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Xiaozhao Lu

Assistant Engineer

Personal Information

Education Level:PhD graduate

Degree:Doctor of philosophy

Business Address:成都市二环路北一段111号

Professional Title:Assistant Engineer

Alma Mater:美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校


Discipline:Management Science and Engineering
Transportation Engineering

Honors and Titles:
2010  elected:同时荣获2010 Patricia Waller Award提名之一[美国国家科学院, 国家科学研究委员会, 运输研究董事会](提名通知显示获提名论文代表该年度与交通安全相关的几百篇国际投稿中Top1%);
2010  elected:2010最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)[美国国家科学院(National Academies), 国家科学研究委员会(National Research Council), 运输研究董事会(Transportation Research Board), Roundabout Task Force Committee]


Brief Biography:

I was born in a riverside town and grew up in a mountainside town in Sichuan of China. After my college study at the SWJTU, I worked in a basic unit for the railroad transportation department of a massive heavy-industry plant in the Chengdu city. In 1995 I was admitted to the Master of Management Science degree program in the School of Economics and Management at the SWJTU, with the concentration on Urban Systems Engineering. In 1998, I was recruited into the teaching faculty in the School of Transportation and Logistics (STL) at the SWJTU.

In 2001, I went to the United States to further my higher education in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida (UF) where I obtained the Master degree in Transportation Engineering. In 2008, I earned the Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, with Statistics minor, from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin Madison, then I worked as a Research Associate in a research lab at the university. In 2010, I was employed as a key Research Analyst in the University of Vermont (UVM) Transportation Research Center, one of ten national centers in the University Transportation Center Program of United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). In 2012, I joined as a Research Fellow the Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Research and Transformation (SMART) Program of the Transportation Research Institute in the University of Michigan (U-M). In 2014, I joined the Institute for Transportation Research & Education (ITRE) of the North Carolina State University (NCSU) as a Research Scholar. As the lead and corresponding author, I have published a series of academic papers for international peer-review journals & conferences. One innovative work I led won me a "Best Paper Award" reception, a "Patricia Waller Award" nomination and a nationwide webinar presentation granted by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in the National Research Council of National Academies of the United States. I have been a member on an editorial board and the invited reviewer for international peer-review journals: Safety Research, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Research Record, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Advanced Transportation, etc.

In November 2014, I came back to Sichuan and started to work with people for the STL again at the SWJTU.

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Research Group

Name of Research Group:UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Description of Research Group:You are very welcome for exploring possible teamwork together.
Feel free to write to me: lu_xiaozhao@yahoo.com
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