Xie Dong Professor

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • Education Level: PhD graduate

  • Degree: Doctor of engineering

  • Business Address: 西南交通大学九里校区信息楼0142室

  • Professional Title: Professor

  • Alma Mater: 西南交通大学,四川师范大学

  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • School/Department: 物理科学与技术学院

  • MORE>
    Language: 中文


    Welcome to My Website

    Dr.Prof. Xie Dong

    Organization: School of Physical Science and Technology


    Correspondence address:School of Physical science and Technology,Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610031, P.R.of china

    E-mail:xiedong@home.swjtu.edu.cn ,   xie_dong_@163.com

    Office Tel:028-87601149

    Office Location: 0142#, Information Building of Southwest Jiaotong University

    Brief Biography

    Dong Xie reveived the B.S. degree in physics and the M.S. degree in condensed matter physics in 1997 and 2000, respectively, both from Sichuan Normal University, China. He received Ph.D. degree in material science, supervised by professor Nan Huang, from Southwest Jiaotong University, China, in 2010. Since  2000 , he has been working at southwest jiaotong university,China,In 2016, he was hired as a professor in the school of physics science and technology at southwest jiaotong university . His research interests include plasma immersion ion implantation, unbalanced magnetron sputtering, metal vacuum arc source, fabrication and characterization of biomaterials, and surface modification for mechanical engineering applications. He has 1 book and over 30 journal papers published, and is the inventor of 6 granted Chinese patents.



    (1)Film physics and film materials

    (2)Application of Plasma and Ion beam


    Educational Experience

    • 2003.3-2010.12  

      西南交通大学       材料学       PhD graduate       Doctor of engineering

    • 1997.9-2000.7  

      四川师范大学       物理学       Master graduate       Master of science

    • 1993.9-1997.7  

      四川师范大学       物理教育       Undergraduate (bachelor)       Bachelor's degree

    Work Experience

    • 2000.7-Now


    Research Group

    Name of Research Group:


    Description of Research Group:

    团队以黄楠教授为带头人,始建于90年代初,以等离子体表面改性、心血管生物材料、植入介入器械研制和高性能防腐耐磨薄膜研究为特色 ,是一个多学科交叉团队。本人在该团队下的离子束表面改性研究小组,小组主要人员包括: 冷永祥教授、谢东教授、景风娟副教授。
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