Professor-level Senior Engineer
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Education Level:Graduate student (master)
- Degree:A master's degree
- Business Address:湖北省武汉市经济技术开发区博学路8号
- Professional Title:Professor-level Senior Engineer
- Academic Titles:教授级高级工程师
- Alma Mater:西南交通大学
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- School/Department:中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司

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- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
Qin Shunquan,born in Deyang,Sichuan province in 1963,is the academician of CAE, professor senior engineer, double hired academician and doctoral supervisor of the Southwest Jiaotong University, and he is also the national model worker, and the tenth and eleventh NPC.Qin received his M.C.E degree in Bridges and structure engineering from the Southwest Jiaotong University in 1987. He devoted himself to the design, research and construction technology work of the large bridge,and has got outstanding achievements in bridge installation and control technology,the design and construction technology of large span bridges,industrial and standardised construction technology,critical equipment research, etc.
Academician Qin's greatest found is the unstressed state control thory of bridge constructed in stages,which has successfully and widely used in the engineering construction all over the world.To adapt to different construction conditions and meet different functional requirements,he has put forward diverse new structure style and construction technology which had solved several technical problems when designed and constructed. He also advanced the industrial and standardised construction method for large-scale bridge structure, and promoted the development of precast and erect technology in integrity for the over-sea bridge and the passenger dedicated line bridge.
Qin presided over many bridges' technical work,such as Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze river rail-cum-road bridge,Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze River bridge, the Qinghai-Tibet railway of Lhasa River bridge,the East Sea bridge,the Hangzhou bay bridge,the West Bay bridge in Macao, the Haikou Century bridge and so on, and successfully completed more than 30 times significant national, provincial and ministerial research projects.
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- 茅以升科教基金会桥梁委员会 副主任委员,2000.5-Now
- 中国钢结构协会桥梁钢结构分会 副理事长,2000.10-Now
- 中国土木工程学会桥梁及结构工程分会 副理事长,2002.11-Now
- 中国铁道学会桥梁工程委员会 常务副主任,2003.5-Now
- 湖北省铁道学会 副理事长,2005.11-Now
- 中国铁道学会 理事,2008.11-Now
- 湖北省科学技术协会 副主席,2010.1-Now

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1.Name of Research Group:西南交大桥梁工程系教授委员会团队
Description of Research Group:秦顺全院士长期致力于大型桥梁的设计、科研和施工技术工作,在桥梁安装控制技术,大跨度桥梁设计、施工技术,大型桥梁结构工厂化、标准化施工技术及其关键装备研究等方面均取得突出成绩。首创了斜拉桥无应力状态控制安装计算的新理论,在斜拉桥施工控制理论上取得突破,研制的斜拉桥安装计算及施工控制系统,应用于多座大桥获得显著技术经济效果;研究提出了适应不同建桥条件、满足不同功能要求的桥梁新结构、建桥新工艺,解决了多座大型桥梁设计、施工中的技术难题;创新了大型桥梁结构工厂化、标准化施工方法,推进了跨海大桥和铁路客运专线常用跨度桥梁整体预制架设技术的发展。先后主持了武汉天兴洲公铁两用长江大桥、京沪高速铁路南京大胜关长江大桥、青藏铁路拉萨河特大桥、上海东海大桥、杭州湾跨海大桥、澳门西湾大桥、海口世纪大桥等多座大型桥梁的技术工作,完成国家、省、部级重大科研项目30余项。