Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Zeng D*, Qiao S, Chen X, Gong Y, Jiang B, Zhao H, et al. Rolling contact fatigue and wear behavior of a vanadium microalloyed railway wheel steel under dry rolling/sliding condition. International Journal of Fatigue. 2024;182:108207. (SCI,A类,一区,IF:6,Top期刊)
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Xiong Chen, Jing Wang, Lianto Lu, Lang Zou, Tian Xu, Yihui Dong, Hai Zhao, Dongfang Zeng*, Effect of interference magnitude on fretting wear and fatigue strength of scaled press-fitted railway axles, Wear, 546 (2024) 205347. (SCI,A类,一区,IF: 5,Top期刊)
Next One:Dong Y, Zeng D(通讯), Wu P, Lu L, Zou L, Xu. Numerical prediction of fretting fatigue crack growth in scaled railway axles considering fretting wear evolution. International Journal of Fatigue. 2024; 181: 108150. (已录用, SCI, A类,一区,IF:6,Top期刊)
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