liu tao
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Business Address:西南交通大学犀浦校区综合楼814房间
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:在岗
- Alma Mater:新西兰奥克兰大学
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:交通运输与物流学院
- Discipline:Transportation Engineering
Systems Engineering
System Science

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主要从事交通运输规划与管理、一体化智慧出行服务、智慧公交与城市轨道交通、城市与区域交通可持续发展领域的研究。研究工作得到国家自然科学基金项目(面上、青基、中欧人才项目)、教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目、四川省科技计划项目、成都市科技计划项目、综合交通大数据应用技术国家工程实验室开放基金项目、新加坡国家研究基金会项目等基金项目的资助。在施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版学术著作1部,已在Transportation Research Part A/B/C/D/E、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、Transport Reviews、Transport Policy、Journal of Air Transport Management、Transportmetrica A/B、Sustainable Cities and Society、European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR)、Omega-The International Journal of Management Science、Computers & Industrial Engineering、Applied Energy、ISTTT等学术期刊与会议发表论文60余篇、书籍章节3篇、书评1篇;部分论文入选ESI 高被引论文和“领跑者5000—中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000)”。获授权发明专利5项、软件著作权5项。博士论文获新西兰奥克兰大学最佳博士论文奖;获中国公路学会科学技术奖一等奖1项、中国智能交通协会科学技术奖2项。
讲授《交通运输专业英语》、《机车车辆与列车牵引计算》、《城市轨道交通新技术》、《科技文献阅读与写作》、《公共交通信息服务系统》等本科生课程,《轨道交通运输系统规划理论与方法》、《系统科学前沿交叉》、《系统科学理论与方法》等研究生课程,以及《运输组织协同优化理论与方法》等国际留学生(博士生)课程;参与建设西南交通大学首期来华留学全英语授课精品课程《Fundamental Models for Public Transportation Systems》。先后担任交通运输类3个本科班的班导师;指导大学生科研训练计划(SRTP)项目15项。
兼任中国系统工程学会第十届交通运输系统工程专业委员会副秘书长、全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家、交通创新研究国际研讨会(TRC)青年委员会联合主席、世界交通运输大会(WTC)运输规划学部综合交通运输供需分析技术委员会委员、客运规划与联程运输技术委员会委员、低碳交通政策与技术委员会委员、国际铁路运营管理协会(IAROR)会员、中国交通运输协会物流技术装备专业委员会专家委员会专家、四川欧美同学会·四川留学人员联谊会澳新分会第一届理事会理事。担任《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》“需求响应定制公交”专题主编、期刊《International Journal of Sustainable Energy》可持续交通领域编委、期刊《交通运输工程与信息学报》公共交通领域主编、期刊《Urban, Planning and Transport Research》与《Frontiers in Future Transportation》副编辑(Associate Editor)、期刊《IET Electrical Systems in Transportation》、《J. Advanced Transportation》、《交通运输系统工程与信息》等多个学术期刊编委,以及《城市轨道交通》杂志通讯员。
近期主要出版物 (Selected Recent Publications):
国际期刊论文 (International Journal Papers):
一作或通讯作者 (First or Corresponding Author):
1. Yang, Y., Jiang, X., Yan, Y., Liu, T., and Jiang, Y. (2025). Bimodal Transit Design with Heterogeneous Demand Elasticity under Different Fare Structures. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 21(1), 200-226.
2. Wu, Y., Liu, T., and Du, B. (2024). Fleet Sizing and Static Rebalancing Strategies for Shared E-scooters: A Case Study in Indianapolis, USA. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 190: 104287.
3. Liu, T., You, H., Gkiotsalitis, K., and Cats, O. (2024). Human-Machine Collaborative Decision-Making Approach to Scheduling Customized Buses with Flexible Departure Times. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 187: 104184.
4. Wu, Y., Liu, T., Gong, L., Luo, Q., and Du, B. (2024). Mining Smart Card Data to Estimate Transfer Passenger Flow in a Metro Network. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 18(10), 1830-1846.
5. Liu, T., Ji, W., Cats, O., and Gkiotsalitis, K. (2023). Optimizing Public Transport Transfers by Integrating Timetable Coordination and Vehicle Scheduling. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 184: 109577.
6. Liu, T., Cats, O., and Gkiotsalitis, K. (2021). A Review of Public Transport Transfer Coordination at the Tactical Planning Phase. Transportation Research Part C, 133: 103450.
