Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Dongfang Zeng*, Xu Zhang, Jun Li, Xi Chen, Yihui Dong. Evaluation of polygonization resistance of two wheel steels from full-scale railway wheels and small test discs. Wear. 2025;532-563:205640. (SCI,A类,一区,IF: 5,Top期刊)
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Dongfang Zeng*, Yuzhou Meng, Xu Zhang, Lang Zou, Liantao Lu. Fretting fatigue analysis and residual strength evaluation of railway axles containing defects of natural crack and micro-sinking. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2025; 313:110678. (SCI, A类,二区,Top期刊)
Next One:Xiong Chen, Jing Wang, Lianto Lu, Lang Zou, Tian Xu, Yihui Dong, Hai Zhao, Dongfang Zeng*, Effect of interference magnitude on fretting wear and fatigue strength of scaled press-fitted railway axles, Wear, 546 (2024) 205347. (SCI,A类,一区,IF: 5,Top期刊)
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