Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
32. X.H. Yu, S.X. Qu, Y.R. Liu, R. Shen, X.H. Li, W. Zhao, J. Weng. Investigation on the in vitro degradation and release Behaviors of calcium phosphate containing Chinese medicine. Key Eng. Mater., 284-286:395-398 (2005)
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:33. Q. Peng, J. Weng, X.H. Li, Z.W. Gu. Manufacturing porous blocks of nano-composite of needle-Like hydroxyapatite crystallites and chitin for tissue engineering. Key Eng. Mater., 288-289:199-202 (2005)
Next One:31. Y.M. Jiang, X.H. Li, B. Feng, J. Weng. The effect of different surface modification agents on the dispersion of nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA) crystallites. Key Eng. Mater., 284-286:55-58 (2005)
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