7. Liu, T. (2020). Continuous Approximation of Deficit Functions for Fleet Size Calculation. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(2): 04019064.
8. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2020). Battery-Electric Transit Vehicle Scheduling with Optimal Number of Stationary Chargers. Transportation Research Part C, 114, 118-139.
9. Liu, T., Ceder, A., and Rau, A. (2020). Using Deficit Function to Determine the Minimum Fleet Size of an Autonomous Modular Public Transit System. Transportation Research Record, 2674(11), 532-541.
10. Liu, T., Ceder, A., and Chowdhury, S. (2017). Integrated Public Transport Timetable Synchronization with Vehicle Scheduling. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 13(10), 932-954.
11. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2017). A Note on Transit Coordination Using Integer-Ratio Headways. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(6), 1654-1656.
12. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2017). Deficit Function Related to Public Transport: 50-Year Retrospective, New Developments, and Prospects. Transportation Research Part B, 100, 1-19.
13. Liu, T., Ceder, A., Ma, J.H., Guan, W., and Zhou, L.J. (2017). Graphical Human-Machine Interactive Approach for Integrated Bus Transit Scheduling: Lessons Gained from a Large Bus Company. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(4), 1023-1028.
14. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2016). Communication-Based Cooperative Control Strategy for Public-Transport Transfer Synchronization. Transportation Research Record, 2541, 27-37.
15. Liu, T., Ceder, A., Romain, B., and Benjamin, C. (2016). Commuting by Customized Bus: A Comparative Analysis with Private Car and Conventional Public Transport in Two Cities. Journal of Public Transportation, 19(2), 55-74.
16. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2016). Synchronization of Public Transport Timetabling with Multiple Vehicle Types. Transportation Research Record, 2539(1), 84-93.
17. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2015). Analysis of a New Public-Transport-Service Concept: Customized Bus in China. Transport Policy, 39, 63-76.
18. Liu, T., Ceder, A., Ma, J., and Guan, W. (2014). Synchronizing Public Transport Transfers by Using Intervehicle Communication Scheme: Case Study. Transportation Research Record, 2417(1), 78-91.
其他 (The Others):
19. Gkiotsalitis, K., Rizopoulos, D., Merakou, M., Iliopoulou, C., Liu, T., and Cats, O. (2025). Electric Bus Charging Station Location Selection Problem with Slow and Fast Charging. Applied Energy, 382, 125242.
20. He, Y., Zhang, W., Liu, T., Ma, J., and Sun, H. (2025). Day-to-Day Integrated Optimization of Bus Transit Maintenance and Vehicle Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 26(3), 3814-3830.
21. Zhang, W., He, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, T., and Guan, W. (2025). Integrated Crew Organization and Work Zone Scheduling for Network-Wide Daily Road Pavement Rehabilitation. European Journal of Operational Research, 320(2), 290-308.
22. Ji, W., Liu, S., Han, K., Li, Y., and Liu, T. (2024). The Share-a-Ride Problem with Mixed Ride-Hailing and Logistic Vehicles, Transportation Research Part E, 192: 103758.
23. Guo, R., Li, W., Liu, T., and Jiang, Y. (2024). Optimal Fare and Headway for a Demand Adaptive Paired-Line Hybrid Transit System in a Rectangular Area with Elastic Demand. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 12(1): 2389882.
24. Tang, C., Zhao, A., Liu, T., and Zhang, J. (2023). Electric Vehicle Type Selection for Single-Line Transit Fleet Replacement, Journal of Public Transportation, 25: 100077.
25. Gkiotsalitis, K., Cats, O., Liu, T., and Bult, J.M. (2023). An Exact Optimization Method for Coordinating the Arrival Times of Urban Rail Lines at a Common Corridor. Transportation Research Part E, 178: 103265.
26. Ji, W., Han, K., and Liu, T. (2023). Trip-based Mobile Sensor Deployment for Drive-by Sensing with Bus Fleets. Transportation Research Part C, 157: 104404.
27. Tang, C., Shi, H., and Liu, T. (2023). Optimization of Single-Line Electric Bus Scheduling with Skip-Stop Operation. Transportation Research Part D, 117: 103652.
28. Gkiotsalitis, K., Cats, O., and Liu, T. (2023). A Review of Public Transport Transfer Synchronisation at the Real-Time Control Phase. Transport Reviews, 43(1), 88-107.
