Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
102. S.H. He,# T. Xia,# H. Wang, L. Wei, X.M. Luo, X.H. Li*. Multiple releases of polyplexes of plasmids VEGF and bFGF from electrospun fibrous scaffolds towards regeneration of mature blood vessels. Acta Biomater., 8: 2659–2669 (2012).
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:101. Y.W. Liu, X.H. Li,* B. Zou, J.G. Chen, Z.B. Cai, S.X. Qu, M.H. Zhu, L.M. Qian. Fretting behaviors of hot-pressed electrospun hydroxyapatite/poly(DL-lactide) fibrous composites as potential orthopaedic implants. Tribo. Int., 53: 124–133 (2012).
Next One:103. X.J. Cai, X.H. Li,* Y.W. Liu, G.N. Wu, Y.C. Zhao, F. Chen, Z.W. Gu.* Galactose decorated acid-liable nanoparticles encapsulating quantum dots for enhanced cellular uptake and subcellular localization. Pharm. Res., 29: 2167–2179 (2012).
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