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I received my BS in mechanical engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China, and the PhD in mechanical engineering from the Sichuan University (SCU), China. From 2018 to 2019, I was a Visiting Scholar with the Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique (LVA), University of Lyon, France.  Since 2020, I was teaching and doing research in mechanical measurements and signal processing at School of Mechanical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), where I am currently an associate professor. 

My expertise is nonlinear dynamics, vibration analysis and machine learning-based data mining for mechanical transmission systems, topics on which I’ve published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers. I was awarded the Sichuan Province Innovative Talent Funding Project for Postdoctoral Fellows in 2022, the Youth Talent Project of Sichuan Provincial High-Level Talent Plan in 2023, and three general projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2021 & Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province in 2022 & China Postdoctoral Science Foundation in 2023.