29. Wei, M., Zhang, S., Liu, T., and Sun, B. (2023). The Adjusted Passenger Transportation Efficiency of Nine Airports in China with Consideration of the Impact of High-Speed Rail Network Development: A Two-Step DEA-OLS Method. Journal of Air Transport Management, 109: 102395.
30. Ji, W., Han, K., and Liu, T. (2023). A Survey of Urban Drive-by Sensing: An Optimization Perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 99: 104874.
31. He, D., Guan, W., Liu, T., and Zhang, W. (2023). Coordinated Operation of Fixed-Route and Demand-Responsive Feeder Transit Services in a Travel Corridor. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 149(2): 04022142.
32. Gkiotsalitis, K. and Liu, T. (2023). Periodic Optimization of Bus Dispatching Times and Vehicle Schedules Considering the COVID-19 Capacity Limits: A Dutch Case Study. Transportation Research Record, 2677(4), 765-777.
33. Wang, X. S., Liu, T., and Xu, M. (2023). Bus Bunching Simulation based on the Lattice Boltzmann Model of Traffic Flow. SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 99(2), 183-199.
34. Tang, L., Li, Y., Bai, D., Liu, T., and Coelho, L. C. (2022). Bi-objective Optimization for a Multi-period COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Problem. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science, 110: 102617.
35. Zhang, W., Xia, D., Liu, T., Fu, Y., and Ma, J. (2021). Optimization of Single-Line Bus Timetables Considering Time-Dependent Travel Times: A Case Study of Beijing, China. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 158: 107444.
36. Tang, C. Y., Ceder, A., Ge, Y. E., and Liu, T. (2021). Optimal Operational Strategies for Single Bus Lines Using Network-Based Method. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(5), 325-337.
37. Wei, M., Liu, T., and Sun, B. (2021). Optimal Routing Design of Feeder Transit with Stop Selection Using Aggregated Cell Phone Data and Open Source GIS Tool. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(4), 2452-2463.
38. Rau, A., Tian, L., Jain, M., Xie, M., Liu, T., and Zhou, Y. (2019). Dynamic Autonomous Road Transit (DART) for Use-Case Capacity More than Bus. Transportation Research Procedia, 41, 812-823.
中文期刊论文 (Chinese Journal Papers):
1. 刘涛, 尤海林. (2024). 基于人机协同决策的运输调度优化研究. 《交通运输系统工程与信息》, 24(2), 136-148.
2. 刘涛, 郭家新, 韩莹, 唐春艳. (2024). 氢燃料电池公交研究文献综述及展望. 《交通运输系统工程与信息》, 24(5), 1-13+23.
3. 范文博, 陈香, 刘涛. (2023). 基于模块化自动驾驶车的穿梭公交服务频率优化及时刻表设计. 《交通运输工程与信息学报》, 21(2), 160-176.
4(a). 徐猛, 刘涛, 钟绍鹏, 姜宇. (2022). 城市智慧公交研究综述与展望. 《交通运输系统工程与信息》, 22(2), 91-108.
4(b). 英文专栏英文版:Xu, M., Liu, T., Zhong, S., and Jiang, Y. (2022). Urban Smart Public Transport Studies: A Review and Prospect. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 22(2), 91-108.
5. 夏胜利, 李鹏林, 刘涛. (2019). 客运枢纽交通流线设计的研究述评---基于跨学科视角的思考. 《北京交通大学学报 (社会科学版)》, 18(3), 120-128.
书籍 (Book):
1. Wang J., Liu K., Liu T., Yamamoto T. (2025). Customized Bus: User Travel Behavior and Demand Evolution. 1st Edition, Springer Nature, 222 Pages. ISBN: 978-981-96-3487-3.
书籍评论 (Book Review):
1. Liu, T. (2015). Book ‘Public Transit Planning and Operation: Modeling, Practice and Behavior’ Review. Transport, 30(4), 448-450.
书籍章节 (Book Chapters):
1. Liu, T. and Ceder, A. (2021). Research in Public Transport Vehicle Scheduling (Chapter 18). In: Currie, G. (Ed.), Handbook of Public Transport Research, Edward Elgar Publishing, 388-408.
2. Liu, T. and Xu, M. (2018). Integrated Multilevel Measures for the Transformation to a Transit Metropolis: The Successful and Unsuccessful Practices in Beijing (Chapter 1). In: Shiftan, Y. and Kamargianni, M. (Eds.), Advances in Transport Policy and Planning, Volume 1: Preparing for the New Era of Transport Policies-Learning from Experience. Elsevier, Academic Press, 1-34.
