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Research Projects


Affiliation of Participant(s):西南交通大学



Supported by:National natural science foundation of China

Supported by:Coal joint fund key projects

Project level:At the national level

Classification of Disciplines:Engineering

Date of Project Completion:2027-12-31

Subsidy Amount:50.0

Hongbo Wang

Lecturer (higher education)

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender:Male Education Level:PhD graduate Alma Mater:西南交通大学 Main positions:智能制造与装备系主任助理 Other Post:智慧城市与交通学院本科教学秘书 Degree:Doctor of engineering Status:在岗 School/Department:城市轨道交通学院(智慧城市与交通学院) Business Address:西南交通大学犀浦校区3号教学楼31608,智慧城市与交通学院