[50]Tianyong Gong, Guangtong Ma*, Ruichen Wang, Songlin Li, Chunxing Yao, and Ling Xiao, “3-D FEM Modeling of the Superconducting EDS Train with Cross-Connected Figure-Eight-Shaped Suspension Coils,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.31, no.3, Apr. 2021, Art. no. 3600213. (SCI Index: 000617364200001; EI Index: 20210409805235)
[51]Yao Zhai, Pengbo Zhou, Jing Li, Chenzhen Sun, Yuxiao Li, Ling Xiao, Yuke Deng, Guangtong Ma*, “Performance Investigation of Contactless Self-Regulating HTS Flux Pump,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.31, no.5, Aug. 2021, Art. no. 4603105. (SCI Index: 000649705100001; EI Index: 20211710259539)
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