江欣国 教授



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学科:安全科学与工程. 交通运输规划与管理








当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • 科研团队



    • 交通安全规划与设计

    • 交通网络韧性与安全

    • 客流紧急疏散关键技术

    • 交通运输事故再现与救援

    • 交通安全行为

  • 学术论文清单:


    1.     江欣国,倪立 (1999)。城市道路交叉口评价指标体系探讨。城市轨道交通研究,第2卷,第4期,28-29

    2.     吴娇蓉,江欣国 (2000)。城市出入口布局规划与城市群发展协调性研究。中国公路学报, 117-120(EI)

    3.     Jiang, X. (2001). “The role of safety audits,” World Highways, pp. 52.

    4.     Jiang, X. (2004). “Validation of underlying assumption of quasi-induced exposure,” the 2nd place paper award, Michigan Institute of Transportation Engineers, Lansing Michigan.

    5.     Jiang, X. (2005). “Measuring the effectiveness of Michigan graduated driver licensing with quasi-induced exposure,” Accepted to present at 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2005,1.8-12

    6.     Jiang, X. (2005). “An investigation of the underlying assumptions of quasi-induced exposure,” Ph.D. dissertation, East Lansing Michigan.

    7.     Jiang, X. and Lyles, R. (2007). “Difficulties with quasi-induced exposure when speed varies systematically by vehicle type,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 39, Issue 4, pp. 649-656. (SSCI)

    8.     Jiang, X. and Lyles, R. (2010). “A review of the validity of the underlying assumptions of quasi-induced exposure,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 42 (4), pp. 1352-1358. (SSCI)

    9.     Sun, D., Wang, Q., and Jiang, X. (2010). “The application of support vector machines (SVM) for traffic condition prediction using ITS data,” the proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies (ICTTS), Kunming China. (EI)

    10.  Jiang, X. and Lyles, R. (2011). “Exposure-based assessment of the effectiveness of Michigan’s graduated driver licensing nighttime driving restriction,” Safety Science, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 484-490. (SCI)

    11.  Jiang, X., Qiu, Y., and Ruan, S. (2011). “An approach to optimize the settings of actuated signals,” Journal of Modern Transportation, Volume 19 (1), pp. 68-74.

    12.  Jiang, X., Qiu, Y. and Lyles, R. (2011). "Complementary set analysis of crash propensity in the quasi-induced exposure," the third international conference on road safety and simulation, Purdue University, USA.

    13.  Jiang, X., Qiu, Y., and Lyles, R. (2011). “U.S. national household travel survey used to validate the exposure estimates by the quasi-induced exposure technique,” Journal of Transportation Research Record, No. 2237, pp. 152-159. (SCI)

    14.  Jiang, X., Qiu, Y., Lyles, R., and Zhang, H. (2012). “Issues with using police citations to assign responsibility in quasi-induced exposure,” Safety Science, Vol. 50, pp. 1133-1140. (SCI)

    15.  江欣国,姚欣锟。禁宵对年轻驾驶员的安全倾向性影响。交通运输工程与信息学报。2012(2)27-33

    16.  江欣国。基于事故数据库的危险暴露量理论及应用。学术动态, 2013 (1) :13-16

    17.  Jiang, X. Qiu, Y., and Lyles, R. (2013). "Hazard assessment of deer-vehicle collisions in Michigan," Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol. 19, pp. 900-915. (SCI)

    18.  Fan, W. and Jiang, X. (2013). “Tradable mobility permits in roadway capacity allocation: review and appraisal,” Transport Policy, Volume 30, pp. 132–142. (SSCI)

    19.  Zhang, G., Sun L., Lou, J., Xu, S., and Jiang, X. (2013). “Driver factors analysis of rear-end accidents at signalized intersections,” International Conference on Transportation Engineering, pp. 196-201. (EI)

    20.  Lou, J., Zhang, G., Sun L., Xu, S., and Jiang, X. (2013). “Evaluation of social benefits of comprehensive transport,” International Conference on Transportation Engineering, pp. 1347-1353. (EI)

    21.  Sun L., Zhang, G., Lou, J., Xu, S., and Jiang, X. (2013). “Influence of traffic signal countdown on traffic safety in China,” International Conference on Transportation Engineering, pp. 838-844. (EI)

