Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Jiangang Du, Xiaoqin Wang, Lu Meng*.The busier,the better?The effect ofa busy mindset onthe preference for self- improvement products". Psychology & Marketing(SSCI, JCR-Q1, ABS 3), forthcoming.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Wangshuai Wang, Lu Meng* Keeping Distance! How Infectious Disease Threat Lowers Consumers’ Attitu de Toward Densely Displayed Products. Psychology & Marketing , 2024, 43 (6), 981-991.(SSCI, JCR-Q1, ABS 3)
Next One:Lu Meng,Yingzhu Yao, Xiaoqin Wang. How Life-RoleTransition cue Advertising Shape Consume!Preferences for Self-lmprovement Products. Journal of Advertising Research(SSCI, JCR-Q2, ABS 3), forthcoming.
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