Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Doctor and postdoctoral fellowAssociate professor, School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University1. Personal informationChairman of the Emergency Response Sub-committee of the CRC Operation and Safety InstituteMember of the Engineering Psychology Committee of Chinese Psychological SocietyWorld Congress on Transport (WTC), Technical Committee on Transport Psychology, Behav...details>
Education Level:PhD graduate
Degree:Doctor of engineering
Academic Titles:交通运输与物流学院 副院长
Other Post:综合运输四川省重点实验室 副主任
Alma Mater:西南交通大学
Discipline: Transportation Planning and Management
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
中国工程心理学会委员会 委员
Education Experience
2014/9-2016/6 密歇根大学 |  交通运输研究所 |  高级访问学者 |  高级访问学者 
2011/2-2014/2 中国科学院 |  心理研究所 |  博士后 |  博士后 |  交通人因工程 
1999/2-2009/2 西南交通大学 |  交通运输与物流学院 |  Doctoral candidate |  PhD graduate |  铁道运输 
Work Experience
No content
- 1.郭孜政.Contingent Negative Variation during a Modified Cueing Task in Simulated Driving
- 2.The impairing effects of mental fatigue on response inhibition: An ERP study
- 3.The Impairing Effect of Mental Fatigue on Visual Sustained Attention under Monotonous Multi-Object Visual Attention Task in Long Durations: An Event-Related Potential Based Study
- 4.Detection of Driver Vigilance Level Using EEG Signals and Driving Contexts
- 5.基于脑电信号的动车司机对突发事件反应时间的预测方法研究
- 6.基于EEG的驾驶持续性注意水平PSO-SVM识别模型