Yanan Liu Associate Professor

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of philosophy
  • Status: 在岗
  • Alma Mater: 荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学
  • School/Department: 建筑学院
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    本人长期从事规划决策支持系统研究,致力于引入交通领域先进技术与理论,以人的交通行为为导向,探索城市规划设计的事前评估与优化的新方法。该方法的引入,填补了城市规划领域定量方法的不足,完善与提升了城市规划智慧决策支持系统的科学性。在传统的以土地和空间本位的规划设计基础上,申请人创造性地出引入交通领域的基于个体的微观行为模型,结合地理学ArcGIS空间数据与分析技术,对城市TOD(Transit-oriented development)区域建成环境与行人路径选择/交通模式选择行为交互进行仿真模拟。申请人在国际知名期刊及会议上以第一作者发表8篇。任Transportation Research Part D、Travel Behaviour and Society、Frontiers in Public Health、Frontiers in Environmental Science、Journal of Advanced Transportation期刊审稿人。

    参与多个国家级基金研究项目,包括国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目, 题目:多元复杂居住满意度视角下农村建成环境形成机理、测度方法及治理策略研究;国家社会科学基金重大项目, 题目:中国相对发达地区基本公共服务均等化与可及性的理论与实践;中华人民共和国科学技术部, 国家重点研发计划项目, 题目:港珠澳大桥智能化运维技术集成应用。

    参与荷兰设计周Dutch Design Week(欧洲三大设计展之一),展出项目名称“大型活动中游客参观路径与城市建成环境的互动关系”。相关成果发表于行人疏散动力学会议Pedestrian Evacuation and Dynamics。



    1. (一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H.P., de Vries, B., 2020. The impact of the street-scale built environment on pedestrian metro station access/egress route choice. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 87. SCI高水平期刊,影响因子5.495JCR  1区)

    2.  (一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H.P., de Vries, B., 2020. Analysis of the impact of street-scale built environment design near metro stations on pedestrian and cyclist road segment choice: A stated choice experiment. Journal of Transport Geography. 82, 102570. SCI高水平期刊,影响因子4.99JCR  1区)

    3. (一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H.P., de Vries, B, 2021. Differences in street-scale built environment preferences towards biking: a latent class analysis with stated choice data. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. (SCI期刊,影响因子1.69Q2)

    4. (一作)Liu, Y., 2021. The influence of street-scale built environment on transportation mode choice of travelers around metro stations. EDP Sciences. Vol. 283. (EI检索)

    5.  (一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H.P., de Vries, B., 2021. Simulating the effects of redesigned street-scale built environments on access/egress pedestrian flows to metro stations. Computational Urban Science. 1(5). Springer Open

    6. (一作)Liu, Y., He, J., 2019. Pedestrian Environment Optimization of Xiaobailou District of Tianjin. MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment. 6, 31-42.

    7.  (一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H.P., de Vries, B., 2019. The impacts of the micro built environment on pedestrian route choice: a stated preference experiment. 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Budapest, Hungary. 4 Sep to 6 Sep.

    8.(一作)Liu, Y., Yang, D., de Vries, B., Timmermans, H.P., 2018. Analysis of built environment influence on pedestrian route choice behavior in Dutch Design Week using GPS data.9th international conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Lund,Sweden. 21 Aug-24 Aug.