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Dr. Qiangqiang Sun is an associate professor in Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University, China.

Selected Papers:

[1] Qiangqiang Sun, Dehui Wang, Yanan Li, Jiahui Zhang, Shuji Ye, Jiaxi Cui, Longquan Chen, Zuankai Wang*, Hans-Jürgen Butt*, Vollmer Doris, Xu Deng*. Surface charge printing for programmed droplet transport. Nature Materials, 18, 936-941 (2019). (Highlighted in Nature)

[2] Dehui Wang, Qiangqiang Sun, Matti Hokkanen, Chenglin Zhang, Fan-Yen Lin, Qiang Liu, Shun-Peng Zhu, Tianfeng Zhou, Qing Chang, Bo He, Quan Zhou, Longquan Chen, Zuankai Wang, Robin HA Ras*, Xu Deng*. Designing Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Nature, 582, 55-59 (2020).

[3] Qiangqiang Sun, Shujuan Bao*. Effects of reaction temperature on microstructure and advanced pseudocapacitor properties of NiO prepared via simple precipitation method. Nano-Micro Letters, 5, 289-295 (2013).

[4] Qiangqiang Sun, Maowen Xu, Shujuan Bao*, Changming Li. pH-controllable synthesis of unique nanostructured tungsten oxide aerogel and its sensitive glucose biosensor. Nanotechnology, 26, 115602-115602 (2015).

[5] Qiangqiang Sun, Mingqiang Wang, Shujuan Bao*, Yucheng Wang, Shuang Gu. Analysis of cobalt phosphide (CoP) nanorods designed for non-enzyme glucose detection. Analyst, 141, 256-260 (2016).

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