
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of engineering
  • Business Address: Room 1420,Civil Engineering Building,Jiuli campus of Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Alma Mater: Tongji University
  • School/Department: Civil Engineering college

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    Kai Wei, Professor, Ph.D./post-doctor, Supervisor for Ph.D. & Master, was born on 12/26/1980 in Linfen, Shanxi, China.

    From Sept. 2006 to Nov.2009, he studied under Profressor Shunhua Zhou, the executive director of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, and received the doctor degree of Railway Engineering in Tongji University. Then he served as a post-doctor joining in State-Key Laboratory of Traction Power in Southwest Jiaotong University to study vehicle-track coupled dynamics from Professor Zhai, who is the Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. After completing the post-doctor work, in April 2013, he was engaged in the teaching and the scientific research work in the Civil Engineering College of Southwest Jiaotong University. From August.2016 to August.2017, he was a visiting scholar in Akron University, which is ranked second in polymer science around the world.

    He is also the communication reviewer of many domestic and overseas journals, such asReliability Engineering and System Safety》(IF: 4.139)、《IEEE Access》(IF: 4.098)、《Construction and Building Materials》(IF: 4.046)、《Journal  of Sound and Vibration》(IF: 3.123)、《Engineering Structures》(IF: 3.084)、《Mechanics of Materials》(IF: 2.958)、Engineering Fracture MechanicsIF: 2.908Vehicle System Dynamics》(IF: 2.613)、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》、《International Journal of Rail Transportation》、《Transportation Research Record》、《Shock and Vibration》、《Scientia Sinica Technologica》、《 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 》《Journal of Vibration Engineering》、《Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering》、《Engineering Mechanics》《Journal of Tongji University (natural science)》、《Journal of Zhejiang University (engineering science)》《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (natural science edition).Now, he serves as the chairman of the "vibration and noise" committee of the WTC (World Transport Convention) Rail Transportation Institute.







    2006.9  to   2009.11
    Tongji University  |  Road and Railway Engineering  |  PhD graduate  |  Doctor of engineering

    2018.1  to  Now

    2013.5  to  2017.12
    Southwest Jiaotong University
    School of Civil Engineering
    Associate Professor

    2009.12  to  2013.4
    Southwest Jiaotong University
    State Key Laboratory of Traction Power
    Postdoc/Research Associate

    2006.9  to  2009.11
    Tongji University
    School of Transportation Engineering

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