· Paper Publications
- Nominalization and relativization in nDrapa.Minzu Yuwen, 2020. 4 [ERIH & CSSCI],2020(4) 扎坝语的名物化和关系化_黄阳.pdf
- Polygrammaticalization of the FINISH verbs in the Zhuang language.Minzu Yuwen 1: 21-32. [ERIH & CSSCI],2014 壮语方言“完毕”动词的多向语法化模式_黄阳.pdf
- Diffusions of the manner particles in Chinese dialects and Tai-Kadai languages of Guangxi: Their ....In Gang Peng & Feng Shi (eds.), Eastward Flows the Great Rivers: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday, 521-540. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press,2013 2011黄阳.郭必之.方式助词文章(定稿).pdf