Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Ph.D, Kansas State University, Industrial Engineering, 2008-2011.Ph.D, DaLian University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, 2005-2011.M.A., DaLian University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, 2003-2005.B.S.,Jilin University, Mechanical Engineering, 1999-2003.details>
Education Level:PhD graduate
Degree:Doctor of engineering
Business Address:Institution of advanced design and manufacturing in Jiuli Campus
Academic Titles:Associate professor
Alma Mater:Kansas State University
School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
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Education Experience
1999/9-2003/7 Jilin University |  Mechanical Engineering |  Bachelor of engineering |  Bachelor degree 
2003/9-2011/9 DaLian University of Technology |  Machinery Manufacturing and Automation |  Doctor of engineering |  PhD graduate 
2008/5-2011/5 Kansas State University |  Industrial Design and Engineering |  Doctor of engineering |  PhD graduate 
Work Experience
2011/10-Now 机械工程学院 | 西南交通大学  | 承担教学和科研工作,参与中外合作办学事务 
2012/3-2018/3 机械工程学院 | 西南交通大学  | 2012.03-2018.03 博士后 合作导师:周仲荣副校长