3. Nesheli, M.M., Ceder, A., and Liu, T. (2015). A Robust, Tactic-Based, Real-Time Framework for Public-Transport Transfer Synchronization. In: M. Kuwahara, H. Kita, Y. Asakura, (Eds.), The 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT21), Transportation Research Procedia, 9, 246-268.
2024年,论文获第十一届交通运输研究国际会议(ICTTS'2024)最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)
2024年,世界交通运输大会(WTC)2024年度推荐墙报报告(Recommended Poster)
2018年,新西兰奥克兰大学最佳博士论文奖(Vice-Chancellor's Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis)
2018年,学术期刊《Case Studies on Transport Policy》审稿人杰出贡献荣誉
2017年,新西兰奥克兰大学研究生院院长嘉许名单(Dean’s List Honour)
2016年,澳大利亚道路研究委员会(ARRB Group)与Roads Australian联合颁发的交通研究奖(ARRB Group & Roads Australia Student Transport Research Prize)
Public Transport Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling: Basic Methods and Recent Developments (慕尼黑工业大学亚洲校区:线上研讨会系列 | 交通和物流系统的发展,2024年11月)
Timetabling and Scheduling of E-bus Routes 2022年课程, 2023年课程 (深圳巴士集团,公共交通国际联会学院 UITP Academy)
四川电视台新闻资讯频道1200新闻现场,聚合平台崛起 网约车行业格局新变化,2023年11月3日
封面新闻,数实融合促进区域经济发展 四川150家交通产业链企业借聚合模式增长,2023年11月3日
邮 编:611756
- 期刊《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》“需求响应定制公交”专题主编,2025.1-Now
- 学术期刊《International Journal of Sustainable Energy》可持续交通领域编委(Editorial Board Member),2023.12-Now
- 全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家,2021.4-Now
- 中国系统工程学会第十届交通运输系统工程专业委员会副秘书长,2023.3-Now
- 中国交通运输协会物流技术装备专业委员会专家委员会专家,2024.2-Now
- 国际铁路运营管理协会(IAROR)会员,2024.1-Now
- 四川欧美同学会·四川留学人员联谊会澳新分会第一届理事会理事,2022.11-Now
- 《城市轨道交通》杂志通讯员,2024.4-Now
- 期刊《交通运输系统工程与信息》编委,2023.3-Now
- 期刊《交通运输工程与信息学报》领域主编,2021.1-Now
- 期刊《交通运输工程学报》青年编委,2020.12-Now
- 交通创新研究国际研讨会(TRC)青年委员会联合主席,2020.2-Now
- 世界交通运输大会(WTC)运输规划学部客运规划与联程运输技术委员会委员,2019.9-Now
- 期刊《Urban, Planning and Transport Research》副编辑(Associate Editor),2024.1-Now
- 期刊《Frontiers in Future Transportation》副编辑(Associate Editor),2021.11-Now
- 期刊《IET Electrical Systems in Transportation》编委,2023.4-Now
- 期刊《International Journal of Hybrid Innovation Technologies》编委(Editorial Board Member),2020.12-Now
- 期刊《Journal of Advanced Transportation》学术编辑(Academic Editor),2021.11-Now

新西兰奥克兰大学 | Civil Engineering | Doctor of philosophy | PhD graduate
北京交通大学 | 系统工程 | Master of engineering | Master graduate
北京交通大学 | 交通工程 | Bachelor of engineering | Bachelor degree

交通运输与物流学院 | 西南交通大学 | 教授、博士生导师、硕士生导师、学科秘书
建设与环境工程学院 | 香港理工大学 | 从事科研工作
交通运输与物流学院 | 西南交通大学 | 副教授、硕士生导师、学科秘书
交通运输与物流学院 | 西南交通大学 | (先聘后评)副教授

1.Name of Research Group:综合交通运输与智慧出行服务科研团队
Description of Research Group:面向现代综合交通运输,围绕国家交通强国战略目标,团队专注于综合交通运输一体化、智慧出行服务、智慧公交、城市轨道交通、交能融合与绿色低碳可持续交通、新型交通运输系统规划设计与运营管理等领域的研究。欢迎保研、考研、SRTP科创的同学加入研究团队。