Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
160. S.Z. Xie#, C.F. Mo#, W.X. Cao, S. Xie, S. Li, Z.L. Zhang, X.H. Li*. Bacteria-propelled microtubular motors for efficient penetration and targeting delivery of thrombolytic agents. Acta Biomater., 142, 49–59 (2022).
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:161. Z.L. Zhang, H. Yan, B. Qiu, P. Ran, W.X. Cao, X.W. Jia, K. Huang, X.H. Li*. Persistent luminescence-based theranostics for real-time monitoring and simultaneously launching photodynamic therapy of bacterial infections. Small, 18, 2200813 (2022).
Next One:159. M.H. Chen#, J.J. Zhou#, P. Ran, F.M. Lei, J. Meng, J.W. Wei, X.H. Li*. Photoactivated release of nitric oxide and antimicrobial peptide derivatives for synergistic therapy of bacterial skin abscesses. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 11, 2200199 (2022).
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