    22.  Fan, W., Khan, M., Ma, J., and Jiang, X. (2014). “A bi-level programming model for locating park-and-ride facilities,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 140 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000178). (SCI)

    23.  Jiang, X., Lyles, R., and Guo, R. (2014). "A comprehensive review on the quasi-induced exposure technique," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 65, pp. 36-46. (SSCI)

    24.  Jiang, X., Zheng, H., Qiu, Y., and Fan, W. (2015). "Differences in crash severities between two-vehicle and three-vehicle crashes," Traffic Injury Prevention, Volume 16, pp 289-297. (SCI)

    25.  Jiang, X., Zhang, Guo., Bai, W., and Fan, W. (2016). "Safety Evaluation of Signalized Intersections with Left-Turn Waiting Area in China," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 95, Part B, pp. 461–469. (SSCI)

    26.  Fan, W. and Jiang, X. (2016). "Conceptual Development and Economic Evaluation of a Multilevel Value Pricing Scheme on Highways," Accepted to present at 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2016,1.10-14.

    27.  Fan, W., Jiang, X., and Erdogan, S. (2016). "Land-use policy for transit station areas: park-and-ride versus transit-oriented development," Accepted to present at 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2016,1.10-14.

    28.  Fan, W., Jiang, X., Erdogan, S., and Sun, Y. (2016). "Modeling and evaluating FAIR highway performance and policy options," Accepted to present at 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2016,1.10-14.

    29.  Fan, W., Jiang, X., and Erdogan, S. (2016). "Modelling HOT lane operation under multiple policy goals," Accepted to present at 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2016,1.10-14.

    30.  江欣国,夏亮。基于元胞自动机的高速公路临时瓶颈交通流的仿真研究,西南交通大学学报,2016 Vol. 51 (1): 128-137. (EI)

    31.  柏伟,江欣国,章国鹏。基于中间站最优的公交线路优化调整研究,交通运输系统工程与信息,2016, Vol. 16 (1): 155-161. (EI)

    32.  江欣国章国鹏柏伟夏亮。出行主体的相对危险暴露量研究综述,西南交通大学,2016Vol. 51 (2-3): 546-552.EI

    33.  Fan, W., Jiang, X. (2016). "Modeling and Evaluating FAIR Highway Performance and Policy Options," Transport Policy, Volume 48, pp. 156–168. (SSCI)

    34.  Chen, D, Ni, S., Xu, C., Jiang, X. (2016). "Optimizing the Draft Passenger Train Timetable Based on Node Importance in a Railway Network," Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 11:1, pp. 20-32. (DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2016.1271523). (SCI)

    35.  夏亮,郭廷龙,刘仰,江欣国。基于多值CA模型的两轮车流加速过程建模与分析,公路交通科技,2017Vol.  2

    36.  Abid, M., Khan, M., Jiang, X. (2017). "Ex-ante robustness measures for single track train timetables," Technical Gazette, Issue 5, Vol. 24 (DOI:10.17559/TV-20150623101554). (SCI)

    37.  Abid, M., Jiang, X., Khan, M. (2017). "Increasing Robustness By Reallocating The Margins In The Timetable," Accepted to present at 96th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2017,1.8-12.

    38.  Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Zhou, Y., Xia, L., He, Z. (2017). "Safety Assessment of Signalized Intersections with Through-movement Waiting Area in China," Safety Science, Volume 95, pp. 28-37. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2017.01.013) (SCI)

    39.  Sun, Y., Li, H., Fan, W., Jiang, X. (2017). "Station-Area Land Use Planning under the Integrated Framework of Public Transit and Land Use," 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, July 7–9, 2017 Shanghai, China, 3515-3523. (EI)

    40.  Fan, Y., Li, W., Jiang, X., Ma, J. (2017). "Study on characterization method of co-evolutionary regional economic and transportation system," 2017 World Transport Convention, Beijing, 2017.

    41.  Zhang, G., Zhou, Y., Bai, W., Fan, W., Jiang, X. (2018). "The Applicability of Quasi-Induced Exposure Technique on Fatal Crashes," Accepted to present at 97th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2018, 1.7-11.

