Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
1. Academic Status: Professor of translation studies, Ph. D. supervisor (translation studies), MA supervisor (translation studies).
2. Education Background: BA, English language teaching, from Chongqing Normal University; MA, translation studies, from Chongqing University; Ph.D., Chinese Taoism (Translation of Daoist scriptures in the English-speaking world), from Sichuan University.
3. Present Field of Studies: Translation studies, esp. translation and introduction of Chinese Taoist scriptures in the English-speaking world.
四川大学  宗教学  PhD graduate  Doctor of philosophy
重庆大学  Foreign Language and Literature  Graduate student (master)  Learn to recognize
重庆师范大学  英语  Undergraduate (bachelor)  Bachelor's degree
达县师范高等专科学校 外语系 讲师
西南交通大学 外国语学院 讲师——副教授——教授 在岗
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