Wang Hu
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of science
- Business Address:西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院地质工程系
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Alma Mater:中国地震局地质研究所
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:地球科学与工程学院
- Discipline:Geological Engineering
Contact Information
- PostalAddress:
- Paper Publications
- 古地震研究的技术和方法,冉勇康, 王虎, 张培震.固体地球科学研究方法,2013:258-275
- 中国大陆古地震研究的关键技术与案例解析(1)—走滑活动断裂的探槽地点、布设与事件识别标志,冉勇康, 王虎, 李彦宝, 陈立春.地震地质,2012,34(2):197-210
- 中国大陆古地震研究的关键技术与案例解析(2)—汶川地震地表变形特征与褶皱逆断层古地震识别,冉勇康, 陈立春, 陈文山, 王虎, 李安.地震地质,2012,34(3):385-400
- Determination of horizontal shortening and amount of reverse-faulting from trenching across the s...,王虎,冉勇康,陈立春,史翔,刘瑞春,Gomez Francisco.Tectonophysics,2010,491(1-4):10-20
- 小型拉分盆地的生长与走滑断层的位移速率——以青藏高原东南缘则木河断裂带为例,王虎,冉勇康,李彦宝.地震地质,2011,33(4):1-10
- 汶川Ms 8.0级地震地表破裂带近断层水平缩短量研究,王虎, 冉勇康, 陈立春, 陈文山, 杨志成, 徐锡伟.地学前缘,2010,17(5):43-52
- 地表破裂型逆断层地表缩短量计算方法探讨——以汶川MS 8.0地震地表变形为例,王虎,冉勇康,陈立春,史翔.地震地质,2008,30(4):1033-1045
- The Ms7.1 Yushu earthquake surface rupture and large historical earthquakes on the Garze-Yushu Fa...,陈立春, 王虎, 冉勇康,孙鑫喆,苏桂武,王继,谭锡斌,李智敏,张晓清.Chinese Science Bulletin,55(31):3504-3509
- The maximum coseismic vertical surface displacement and surface deformation pattern accompanying ...,冉勇康, 史翔, 王虎,陈立春,陈杰,刘瑞春,宫会玲.Chinese Science Bulletin,2010,55(9):841-850
- Paleoseismic evidence and repeat time of large earthquakes at three sites along the Longmenshan f...,冉勇康,陈立春,陈杰,王虎,陈桂华,尹金辉,史翔,李陈侠,徐锡伟.Tectonophysics,2010,491(1-4):141-153