    42.  江欣国,章国鹏,石小林,夏亮,贾雄文。交互危险行为对双责事故严重程度的影响分析,西南交通大学学报,2018 53: 378-384(EI)

    43.  Fan, W., Jiang X. (2018). "Conceptual Development and Economic Evaluation of a Multilevel Value Pricing Scheme on Highways," Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 70, pp. 148-160. (SSCI)

    44.  江欣国赵阳阳夏亮章国鹏姬生飞基于出行链的城际铁路站点选址双层目标模型同济大学学报 (自然科学版), 2018, 46(8), 1072-1079.  (EI)

    45.  江欣国,周悦,夏亮,付川云。出租车驾驶员交通违法行为演化博弈模型研究,西南交通大学学报,2018 , 18(3): 234-241(EI)

    46.  范英飞,章国鹏,徐梦清,马剑,江欣国。 成渝城市群经济与交通运输通道协同演化表征方法,交通运输系统工程与信息,2018 18(3): 234-241. (EI)

    47.  江欣国。关于中国道路交通安全大数据发展与应用的若干建议。中国发展,2018(1)88-89

    48.  程学庆,江欣国,王鑫,唐瑞雪。交通运输工程专业虚拟仿真实验中心硕士实践基地建设。实验室研究与探索,2018 (6):165-169

    49.  范英飞,章国鹏,江欣国,马剑。一类二阶中立随机偏微分方程的吸引集和拟不变集,数学物理学报,2018, 38A(6):1135–1143

    50.  Zhang, G., Fan, W., Meng, T., Jiang, X., Chen, C. (2018). "Microscopic Evaluation of Traffic Safety at Signal Coordinated Intersections: A Before-after Study," Traffic Injury Prevention, Volume 19, pp. 867-873. (SCI)

    51.  Zhang, G., Xia, L., Fan, W., Chen, G., Zhao, S., Jiang, X. (2018). "Vehicle Miles Traveled Estimation Based on Taxi GPS Data: A Case Study in Nanjing, China," Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportation, Communication and Applications, October 25-28, 2018 Mount Emei, China, Part 2, pp 320-327.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04585-2_39. (EI)

    52.  Fan, Y., Zhang, G., Ma, J., Lee, J., Meng, T., Zhang, N., Jiang, X. (2019). "Comprehensive Safety Assessment of Signal Coordinated Arterials on Crash Frequency," Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Volume 21, pp. 32-43. (SSCI)

    53.  Fan, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, M., Ma, J., Lee, J. (2019). "Comprehensive Safety Assessment of Signal Coordinated Arterials on Crash Frequency," Presented at the 98th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2019, 19-02527.

    54.  Meng, L., Abid, M., Jiang, X., Khattak, A. (2019). "Increasing Robustness by Reallocating the Margins in the Timetable," Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019(5):1-15. (SCI)

    55.  Zhang, G., Fan, Y., Jiang, X., Fan, W., Meng, T., Xu, M. (2019). "Assessing the Impacts of Signal Coordination on the Crash Propensities of Various Driving Cohorts," Journal of Safety Research, Volume 70, pp 79-87. (SSCI)

    56.  柏伟,江欣国,章国鹏,赵淑婷交叉口纵向交通标志设置距离研究,交通运输工程与信息学报,201917(2): 115-120, 145.

    57.  刘辉, 章国鹏, 王羿童, 江欣国无控制交叉口交通安全影响因素分析,公路交通科技,2019(09): 110-116.

    58.  Zhao, Y., Jiang, X. (2019). "Long Short-term Memory Neural Network for Short-term High-speed Rail Passenger Flow Forecasting," Presented at the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Norrköping, Sweden, 2019.

    59.  Yahaya, M., Jiang, X., Fu, C., Bashir, K., Fan, W. (2019). "Enhancing Crash Injury Severity Prediction on Imbalanced Crash Data by Sampling Technique with Variable Selection," IEEE ITSC2019, Aucland, 2019.10.28-30.

    60.  Xia, L., Jiang, X., Fan, W. (2019). "Continuum Approximation Model for Optimizing Phased Development of Scalable Transit Corridors," IEEE ITSC2019, Aucland, 2019.10.28-30.

    61.  Zhao, Y., Ren, L., Ma, Z., Jiang, X. (2020). "A Novel Three-Stage Framework for Prioritizing and Selecting Feature Variables for Short-Term Metro Passenger Flow Prediction," Accepted to present at 99th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2020,1.12-16, 20-02148.

