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Ce Liang, Lu Meng*, Shen Duan, Dai Yao, Yuwei Jiang Let Me Show You What YourTips Can Do! Materially Referenced TipRecommendation Prompts Tipping,.Journal of Consumer Research (UTD 24 FT 50). forthcoming.
Lu Meng, Shen Duan,Yiran Zhang, Ce Liang.The Impact of Visual Perspectives in Advertisements on Near-expiry Food Consumption.Journal of Business Ethics, (SSCI, JCR-Q1, FT 50), forthcoming
Lu Meng, Qi Wu, Shen Duan, Yijie Wang, Impact of virtual influencers on different types of disease detection.Journal of Advertising, (SSCI, JCR-Q1, ABS 3), forthcoming
Lu Meng, Shen Duan , Sining Kou, Yijie Wang, Kevin Lu. You need a good conversation topic: how the human image in advertisements influences experiential purchases..Journal of Advertising, (SSCI, JCR-Q1, ABS 3), forthcoming.
Lu Meng, Chenya Ma, Ziling Zhang, Wangshuai Wang. To See Nature or Culture: How Temporal Landmarks Affect Tourism Destination Preference. Tourism Management, 2024, 105, 104974(SSCI, JCR-Q1ABS4)
Lu Meng, Tongmao Li, Double-sided messages improve the acceptance of ai chatbots.Annals of Tourism Research, 2023, 102: 103644.(SSCI, JCR-Q1 ABS4)