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PhD, Assistant Professor
Qiuming Pei
’s research topics cover resource geology & economic geology, specializing in ore-forming mechanisms of magmatic-hydrothermal deposits.
He also has an experience on exploration & prospection of vein-type fluorite deposits in shallow overburden areas.
Academic society
Geological Society of China, The Society of Resource Geology (Japan)
Research projects
[1] 2019-2020, Nature and genesis of the Sandaoyingzi fluorite deposit in the Southern Great Xing'an Range, Northeast China.
[1] 2017-2018, Tectonic evolution and fluorite mineralization of the Xing’an–Mongolia segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.
[2] 2015-2016, Metallogenic regularities of epithermal fluorite deposits in Eastern China.
[3] 2012-2015, Geodynamics Setting, Mineralization Process and Quantitative Evaluation of the Luanchuan Mo–W–Pb–Zn–Ag Polymetallic Deposits Concentrated Area.
[4] 2010-2016, Optimizing and evaluating the target areas of fluorite deposits in Linxi County, Inner Mongolia.
[5] 2010-2015, Comprehensive Exploration Methods for the Prediction of Concealed Fluorite Deposit in Eastern China.
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四川省矿物岩石地球化学学会 理事