    62.  Zhou, Y., Jiang, X., Fu, C., Liu, H., Yahaya, M., Fan, Y. (2020). "Discrepancy Analysis of Four Cohorts of Taxi Speeding Recidivist Using GPS Trajectory Data," Accepted to present at 99th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2020,1.12-16, 20-05352.

    63.  Zhang, G., Fan, Y., Li, X., Bai, W., Wei, M., Jiang, X. (2020). "Examining the Underlying Exposures of Hit-and-run and Nonhit-and-run Crashes," Accepted to present at 99th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2020,1.12-16, 20-04254.

    64.  江欣国,任翰堃,范英飞,李想,付川云。信号协调控制干线交通安全仿真分析,中国安全科学学报,202030( 3) : 143149

    65.  江欣国,刘海玥,周悦,付川云超速行为干预措施研究现状及发展趋势,中国公路学报,2020, 33(3): 1-31. (EI)

    66.  赵阳阳,夏亮,江欣国 基于经验模态分解与长短时记忆神经网络的短时地铁客流预测模型,交通运输工程学报,202020(4): 194-204.

    67.  Fan, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, M. (2020). "Safety Evaluation of Arterials under Signal Coordination Considering the Correlated Heterogeneity and Multivariate Spatial Correlation," Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3): 04020001. (SCI)

    68.  Zhang, G., Jiang, X., Fan, Y., Fan, W., Meng, T. (2020). "Examining the Factors Influencing the Injury Severity of Crashes on Arterials with Signal Coordination," Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 12:9, 1182-1203. (SSCI)

    69.  Yahaya, M., Fan, W., Fu, C., Li, X., Su, Y., Jiang, X. (2020). "A Machine-learning Method for Improving Crash Injury Severity Analysis: A Case Study of Work Zone Crashes in Cairo, Egypt," International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 27:3, 266-275. (SSCI)

    70.  Zhao, Y., Ren, L., Ma, Z., Jiang, X. (2020). "A Novel Three-Stage Framework for Prioritizing and Selecting Feature Variables for Short-Term Metro Passenger Flow Prediction," Transportation Research Record, 2674:8, pp.192-205. (SCI)

    71.  Yang, Y., Jiang, X., Fan, W., Yan, Y., Xia, L. (2020). "Schedule Coordination Design in a Trunk-feeder Transit Corridor with Spatially Heterogeneous Demand," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 96391-96403. (SCI)

    72.  Zhao. Y., Ma, Z., Yang, Y., Jiang, W., Jiang, X. (2020). "Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction with Decomposition in Urban Railway Systems," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 107876-107886. (SCI)

    73.  Fan, Y., Guo, R., Jiang, X., Xu, M., Zhang, G., Li, X., Xu, S., Liang, Q. (2020). "Exploring the spatiotemporal correlation among traffic crashes on arterials with signal coordination," Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2020.1860154. (SCI & SSCI)

    74.  Yahaya, M., Guo, R., Fan, W., Bashir, K., Fan, Y., Xu, S., Jiang, X. (2021). "Bayesian Networks for Imbalance Data to Investigate the Contributing Factors to Fatal Injury Crashes on the Ghanaian Highways," Accident analysis and prevention, Vol. 150, 105936. (SSCI)

    75.  Jiang, X., Han, M., Guo, R., Zhang, G., Fan, Y., Li, X., Bai, W., Wei, M., Liang, Q. (2021). "Examining the Underlying Exposures of Hit-and-run and Nonhit-and-run Crashes," Journal of Transport and Health, Vol. 20, 100995. (SSCI)

    76.  Yahaya, M., Guo, R., Jiang, X., Bashir, K., Matara, C., Xu, S. (2021). "Ensemble-based Model Selection for Imbalanced Data to Investigate the Contributing Factors to Multiple Fatality Road Crashes in Ghana," Accident analysis and prevention, Vol. 151, 105851. (SSCI)

    77.  Zhang, G., Jiang, X., Qiu, X., Fan, Y., Huang, C., Wei, M. (2021). "Validating the Underlying Assumption of Quasi-induced Exposure Technique Disaggregated by Crash Injury Severity," Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 76, pp. 197-204. (SSCI)

    78.  Zhang, G., Jiang, X., Yang, S., Fan, Y., Qiu, X., Yao, T., Mao, C. (2021). "Examining the Causal Effects of Distracted Driving on Crash Injury Severities," Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, DOI:10.1080/19439962.2021.1923102. (SSCI)

    79.  周悦,付川云,江欣国,毛程远,刘海玥。考虑空间效应的出租车超速行为道路因素分析。中国安全科学学报,202131(3): 00-09.

