004. A Study on the correlations between college students' English  


grammar performance and their English writing quality. Journal of southwest university for Nationalities (12).


11) Xu Xiaoyan. 2003. A study on college Students' English grammar competence.    


Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (2).


12) Xu Xiaoyan. 2003. A study on acquisition of English wh-movement parameters by Chinese


students.Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (5).


13) Xu Xiaoyan. 2003. Contrastive studies of pragmatic strategies in English refusal.


Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (2).


14) Xu Xiaoyan. 2003. Contrastive studies of syntactic Features of Wh-words.


Journal of Chengdu University(3).


15) Xu Xiaoyan. 2003. On the functions of question markers of English Yes/No


questions. Journal of Nanchang University (6).


11.Research Projects (state and provincial level):


 1) Comprehensive English (Book 3, Book 4). Funded by Foreign Language Teaching


and Research Press. (on going)


2)Simplicity without elegance: Studying Syntactic Complexity Problems in Chinese EFL


students’ English writings (ZGWYJYJJ2018B86). Funded by National Research Center of Foreign Language Education, BFSU.


3) English writing pedagogy based on the conceptions of cognitive academic language  


proficiency. Funded by Southwest Jiaotong University.


4) Cognitive academic language proficiency and freshmen composition in America:


curriculum, pedagogy and instructional management (ARC2015016). Funded by US Studies Center, SWJTU.


5) Pedagogy of English grammar and writing: From the perspective of cognitive  


academic language proficiency (CALP) (SCWYH15-15). Funded by


Research Center of Foreign Language and Literature, Sichuan and Shagnhai


Foreign Language Education Press.


6) Acquisition of English relative clauses by Chinese senior high school students


(JJWYZCYB2009036). National Basic Foreign Language Teaching Research Center


7) Syntactic length, embeddedness and structures: Syntactic complexity


 Demonstrated by Chinese EFL Learners (10YJA740108/10YJA740108). Funded by Humanities and Social Sciences projects of the Ministry of Education.


8) A study of Chinese college EFL learners' English syntactic competence and its


relationship with syntactic diversity (09 BYY065/20151696 ). Funded by The National Social Science Fund of China.   

[1] 西南交通大学 | 英语 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 文学硕士学位
[2] 四川大学 | 英语 | 大学本科毕业 | 文学学士学位



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团队名称:(四)四川外国语言文学研究中心,上海外语教育出版社项目“单位长度、单位密度 和句式类型对我国英语学习者英语句法复杂性的研究”(SCWYH10-37)

团队介绍:团队人员:孙念红 曾详敏 闫静 陈思本 蒋婧

团队名称:(三)教育部人文社会科学项目“单位长度、单位密度和句式类型 ——对我国英语学习者英语句法复杂性的研究”(10YJA740108)

团队介绍:团队人员:孙念红 曾详敏 王焰 杨世蓉 孙莉萍 陈思本 蒋婧 闫静 管锐

团队名称:(二)国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心项目“我国中学生对英语关系从句习得 的实证研究”(JJWYZCYB2009036)

团队介绍:团队人员:王维民 徐晓燕 闫静 孙念红 曾详敏 徐露明


团队介绍:团队人员:夏伟蓉 王维民 徐晓燕 兰萍 宋冰 闫静 孙念红 曾详敏 陈思本 管锐 潘小燕

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