Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Zhilu Yang, Qiufen Tu*, M. F. Maitz, et al.Direct thrombin inhibitor- bivalirudin functionalized plasma polymerized allylamine coating for improved biocompatibility of vascular devices, Biomaterials, 32: 7959-7971, 2012. SCI/EI收录
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Zhilu Yang,Ying Yang, Wei Yan,Qiufen Tu*, Jin Wang*,and Nan Huang. Construction of Polyfunctional Coatings Assisted by Gallic Acid to Facilitate Co-Immobilization of Diverse Biomolecules, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,5 (21):10495–10501, 2013.SCI/EI收录
Next One:Qiufen Tu, Yi Zhang, Dongxia Ge, et al., Novel tissue-engineered vascular patches based on decellularized canine aortas and their recellularization in vitro, Applied surface science, 255(2): 282-285, 2008. SCI/EI收录
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