    80.  Zhou, Y., Jiang, X., Fu, C., Liu, H. (2021). "Operational factor analysis of the aggressive taxi speeders using random parameters Bayesian LASSO modeling approach," Accident analysis and prevention, Vol. 157, 106183. (SSCI)

    81.  Zhao, Y., Ma, Z., Jiang, X., Koutsopoulos, H. (2021). "Short-term Metro Ridership Prediction during Unplanned Events," Transportation Research Record, DOI: 10.1177/03611981211037553. (SCI)

    82.  Atumo, E., Fang, T., Jiang, X. (2021). “Spatial statistics and random forest approaches for traffic crash hot spot identification and prediction,” International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2021.1983844. (SSCI)

    83.  Atumo, E., Jiang, X., Fu, C. (2021). "Spatial Point Pattern Analysis of Traffic Violations in Luzhou City, China," Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, DOI:10.1080/19427867.2021.2007452. (SCI)

    84.  Zhang, G., Cai, Y., Jiang, X., Fan, Y., Zhou, Y., Qian J. (2022). “An ensemble machine learning method for crash responsibility assignment in quasi-induced exposure theory,” Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, DOI:10.1080/19439962.2022.2026543. (SSCI)

    85.  Xia, L., Li, X., Shaon, M., Wu, Y., Jiang, X. (2022). "Arterial Signal Offset Optimization using Crowdsourced Speed Data," Transportation Research Record, DOI:10.1177/03611981221109177. (SCI)

    86.  Labbo, M., Jiang, X. (2022). “Risky Driving Behavior: a Case of Nigerian Drivers,” SSRN Electronic Journal, in-press.

    87.  夏亮,江欣国,范英飞。《基于均值-方差理论的多阶段公交走廊设计》,西南交通大学学报,2022,已接收. (EI)

    88.  Yu, Q., Zhou, Y., Li, H., Jiang, X. (2022). “Reliability analysis of motorcycle crash severity outcomes: consideration of model selection uncertainty,” Traffic Injury Prevention, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2086979. (SCI)

    89.  Zhou, Y., Jiang, X., Fu, C., Liu, H., Zhang, G. (2022). “Bayesian spatial correlation, heterogeneity and spillover effect modeling for speed mean and variance on urban road networks,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 174, 106756. (SSCI)

    90.  Zhang, G., Cai, Y., Jiang, X., Yao, T., Fan, Y. (2022). “Causal Mediation Analysis of the Impacts of Distracted Driving on Crash Injury Risks”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2022.2090580. (SSCI)

    91.  Xia, L., Li, H., Fan, Y., Jiang, X. (2022). “Continuum Approximation Model for Transit Service Design with Stochastic Demand,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 2022, Article ID 1112949, DOI: 10.1155/2022/1112949. (SCI)

    92.  Atumo, E., Li, H., Jiang, X. (2022). “Segment Level Spatial Heterogeneity of Arterial Crash Frequency Using Geographically Weighted Generalized Linear Models,” Transportation Research Record, in-press. (SCI)

    93.  Yang, Y., Jiang, X., Yan, Y., Liu, T., Jiang, Y. (2022). “Joint Optimization of Bimodal Transit Networks in a Heterogeneous Environment Considering Vehicle Emissions”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 373, 133859. (SCI)

    94.  Wang, X., Jiang, X., Li, H., Zhao, X. (2023). “Traffic Safety Assessment with Integrated Communication System of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections,” Accepted to present at 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2023, 1.8-12, TRBAM-23-01070.

    95.  Zhou, Y., Jiang, X., Yu, Q., Liu, H., Fu, C. (2023). “Examining the Effect of Speeding Patterns on Speeding-related Harsh Decelerations for Commercial drivers with Survival Analysis,” Accepted to present at 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2023, 1.8-12, TRBAM-23-01387.



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