Xiaomeng Wang

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of engineering
  • Business Address: 四川省成都市郫都区犀安路999号
  • Status: 在岗
  • Alma Mater: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • School/Department: College of Mechanics and Engineering

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    Dr. Xiaomeng Wang received her PhD in Engineering Mechanics from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In 2018, She pursued her career as a Recognized Researcher at the Institute of Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation (CXI), Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic. In 2021, She holds an associate professor position in Southwest Jiaotong University, China. Her research interest includes constitutive relation theories and their application in mechanical analysis of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) structures and concrete reinforced structures. Her recent researches focus on the long-term mechanical behavior and special treatment of flax fiber reinforced composite to improve its mechanical properties. This research is of great significance for solving resource and environmental problems such as unrecyclable and energy consumption caused by the massive use of artificial fibers, which has significant social and economic benefits.