
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of management
  • Business Address: 成都市二环路北一段111号
  • Alma Mater: 西南交通大学
  • School/Department: 经济管理学院
  • Discipline:Computer Application Technology
    Industrial Engineering and Management
    Industrial and Commercial Management
    Management Science and Engineering

    Other Contact Information:

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    Dun Liu received his B.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Southwest Jiaotong University, China in 2005 and 2011, respectively. He was a visiting Ph.D student at University of Regina, Canada in 2009. And, he is presently a Professor in School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. He was also a postdoctor researcher in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. During 2016 to 2017, he was a research visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. His research interests include Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Rough Sets, Granular Computing, Decision Support Systems and Management Information System. Since 2005, he has published over 150 research papers high quality in refereed journals and conferences such as IEEE TFS, IEEE SMC-A, INS, IJAR, JOGO, KBS, IJCIS, IJUFKBS, FI; including 50+ SCI indexed papers, 3 ESI hot paper and 14 ESI highly cited papers. He has served as ISKE2009, RSKT2011-RSKT2015 session Chair, JRS2016 Workshop chair, JRS2017 PC Chair. He is a member of ACM and IEEE, a senior member of IRSS and a senior member of China Computer Federation. He is an Editorial Review Board of the "International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis". He serves as a reviewer of more than 20 SCI indexed international journals.

    2016.12  to   2017.11
    Carnegie Mellon University  |  Software Engineering  |  访问学者

    2012.5  to   2014.7
    清华大学  |  Management Science and Engineering  |  Postgraduate (postdoctoral)

    2005.9  to   2011.6
    西南交通大学  |  管理科学与工程  |  PhD graduate  |  Doctor of management

    2008.9  to   2009.8
    University of Regina  |  Computer Science and Technology  |  访问学者

    2001.9  to   2005.7
    西南交通大学  |  信息与电子科学类专业  |  Bachelor degree  |  Bachelor of science










    Research Group

    Name of Research Group:西南交通大学经济管理学院大数据决策与信息管理科研团队

    Name of Research Group:CMU大学ABLE研究团队

    Description of Research Group:David Garlan教授研究团队

    Name of Research Group:国际三支决策研究团队

    Description of Research Group:Yao. Y.Y.教授研究团队

    Name of Research Group:清华大学新兴电子商务研究团队

    Description of Research Group:陈国青教授研究团队

    Name of Research Group:西南交通大学智能信息处理实验室

    Description of Research Group:李天瑞教授研究团队

    Name of Research Group:四川省云计算与智能技术重点实验室

    Description of Research Group:李天瑞教授研究团队