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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:X10708 Office, School of Electrical Engineering, Xipu Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:Southwest Jiaotong University
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Electrical Engineering

- Email:
- Student Information
- Employment Status:北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司
- Major:In electrical engineering
- Research Focus:同相供电装置可靠性
- Personal Profile:学生信息:宋雅琳,硕2015级,研究生主要方向为同相供电装置可靠性,目前工作于北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司。 联系方式 研究生收获:首先,非常感谢陈老师三年来的栽培,使我研究生阶段收获颇丰,从学业、科研工作,到个人素质,都得到了充分的培养和锻炼。相信这些经历和积累都将成为我人生道路上的宝贵财富。在今后的工作和学习中,本人将继续持续并发扬严谨治学的作风,兢兢业业,争取取得更大的成绩! 个人寄语:以梦为马,不负韶华。
- Education Level:Graduate student (master)
- Degree:A master's level 15
- Current Status:Southwest jiaotong university
- Graduation Thesis Title:同相供电装置可靠性评估及改善措施研究
- Date of Registration:2015-09-01
- Date of Graduation:2018-07-31